Asia Year 5 – Spring Term 2017 PSHCE English Cross Curricular:


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Presentation transcript:

Asia Year 5 – Spring Term 2017 PSHCE English Cross Curricular: Report on Recycling Debate about Deforestation RE – Easter To use Bible passages as a source to discover the answer to ‘Who is Jesus?’ To consider the different ideas about who Jesus is, looking at the views of his disciples and others RE – The Eucharist To understand why Christians celebrate the Eucharist To compare the ways that the Eucharist is celebrated in different denominations RE – The Passover To know the main details of the Jewish festival To consider the symbolism Science - Classification of Animals To identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways linked to the rainforest layers To classify animals into broad groups according to common observable characteristics, based on similarities & differences including micro-organisms, plants and animals Science – Life Cycles To name the parts of a flowering plant and describe the life processes including the reproduction process of flowering plants To plan a scientific enquiry to try to prove what is needed for healthy plant to grow To identify how to make this a fair test Maths Cross Curricular: Measuring work linked to travelling in Asia Computing: We are market researchers To analyse data collected through surveys Music: To develop  performing and composing skills with a focus on musical textures Asia DT – Hinges / Links To create a ‘guess who’ inspired game using their knowledge of animals To use their knowledge of hinges in making their game To consider the views of others through market research To evaluate the appearance and function of their product compared to their original criteria French: To learn to recognise features of a typical French town including shops and produce. To be able to ask for and give directions in French. PSHCE To begin to recognise that we have a choice in how we behave towards others; being someone whom others can turn to, knowing that that person will not let them down To recognise and celebrate my own achievements To set own goals / challenges To persevere in finding ways around a problem Geography - Asia To locate the main countries of Asia on a world map / atlas To collect and include information about the main physical / human features of an Asian country To explain what a place might be like due to human impact and to discuss how this might impact on wildlife Physical Education Netball & Rugby To learn to gain possession when working as a team. To learn to pass in different ways REAL PE