Here are my ‘mental milestones’: 1. Prison Break. Honestly, I’ve watched a huge number of movies or TV series for years , as a matter of fact , what really impressed me or made shooks on me is a few number . Only few can be my ‘mental milestone’. Here are my ‘mental milestones’: 1. Prison Break. ———the first US TV series to see , catching story plot , smart character. 2. The Shawshank Redemption. ———same plot with Prison Break, the wisdom of life.
———GuoJingfei----clever , mature, eloquent guy. 3. LongMen Express. ———GuoJingfei----clever , mature, eloquent guy. 4. House of Cards . ———the topic tonight, so let’s make it detailed. Make a shot on the opening of House of Cards before.
House of Cards
House of Cards Introduce of Storyline: House of Cards is an American political drama television series ,including two seasons so far. This is a story about that a Congressman works with his equally conniving wife to exact revenge on the people who betrayed him. Majority House Whip Francis Underwood takes you on a long journey as he exacts his vengeance on those he feels wronged him - that is, his own cabinet members including the President of the United States himself.
See how many logos you understand ? House of Cards There are lots of partis in House of Cards due to the political drama . See how many logos you understand ?
Outstanding! Outstanding! House of Cards Outstanding! Outstanding! After watching the first episode I had to continue watching all the episodes. It's edgy, sexy and with a bit of dark humor. Francis Underwood is the first democrat I would ever vote for. The characters are well developed and extremely well casted.
House of Cards Introduce of main character : 1. Frank Underwood 2. Claire Underwood 3. Zoe Barnes 4. Doug Stamper 5. Peter Russo 6. Remy Danton ········
House of Cards Frank Underwood
House of Cards Frank Underwood Set in present-day Washington, D.C., House of Cards is the story of Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), a democrat from South Carolina's 5th congressional district and house majority whip (党鞭) who, after being passed over for appointment as secretary of State , initiates an elaborate plan to get himself into a position of power.
House of Cards Frank Underwood Along with Doug Stamper (Francis' chief of staff), his wife Claire Underwood, and publicist Seth Grayson he gradually began to get revenge for being snubbed as Secretary of State by President Walker and eventually manipulated his way to becoming Vice President and after a time, the President of the United States.
House of Cards Claire Underwood Claire Underwood is the First Lady of the United States and wife of President Francis "Frank Underwood ". She is also the former CEO of Clean Water Initiative (CWI). She is a lobbyist and runs an environmental nonprofit organization. Underwood made her first appearance in the series' pilot episode.
House of Cards Zoe Barnes A journalist ,nervous, young, ambitious, with some naiveté, Barnes uses all her weapons to report her brand of news. She is often seen biting her nails and using her youth and sexuality to get the big story. Also , she was Frank’s lover. She was killed by Frank Underwood in 2013.
House of Cards Doug Stamper Douglas "Doug" Stamper was Frank Underwood's chief of staff. Quiet, cold, and calculating, Stamper was a vital cog in Underwood's political machine, serving as his chief of staff.
House of Cards Peter Russo Peter Russo was the member of the U.S. House of Representatives . He was also former candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania. Finally he was killed by Frank in a car ········
House of Cards Remy Danton Remy Danton is a former press secretary and protege of Frank Underwood. He was a partner at the law firm of Glendon Hill where his main responsibility is as a Washington lobbyist for SanCorp, a natural gas company.
House of Cards Famous saying of House of Cards:
House of Cards There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong or useless pain ——— the sort of pain that's only suffering. 痛苦分两种。一种让你变得更强...另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。
House of Cards Friends make the worst enemies. 反目的朋友才是你最可怕的敌人。
House of Cards What is faith? If it doesn't endure when we are tested the most? 信仰是什么?不就是在考验最严峻时依旧能坚持到底吗?
House of Cards My father believed that success is mixture of preparation and luck. 我父亲认为想成功的话,准备和运气都缺一不可。
House of Cards I am not ganna tell you more, cause I strongly recommend you to have a watch yourself if you did not see it yet . Thank you all for careful listening , thx ! ——— Scott