Entering Student Surveys (Undergraduate & Graduate) Fall 2017 Undergraduate&Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2016 Entering Student Surveys (Undergraduate & Graduate) Fall 2017 Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Undergraduate&Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2016 Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 NJIT’s rating in how the following factors influenced your decision to attend NJIT: Entering students rated NJIT Influential/Very influential in Availability of programs of interest to you (86.64%) Career opportunities (86.28%) Tuition (81.23%) Financial Aid (76.28%) (see appendix 1 for full data) Response Rate: 27.4% Rating Scale: Not at all influential 2-Somewhat influential 3-Neutral 4-Influential 5-Very influential
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 NJIT’s rating in comparison to other colleges on the following aspects: : Entering students rated NJIT better/much better in Total institutional price before financial aid (69.86%) Financial aid offered (67.30%) Technology (Wi-Fi, computers, etc.) (56.87%) Admissions Process (49.04%) (see appendix 2 for full data) Rating Scale: 1-Much worse 2-Worse 3-About the same 3-Better 4-Much better
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Parents graduated college 2017 VS. 2016: Most of the students’ parents graduated from college (66.18%)
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.11 Who most influenced your decision to attend? Parents (52.69%) Guidance Counselor (11.54%) Alumnus of NJIT (8.46%) (see appendix 3 for full data)
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.13 Which of the following most influenced your decision to attend? Cost/financial aid/scholarship (not honors) (39.93%) Honors College/Honors Scholarship (25.90%) Campus visit/information session (21.58%) (see appendix 4 for full data) Very Important/Important (98.61%) (Honors students only) ( see appendix 5 for full data) Q.14.Compared to other factors, how important was the Honor's Scholarship (not other scholarships) in your decision to attend NJIT?
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.3 Was NJIT your first choice? What was your first choice? 10.98% Rutgers University 7.32% Stevens Institute of Technology
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Employment: Q.15.Do you plan to work while attending school? Plan to work on campus: 42.29% Plan to work off campus: 25.09% Do not plan to work: 32.62% Q.16. How many hours do you plan to work? 1-9 hours: 22.03% 10-19 hours: 47.46% 20-29 hours: 24.29% 30-39 hours: 2.82% 40 or more: 3.39%
Undergraduate&Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2016 NJIT’s rating in how the following factors influenced your decision to attend NJIT: Entering students rated NJIT Influential/Very influential in Availability of programs of interest to you (85.27%) Career opportunities (70.88%) Academic reputation (67.57%) Faculty (59.54%) Access to a Major City (58.69%) Research Opportunity (53.10%) (see appendix 6 for full data) Response Rate: 31.9%% Rating Scale: Not at all influential 2-Somewhat influential 3-Neutral 4-Influential 5-Very influential
Undergraduate&Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2016 NJIT’s Rating in comparison to other colleges: Entering students rated NJIT better/much better Contact with faculty (57.21%) Admissions process (57.15%) Contact with admissions (55.12%) Academic Reputation (54.58%) Technology (Wi-Fi, computer, etc.) (53.59%) (see appendix 7 for full data) Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better
Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2013 Q. 5 Mark the circle that best represents how the following contributed to your knowledge of NJIT. Using this scale: (1=Not at all <<<-------->>> 5=A Great Deal) NJIT website (NJIT.edu) (68.73%) College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, unigo.com, usnews.com/rankings, princetonreview.com, etc.) (37.11%) College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) (32.28%) NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) (28.68%) (see appendix 8 for full data) Rating Scale: 1-Not at all 2-Very little 3-Somewhat 4-Quite a bit 5-A Great Deal
Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.3 Was NJIT your first choice? What was your first choice? 12.07% Rutgers University 8.62% New York University 5.12% Stevens Institute of Technology
Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.16 Highest Degree you intend to attain? (see appendix 9 for full data)
Influential/Very influential Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Appendix 1 Q. 1 Please rate how the following factors influenced your decision to attend NJIT: Influential/Very influential # % Academic reputation 216 78.26% Faculty 61 22.18% Availability of majors/programs of interest to you 240 86.64% Digital/online learning 27 9.89% Diversity of student population 102 37.22% Tuition 225 81.23% Financial aid 209 76.28% Research opportunities 171 61.96% Co-op/Internship program 203 73.02% Career opportunities 239 86.28% Access to a major city 110 39.86% Study Abroad 76 27.74% Sports 45 16.25% Greek Life 17 6.14% Honors College 127 46.01%
