KISTI Daejeon, 23rd September 2015


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Presentation transcript:

KISTI Daejeon, 23rd September 2015 LHCONE in Asia Alice Forum KISTI Daejeon, 23rd September 2015 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland

Activities and status

ALICE Tier1/2 workshop Tsukuba March 2014 in Tsukuba, Japan Hosted by University of Tsukuba

Workshop at APAN 38th Nantou August 2014 in Nantou, Taiwan Hosted by ASGC

Asia Tier Center network forum September 2015 in Daejeon, South Korea Hosted by KISTI

Asian LHCONE concept from APAN 38th

Currently connected Asian countries Japan Taiwan ASGC India => WLCG traffic among these countries worse than ever

Challenges for the Asian LHCONE

LHCONE L3VPN architecture - TierX sites connected to National-VRFs or Continental-VRFs - National-VRFs interconnected via Continental-VRFs - Continental-VRFs interconnected by trans-continental/trans-oceanic links Acronyms: VRF = Virtual Routing Forwarding (virtual routing instance) TierXs TierXs TierXs TierXs TierXs National VRFs National VRFs National VRFs National VRFs Continental VRFs Continental VRFs Continental VRFs Continental VRFs LHCONE

Challenge: low delay (RTT) Traffic between Asian countries must be routed within Asia (avoid transit to another continent or around the world) Solutions: country networks get connected through - one Asian continental VRF, or - several well interconnected Asian VRFs

European example (one VRF) All the national VRFs are interconnected by the Geant VRF: European traffic stays in Europe

North America example (multiple VRFs) North American Sites connect to Canarie or Esnet or Internet2. Canarie, ESnet and Internet2 peer in multiple locations to guarantee optimal delay

Challenge: full connectivity Guarantee reachability to all LHCONE sites Solutions: - continental VRFs full mesh peerings - transit through another continental VRF (not the case today, subject of the next LHCONE meeting)

Problem example X KISTI CNAF BNL Korea Italy Continental VRFs TEIN Geant ESnet If Geant doesn't give transit, KISTI and BNL cannot talk

Solution 1: full mesh TEIN peers with Geant AND ESnet KISTI CNAF BNL Korea Italy Continental VRFs TEIN Geant ESnet TEIN peers with Geant AND ESnet

Solution 2: transit VRF KISTI CNAF BNL Korea Italy Continental VRFs TEIN Geant ESnet Geant gives transit to TEIN and Esnet => BNL and KISTI can talk

Challenge: use of transcontinental links Several countries have already transcontinental links for WLCG (India, Japan, Korea, Taiwan..). How to use all of them? Solution: - national VRFs interconnected by continental VRFs with mutual transit

Solution example BNL ASGC Hiroshima Kisti CNAF Taiwan Japan Korea Italy ESnet Internet2 TEIN Geant

Asian traffic stays in Asia BNL ASGC Hiroshima Kisti CNAF Taiwan Japan Korea Italy ESnet Internet2 TEIN Geant

Mutual transit can save costs BNL ASGC Hiroshima Kisti CNAF Taiwan Japan Korea Italy ESnet Internet2 TEIN Geant

Next steps

Actions (proposal) - Agree on the architecture - Agree on the policies (transit) - Agree on shared resources - Define national and continental VRFs - Interconnect - Enjoy

Next LHCONE meetings 28-29 October 2015, Amsterdam NL 13-18 March 2016, Taipei TW (exact days to be defined)

Questions? Comments?