St. John’s Church of England Primary School Newsletter - Learning and Caring Together - Issue 6 Friday 13th October Wow! We can’t believe we have made it to the last week of half term already! It is been such a busy term that the time has just flown by! A reminder that we finish at the usual time of 3:05 for the infants and 3:10 for the Juniors. FAST club runs on the last day of a half term. Special assemblies! Next week sees two very special assemblies which we hope parents and carers are able to join us for. At 9:15 am on Thursday, Year 6 and Reception parents are invited to the annual Buddy assembly where Year 6 officially introduce their new Reception buddy. This is an assembly not to be missed! On Friday we are holding our first celebration assembly of the year. Letters were sent this week to the parents of all children being celebrated and we hope you are able to join us to hear the teachers say some wonderful words about the superstars who have been quick to impress this year. Play and Learn The first Play and Learn session for pre-school children took place this week. It was a great success and I know those who came are already looking forward to next week. Please pass the word about this fantastic opportunity to sample some of what St. John’s has to offer! Details can be found on the website or by ringing the office. Bike It Year 2 and Year 4 will be taking part in Bike It sessions on Monday. Separate letters were sent home about this event so please see class teachers if you are unsure of what is happening. Coats A reminder that as weather turns, children need to bring coats to school. We do ask children to wear their coats at playtime and lunchtime and if they don’t haver them when the weather is poor then they may not be able to join in fully at playtime or lunchtime. As ever, please ensure all coats are named! E-safety Stay Safe! It is crucial that you keep your passwords secure to help you stay safe online. Don’t share your password with anybody else and if using more than one device make sure that you don’t choose the ‘remember me’ box. There are many different security settings for various apps so for more information visit If you have any queries or concerns about online safety please don’t hesitate to contact us. Football Not our finest hour this week in the EFC tournament at Stanley. The pitch was in quite a waterlogged state and whilst conditions were the same for both sides, luck definitely wasn’t on our side with at least a couple of the goals against coming through deflections. Narrow defeats to Norwood and St. Patrick’s was followed by a heavy defeat to OLOL at the end. A disappointing night but still a fair few positives as our inexperienced side continues to gel. Player of the tournament was Owen. Next week we say good luck to footballers from Years 4 and 5 who will be attending another tournament at Stanley – this time with Mr. Deacon – and the girls team who have their first league match ever against OLOL at Stanley on Wednesday night. Words of the week It’s time to bring back an old favourite where we let you know which word each class has chosen as their word of the week! They choose, define and explore uses of each word in their work during the week. The challenge for parents is to see how many they can define… Reception – map Year 1 - aromatic Year 2 – vast Year 3 – enchanted Year 4 – sardonyx Year 5 – stifling Year 6 - meandered
St. John’s Superstars! Achievement Award Year Group Behaviour Star Award Luca Clark Reception Luis Lawson Ella-Rose Nicholson Year 1 Priya Schiopu Leah Banks Year 2 Joshua Emsley Luke Meadows Year 3 Lilly-Mae Shirley Elesha Nolan-Ball Year 4 Alice Culshaw Lily Mahoney Year 5 Jade Shaw Mia Wright Year 6 Harvey Machell IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 18th September – RESPECT Day 29th September – Harvest Service in Church at 9:30 am. Families are welcome to join us. 3rd October – Year 5 to Rose Lodge 4th October – Year 6 to Stanley for a curriculum taster day 16th October – Bike It for Year 2 and 4 18th October – Competition Day with PDS 19th October – Buddy Assembly at 9:15 am 20th October – Celebration Assembly 20th October – End of term at 3:05 / 3:10 pm 23rd – 27th October – Half term 30th October – Return to school 10th November – Year 6 leading the Remembrance Service at 10:40 am 13th and 14th November – Parent Teacher Meetings 16th and 23rd November – Year 5 Bikeability Days 20th December – PFA Christmas Discos 21st December – End of term Christmas Service in Church starting at 9:30 am 21st December – School closes at 1:45 pm. ATTENDANCE Good attendance is vital when ensuring your child is able to fulfil their potential at school. Our school attendance target is 96% and we celebrate the best class each week by giving them some extra playtime! Since Easter, the attendance for each class is: Reception –85.5% Year 1 – 96.7% Year 2 – 95.3% Year 3 – 89.6% Year 4 – 98.8% Year 5 – 98% Year 6 – 97.1% Useful contact details School Office – 01704 227441 FAST club – 07543960290 Website – Prayer for the week Dear God, Lord Jesus, help us to show respect for each other in the way we behave today. Help us to remember to put other people first and to think about their feelings, both in our classrooms and in our playground. Amen