E. Wang, J. J. Xie, E. Oset Zhengzhou University


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Presentation transcript:

E. Wang, J. J. Xie, E. Oset Zhengzhou University Search an I(JP)=1(1/2-), S=-1 state aroundKN threshold in Χc0(1P)->Σ Σπ E. Wang, J. J. Xie, E. Oset [PLB753(2016)526] Zhengzhou University APFB2017, Guilin

Exotic states Quark model, meson and baryon Exotic states Tetraquark state, pentaquark state, hadronic molecule, hybrid, glueball, dibaryon. exotic quantum number, 0--, 0+-, 1-+, 2+-,3-+,…

Baryon resonances Expt: extraction of the baryon resonances from experimental data. Pion, photon, kaon beams, e+e- BESIII, CDF, CLAS, Belle, LHCb et. al Theo: The theoretical work and predictions Quark models over predict the number baryons - ”the missing resonances” Effective theories give rise to some dynamically generated states as a consequence of the interaction of two hadrons - hadronic molecule

I(JP)=1(1/2-) state with S=-1 Mass 1430 MeV Predicted with in the coupled-chanel Chiral unitary approach. D. Jido NPA2003, J. Oller, PLB2001。 A new Σ* (JP=1/2-) is necessary to describe the experimental data of K-P->Λπ+π-. Wu, Dulat, Zou, PRC2010. A resonant structure in the I=1 JP=1/2- aroundKN threshold is also needed to describe the γp->KπΣ. Roca, Oset, PRC88(2013). We would like to propose a reaction to search this state [Σ*(1/2-)].

Search Σ*(1/2-) Σ*(1/2-) is around the KN threshold The conventional reactions withKN in the final states mix I=0 and I=1, which makes it difficult to disentangle the I=1 contribution and extract this state. Σ*(1/2-) shows up strongly in the πΣ-> πΣ amplitude. Roca. Oset, PRC2013

Reason 1: good filter of isospin I=1 for Σπ. Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣπ Reason 1: good filter of isospin I=1 for Σπ. Reason 2: feasible in present experimental facilities, such BESIII. Χc0(1P)->ΣΣ is measured by BESIII and CLEO with Br(Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣ) ~10-3. PDG2016

Χc0(1P)-> Σ Σπ Reason 1: good filter of isospin I=1 for Σπ. Reason 2: feasible in present experimental facilities, such BESIII. Χc0(1P)->ΣΣ is measured by BESIII and CLEO with Br(Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣ) ~10-3. Br(Χc0(1P)->ppπ) is three times larger than Br(Χc0(1P)->pp), without π production.

Χc0(1P)-> Σ Σπ Reason 1: good filter of isospin I=1 for Σπ. Reason 2: feasible in present experimental facilities, such BESIII. Χc0(1P)->ΣΣ is measured by BESIII and CLEO with Br(Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣ) ~10-3. Br(Χc0(1P)->ppπ) is three times larger than Br(Χc0(1P)->pp), without π production. Thus, the Br(Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣπ) should be larger than Br (Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣ), and easily accessible at BESIII and CLEO.

The reaction mechanism a) the tree diagram, b) final state interaction of Σ π c) final state interaction ofΣ π d) final state interaction ofΣΣ

Σπ final state interaction The effective lagrangian: The symbol <> stands for the trace of SU(3) matrices.

Isospin coefficients The isoscalar coefficients are taken from the SU(3) isoscalar factors in the PDG. PDG2016

Isospin coefficients The isoscalar coefficients are taken from the SU(3) isoscalar factors in the PDG. The sum of the isoscalar coefficients times D and F gives the weights hi, which go into the primary production of the meson baryon channel.

By including the final state interaction of these meson and baryon pairs, the amplitude for the transition is, The strength of the amplitude with h=1. The poles come from 1-VG=0, and are the same for particle and antiparticle, and combination VG and tG is same for particle and antiparticle, then TπΣ= TπΣ.

By including the final state interaction of these meson and baryon pairs, the amplitude for the transition is, The strength of the amplitude with h=1. We have two parameters D and F, because Vp is an arbitrary normalization, we can work with R=F/D, and include D in the Vp factor. We take R=1.

The meson baryon interaction For the coupled channels,KN, πΣ,πΛ, ηΣ, KΞ, the Bethe Salpeter equation, f=1.15fπ, and fπ=93 MeV. Oset, NPA636 (1998) Take from the lowest order meson baryon chiral lagrangian

The loop function Gi, with |qmax|=630 MeV And the invariant mass distribution for Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣπ,

Results and discussion Module squared of tKN,KN, and TπΣ,πΣ, A cusp is found aroundKN threshold.

Results and discussion πΣ invariant mass distribution

More discussion -ΣΣ In addition to the above contributions, we also consider the effect ofΣΣ topp. Thepp has an enhancement close to the threshold that is attributed to the resonance X(1835), which is seen in the decays of J/ψ->ppγ. BESIII, PRL2012. TheΣΣ will couple to pp in the couple channels, so any pole in thepp ->pp will be also presented in the pp-> ΣΣ amplitude. M=1835 MeV Γ=100 MeV

More discussion In addition to the X(1835) intermediate, the ΣΣ interaction could have some sharp structure at threshold, bound state or cusp structure. the amplitude for ΣΣ scattering, A pole at threshold require VΣΣ=GΣΣ(MΣΣ), then we take,

For α>0, we get a bound state. For α<0, we get a cusp structure. We take α=0.001 in the following calculation, but the same conclusions are obtained for different value of α.

πΣ invariant mass distribution Full There is a small effect in the πΣ invariant mass distribution.

Different value of R R=F/D For positive R, we have a strong cusp structure around KN threshold, but for negative R, the cusp is inverted.

Different value of R

How is the J/ψ decay process L=1 L=0 PDG2016 L=1 L=0 PDG2016

summary We propose that the reaction Χc0(1P)->ΣΣπ can be used to test/search I=1, S=-1, JP=1/2- resonance (Σ*) close to the KN threshold. This state appears in the theoretical work using the chiral unitary approach, and is necessary to describe the experimental data. The results depend on the ratio of R=F/D. For a positive R, we predict a strong cusp structure, and for a negative R, the cusp is inverted, and a strong dip is found. The reaction of Χc0(1P)-> ΣΣπ is easier to be used to test/search this state than J/ψ->ΣΣπ. Our suggestion is easily accessible at BESIII.

Thanks for your attentions!