Chapter 1 A Brief History: The Evolution of Law and Our Criminal Justice System 1-
Introduction The heritage of law enforcement is a source of pride Law is a body of rules for human conduct enforced by imposing penalties for their violation Laws are made and passed by the legislative branches Laws are based on customs, traditions, mores and current need 1-
Primitive and Ancient Law CUSTOMS AND SOCIAL ORDER Egypt China and east Asia Greece Rome Learning Objective: When and why law enforcement began? 1-
English Law and Law Enforcement MILESTONES The Anglo-Saxons and the tithing system The Norman Frankpledge system The twelfth century The Magna Carta The next 500 years Cont. Learning Objective: The significance of the tithing system, the Frankpledge system, Leges Henrici, the Magna Carta, the parish constable system, and the Watch and Ward system? Learning Objective: The origins of features of our criminal justice system, such as general alarms and citizen’s arrests. The offices of constable, sheriff, and justice of the peace? 1-
Early Law Enforcement in the United States HISTORY The first U.S. police forces Police investigators and detectives Slave patrols Evolution of city police The vigilante movement Learning Objective: What systems of law enforcement were brought from England to colonial New England and the South? Learning Objective: When and where the first modern American police force began and what it was modeled after? Learning Objective: What the vigilante movement was and why it occurred? 1-
Establishment of Federal Agencies MEETING DEMANDS The Department of Justice The Department of the Treasury Other federal law enforcement agencies U.S. Postal Inspectors Coast Guard Military police Learning Objective: When and how federal and state law enforcement agencies originated in the United States? Learning Objective: Who the chief law enforcement officer at the federal level is? 1-
Establishment of Federal Agencies CURRENT ORGANIZATION 1-
Establishment of State Agencies STATE COUNTERPARTS State bureaus of investigation and apprehension State fire marshal divisions Departments of natural resources Driver and vehicle services divisions Departments of human rights Learning Objective: What the first modern state police agency was and when it was established? Learning Objective: What the five levels of law enforcement are. What additional form of law enforcement operates in the United States? 1-
Development of County Agencies MAIN COUNTY AGENCIES The county sheriff Usually elected State law establishes powers and duties The county police The coroner or medical examiner 1-
Development of Local Agencies POWERS AND OPERATIONS Township and special district police The constable The marshal Municipal police 1-
Tribal Law Enforcement INDIAN COUNTRY More than 200 police departments Overseen by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Nearly all such agencies respond to calls for service Many operate one or more jails Some have a mounted patrol unit Lighthorsemen 1-
Overlap OVERLAPPING JURISDICTIONS Considerable duplication Potential competition Need for education Professionalism Evolution of policing 1-
The Traditional Three Eras of Policing EVOLUTION The Political Era (1840–1930) The Reform or Professional Era (1930–1980) The Community Era (1980–Present) An emerging fourth era of policing Paradigm shift Learning Objective: What three eras of policing traditionally have been identified. The main characteristics of each? Learning Objective: What effect the spoils system had in the 1900s? Learning Objective: What the Pendleton Act accomplished? Learning Objective: What the Equal Employment Opportunity Act prohibits? Learning Objective: What fourth era of policing is emerging. The impetus behind it? 1-
Summary Many features of our present system of law enforcement are borrowed from the Greeks, Romans, and particularly the English The Magna Carta was a significant development Sir Robert (Bobbie) Peel’s proposals resulted in the organization of the first police force in England Early American settlers brought with them several features of English law and law enforcement 1-