2018 – 2020 Budget| Presented by: Terry Ostrom Public Works 2018 – 2020 Budget| Presented by: Terry Ostrom
Public Works Staff Terry Ostrom Supervisor Ron Chapman Darren Gillies Assistant Supervisor PW Perry Ruaben Foreman III Ron Spillman Foreman II Lead Hand Positions Ron Chapman Assistant Supervisor Fleet 8 September 2018
Department Roles & Responsibilities PW has approximately 50 staff in the summer months and 25 in the winter months I refer you to the Staff Photo Directory and Org Chart to see a complete list of PW staff. Terry Ostrom – Supervisor Darren Gillies – Assistant Supervisor PW Ron Chapman – Assistant Supervisor Fleet Perry Ruaben – Foreman III Road Recon and drainage Ron Spillman- Foreman II Gravelling PW is responsible for 2000 km of roadway in the county as well as 8 Hamlets and all designated infrastructure and related services. 8 September 2018
Mission To provide the citizens of the Lethbridge County the safest, most economical road network system possible, through new road construction, applications of aggregate material, improved drainage, frequency of grading, frequency of gravelling and bridge maintenance or replacement. Provide leadership and operational excellence. Recognize that County employees are the foundation upon which these services are provided. PW Fleet Services will provide a superior fleet and the best mechanical services to assist in making a positive and measurable difference in the skills, ability and productivity of the internal customers we serve. May require more than one slide 8 September 2018
OBJECTIVE: To provide sustainable, safe, well – maintained roads throughout the County. Goal: To minimize the impact of high road usage on current infrastructure. 1. Continue to investigate and experiment in the use of gravel/base stabilization products to ensure roads are structurally sound to handle high load traffic. 2. Continue protecting infrastructure by maintaining hauls roads, over – weight permitting, permits for non-haul roads and Road Use Agreements. 3. Ensure our maintenance standards are being followed so our roads are in the best possible condition to lessen the impact of traffic. 8 September 2018
Core Services Gravel Road Maintenance Base Stabilization ACP/Cold Mix Road Maintenance, Dust Control Drainage Signs, Bridges and ROW Cleanup General Work Fleet Maintenance (lifecycle management, CVIP etc. ) Special Projects Safety 8 September 2018
Gravel Road Maintenance Grading 8 September 2018
Road Reconditioning & Drainage Shoulder Pulls and Drainage 8 September 2018
Base Stabilization Millrazor and Calcium Chloride 8 September 2018
ACP Cold mix road Maintenance Patching and Dust Control 8 September 2018
More Work 8 September 2018
General Work & Projects 8 September 2018
PW Fleet Keeping it Rolling Manage the repair of our fleet assets Manage the procurement of parts and supplies for both Fleet and our customers Manage the procurement of new fleet assets Manage the disposal of replaced or expired fleet assets 8 September 2018
PW Fleet Keeping it Rolling Manage our fuel asset Manage the life cycle of our fleet assets Manage the costing for the replacement our fleet assets Locate and arrange for rental equipment as required for departmental needs 8 September 2018
PW Fleet Keep it Rolling 8 September 2018
Successes We have had some wins in the last year: Nolan Hill Asphalt and Drainage Repair Oscar Walter Road and Livestock Crossing Project Dust Controlled a large part of the County by June 30th Transitioned to 2 Assistant Supervisors mid season Implemented a seasonal Lead Hand program that helped fill the gaps Reduced the gravel requirement through Base Stabilization and Grading efficiencies Reduced Divisional Grader beats from 9 to 8 Ron, Ian and Colton kept the wheels on everything and fuel in our tanks! Thanks guys 8 September 2018
Challenges/Opportunities Dry windy conditions and no moisture created challenges for operations Felt the effects in Base Stabilization , Dust Control and Road Reconditioning Assistant Supervisor moved and Darren and Ron stepped up to take on the challenge of Supervising. We had 3 retirements in 2017 and we are looking at a couple more retirements in 2018 We tried 2 dust control crews, one on each side of the river and concluded it would be more beneficial to run one larger crew. We will be moving forward with increased cross training for field staff and succession planning We continue to make changes to our operation and over the next year we hope to realize more efficiencies. May require more than one slide 8 September 2018
Questions 8 September 2018