Appendix 2 Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q. 2 Please rate how NJIT compares to other colleges on the following aspects -------(IF NOT APPLICABLE, PLEASE SKIP): Better/Much Better # % Quality of student life 59 27.83% Quality of academic facilities (library, laboratory, etc.) 102 48.12% Technology (Wi-Fi, computers, etc.) 120 56.87% Surroundings (neighborhood) 14 6.64% Attractiveness of campus 64 29.91% Campus safety 97 46.19% Parking 38 19.19% Quality of on-campus housing 70 37.43% College publications (catalogs, brochures etc.) 37 19.07% College website 60 29.13% Total institutional price before financial aid 146 69.86% Financial aid offered 140 67.30% Admissions process 49.04% Contact with admissions 79 39.90% Contact with faculty 71 36.22% Contact with current students 94 47.47% College visit/tour experience 90 43.90% Interaction with NJIT representative(s) at a college fair 61 32.45% *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better
Appendix 3 Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.11 . Who most influenced your decision to attend? # % Alumnus of NJIT 22 8.46% Coach 5 1.92% Current NJIT student 17 6.54% Friend 21 8.08% Guidance counselor 30 11.54% High school teacher 13 5% Parent 137 52.69% Relative (not parent) Your employer 2 0.77%
Appendix 4 Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.13 .Which of the following most influenced your decision to attend? # % Contact with NJIT Admissions Office 1 0.36% Campus visit/information session 60 21.58% Personal/email contact from academic department 2 0.72% Printed NJIT publications (catalogs, brochures etc.) 4 1.44% NJIT website (NJIT.edu) 10 3.6% NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) 0% College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) 3 1.08% College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, unigo.com, usnews.com/rankings, princetonreview.com, etc.) 15 5.4% Cost/financial aid/scholarship (not honors) 111 39.93% Honors College / Honors Scholarship 72 25.9%
Appendix 5 Undergraduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.14 .Compared to other factors, how important was the Honor’s Scholarship (not other scholarships) in your decision to attend NJIT? # % Not at all Important 0% Not Very Important Somewhat Important 1 1.39% Important 11 15.28% Very Important 60 83.33%
Influential/Very influential Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Appendix 6 Q. 1 Please rate how the following factors influenced your decision to attend NJIT: Influential/Very influential # % Academic Reputation 175 67.57% Faculty 153 59.54% Availability of programs of interest to you 220 85.27% Digital/Online learning 120 46.70% Diversity of student population 93 36.19% Tuition 124 48.06% Financial Aid 106 40.93% Research Opportunities 137 53.10% Career Opportunities 185 70.88% Access to a Major City 152 58.69% Surroundings (neighborhood) 92 35.52% Contact with Admissions Office 116 44.62% Campus Visit/Information Session 104 40.31% NJIT Website 127 49.42% NJIT Social Media 84 32.43% Friend/Relative 40.00% Academic Advisor 47.69% NJIT Alumni/Current Student(s) 112 43.58% NJIT Recruiter 75 29.19% Your Employer 77 30.44% *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better
Appendix 7 Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q. 2 Please rate how NJIT compares to other colleges on the following aspects -------(IF NOT APPLICABLE, PLEASE SKIP): Better/Much better # % Academic Reputation 119 54.58% Faculty 111 53.11% Quality of student life 87 40.66% Quality of academic facilities (library, laboratory, etc.) 102 48.57% Technology (Wi-Fi, computer, etc.) 112 53.59% Surroundings (neighborhood) 56 27.18% Attractiveness of campus 77 37.75% Campus safety 90 43.69% Parking 69 35.75% College publications (brochures, postcards, etc.) 36.31% College website 43.27% College social media 38.12% Total institutional price before financial aid Financial aid offered 88 44.67% Research Opportunities 105 53.58% Admissions process 120 57.15% Contact with admissions 113 55.12% Contact with faculty 57.21% Contact with alumni/current students 81 40.91% College visit experience/Information session 84 42.86% *Rating Scale: 1=Much Worse, 2=Worse, 3=About the same, 4=Better, 5=Much Better
Quite a bit/A Great Deal Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Appendix 8 Q. 5 Mark the circle that best represents how the following contributed to your knowledge of NJIT. Using this scale: (1=Not at all <<<-------->>> 5=A Great Deal) Quite a bit/A Great Deal # % NJIT website (NJIT.edu) 178 68.73% NJIT's social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) 74 28.68% College guide books (e.g. Princeton Review, U.S. News and World Report, Peterson's, etc.) 82 32.28% College guide websites (e.g. collegeprowler.com, unigo.com, usnews.com/rankings, princetonreview.com, etc.) 95 37.11%
Appendix 9 Graduate – Entering Students Survey Fall 2017 Q.16 Highest degree you intend to attain? Total % Master’s Degree 187 71.92% Doctorate 71 27.31% Other professional degree (medicine, law, etc) 2 0.77% TOTAL 260 100%