Town Hall Meeting February 2014
TOPICS Strategic Planning Initiative Enrollment Management Consultation “Unplugged” University Marketing Student Engagement Center Eagle Athletics
Strategic Planning Initiative Where we’ve been (Process) What we’ve learned (Insights) Where we’re going (Vision) How we’ll get there (Path)
Where we’ve been – The Process Town Hall Meetings Community Advisory Groups Facilitator-led Planning Meeting (held at Red River Army Depot community center) Review of Findings
What we’ve learned - Your Insights Key Themes (from town halls) Core Values Strategic Objectives
Key Themes—Strengths Personal connections Association with the A&M System Support of local community Quality of faculty Physical setting Campus-wide concern for students
Key Themes—Areas for Development Emphasis on quality academics rather than low tuition More opportunities for hands-on learning Additional student activities and recreation space Academic technology Global learning opportunities Enrollment processes Scholarship funding
Themes—our niche? Liberal arts and sciences vs. professional orientation Face-to-face vs. expansion of on-line Traditional undergraduates vs. non-traditional and graduate students Developing depth in majors (content) vs. liberal learning (“soft” or essential skills)
Core Values Passion for Excellence Culture of Success Integrity, Honesty & Visibility Community Leadership Learning Community Stewardship of Valuable Resources
Strategic Objectives (Action Steps) Develop comprehensive academic master plan Integrate, update, improve enrollment management services Re-establish First-Year Experience Create strategic communication plan
Strategic Objectives (Action Steps) Enhance student activities - strategic, aligned with academics Revisit and document advising process Create and distribute codes of conduct for faculty & staff and honor code for students Hold campus “Unplugged” event
Strategic Objectives (Action Steps) Develop comprehensive faculty orientation Establish Office of Professional Development (extended learning opportunities) Develop community service initiatives
Strategic Objectives (Action Steps) Develop and enhance global and international programming and opportunities Create student “lingering spaces” Refine budget process and align with strategic planning
Where we’re going – The Vision Comprehensive and focused Best undergraduate experience in Texas from freshman year forward Common themes/approaches across curricula (liberal learning, community as classroom, high- impact practices) Non-traditional and graduate programming responsive to community needs Community resource and leader
How we’ll get there– Next Steps Refine and vet core values Responsible parties develop plan to execute strategic objectives according to timeline Academic master plan refines university vision Revisit and possibly redraft mission statement Monitor progress on strategic objectives and develop new goals on annual basis
Enrollment Management Consultation American Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers Dr. Stanley Henderson, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Life, University of Michigan-Dearborn Planning should function as a restart for “downward expansion” and a recommitment to core values
Consultant Observations Texas A&M University has a world class reputation for excellence; Texas A&M-Texarkana is a beneficiary of that reputation for excellence in that the campus gives an A&M degree – the excellence is assured by the governing board A&M Texarkana is, obviously, not the same kind of place as College Station; the Texarkana campus overlays the excellence with small campus atmosphere and concern for individual students, faculty involvement with teaching, etc.
Consultant Observations The campus has had exceptional support from the Texarkana community, as well Parents are reported as being very impressed with the campus Students specifically reference the campus as a “community” - They mention interactions with faculty - They claim more opportunities to be involved than on other campuses - They sense a concern for their well-being
Consultant Observations - They speak about the campus’s overall care for them - They warmly describe the campus’s friendliness - One student during the on-site visit disclosed very personal information in front of other students that gave an incredible testimony of how safe she felt among her peers – she credited that to the sense of community on campus - Graduate students seem exceptionally involved on campus as part of the community rather than just unconnected people taking classes, as grad students often are; they appear to be remarkable, contributing citizens of A&M-Texarkana
Consultant Observations President Cutrer picked up on this sense of community in her investiture speech The consultant had the experience of a faculty member coming up to him in the University Center and saying in a welcoming manner, “I don’t think I know you. I’m so-and-so,” and then proceeding to show genuine interest in what I was doing on campus
Consultant Observations It could safely be said that Texas A&M- Texarkana is not an institution of higher education where things happen to people in a passive environment, but, instead, is a community of higher education where people are members, where they participate, contribute, and watch each other’s back
“Unplugged” Heath Coston Undergraduate Student Representative Strategic Planning Board
University Marketing Royall & Company Super Sunday
Student Engagement Center
Eagle Athletics Future Town Hall with Mike Galvan NAIA Application Coaching Staff Focus on Student Athletes
What’s on your mind?