CERIF in Action Anna Clements Enterprise Architect, IT Services University of St Andrews akc@st-andrews.ac.uk
Summary CERIF in Action ‘Synthesise, standardise and productionise CERIF for UK Higher Educational Institutions’ To develop a standard CERIF-XML schema and agreed vocabularies building on work done in earlier JISC projects such as Readiness4Ref, CRISPool, CERIFy, and IRIOS. Build standard, production-ready plug-ins to import and export data in this agreed format for CRIS, Repository and Research Council software and demonstrate the use of these plug-ins in live systems : exchanging data between partner institutions e.g. when an researcher moves to a new institution uploading grant-level information to RCUK ROS Produce roadmap with costs/benefits for adoption of this standard CERIF-XML approach for other HEIs and other use cases, in particular the development of an open source aggregator and portal for use by research pools and other consortia.
CERIF in Action
Where we are Kick off meeting earlier this week CERIF in Action Where we are Kick off meeting earlier this week CERIF Technical workshop – review 5th Dec in Sunderland * R4R/MICE *IRIOS *Cerify *CRISPool * euroCRIS – Brigitte & Keith Who else should be there? Links to current projects * IRIOS * C4D * IRIOS02 * RMAS http://cerifinaction.wordpress.com/
Scope - model People Publications Projects Organisations CERIF in Action Scope - model People * Researcher * Author * PI / Co-I Publications * Articles * Conference Papers * Journals Projects * Research grants Organisations * Institutions * Funders * Publishers
Scope – use cases Researcher moves from Institution A to Institution B CERIF in Action Scope – use cases Researcher moves from Institution A to Institution B Researcher / Research Organisation uploads / makes available data to RCUK Research Outcomes System (ROS)
Scope - systems ePrints Atira – Pure Symplectic RCUK – ROS CERIF in Action Scope - systems ePrints * 100 + registered in UK Atira – Pure * 18 UK Institutions Symplectic 24 UK Institutions RCUK – ROS * ESRC * BBSRC *AHRC *EPSRC
Issues - interoperability CERIF in Action Issues - interoperability Authority lists - organisations; journals; publishers What can we use to map to? Invent our own Are services available? Name disambiguation http://orcid.org www.okkam.org http://names.mimas.ac.uk/ Which do we use? Invent our own
Issues - interoperability CERIF in Action Issues - interoperability Semantics/vocabularies Are there euroCRIS schemas already? Are these suitable for UK? Examples Researcher roles * Researcher job titles * Funding types * Organisation types * Publication types
Issues – project risks CERIF-XML restructuring timescale CERIF in Action Issues – project risks CERIF-XML restructuring timescale Many partners … … Can we agree – do we ‘cut our cloth …’ … and not get side-tracked … Key personnel .. (lack of) CERIF expertise available
Issues for RIMG Alignment of definitions used by sector Research Output Research Transfer Research Outcome Research Impact Clear definitions e.g. those from Australia?
Australian definitions
Issues for RIMG Affordable bibliographic & and bibliometric data Should we be moving data around … or should we concentrate on reusing it from authoritative sources in the cloud … how realistic and in what timescale?
MICE WoS API Cerify Import CIA REF ROS R4R CIA Data from RCs IRIOS C4D Activities Entered Impact Indicators Measures Case Studies Publications Award/ recognition WoS, arXiv, PubMed, Scopus… Bibtex, Refman Dissemination// Engagement MICE WoS API Cerify Manual Input Import CIA Entered Harvested Uploaded Entered Fed Out REF, RCUK SFC, HESA HEI – Strategic Planning, Benchmarking Public, Media Recognition / Impact Industry / SME’s Interface Collaborations Research Pools Pulled In Staff Records [HR] Student Records [Registry] University Structure [HR] Projects, Grants, KT [Finance] Research Information System REF R4R ROS CIA Full Text Repository Open Access Linked Linked e-Research Repository (Open Access) Data from RCs IRIOS C4D Export CIA CRISPool