Jeopardy! Pre-Algebra Chapter 4 Let’s Play!!
100 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy! GCF Fractions Potpourri Exponents Fractions Prime Factorization GCF Potpourri Exponent Rules 100 200 300 400 500 100 Final Jeopardy!
Write the expression using exponents (n)(n)(n)(n)(n) Answer
Write the power as a multiplication expression Exponents 200 Write the power as a multiplication expression (-f)3 Answer
Write the power as a multiplication expression Exponents 300 Write the power as a multiplication expression (x + 1)2 Answer
Exponents 400 Solve: 3 - 92 Answer
Evaluate for a = 3, b = 9 and c = -2 Exponents 500 Evaluate for a = 3, b = 9 and c = -2 10a5 + c2 Answer
Write the fraction in simplest form: Fractions 100 Write the fraction in simplest form: 25 40 Answer
Write the fraction in simplest form: Fractions 200 Write the fraction in simplest form: 16 64 Answer
Write the fraction in simplest form: Fractions 300 Write the fraction in simplest form: 12m 15m Answer
Write the fraction in simplest form: Fractions 400 Write the fraction in simplest form: 30x 51y Answer
Write the fraction in simplest form: Fractions 500 Write the fraction in simplest form: 40p2q 52pq2 Answer
Prime Factorization 100 Prime or Composite? 19 Answer
Prime Factorization 200 Prime or Composite? 51 Answer
Prime Factorization 300 Factor completely 63 Answer
Prime Factorization 400 Factor completely 110 Answer
Prime Factorization 500 Factor completely 42xy2 Answer
Greatest Common Factor 100 Find the GCF of each set of numbers 24, 40 Answer
Greatest Common Factor 200 Find the GCF of each set of numbers 6, 8, 12 Answer
Greatest Common Factor 300 Find the GCF of each set of numbers 20, 21, 25 Answer
Greatest Common Factor 400 Find the GCF of each set of numbers 40x2, 16x Answer
Greatest Common Factor 500 Find the GCF of each set of numbers 18ab, 6a2, 42a2b Answer
(There may be more than one) Potpourri 100 State whether the number is a whole number, integer, or rational number. (There may be more than one) -1 Answer
(There may be more than one) Potpourri 200 State whether the number is a whole number, integer, or rational number. (There may be more than one) 0.25 Answer
Potpourri 300 Write the number in scientific notation 5,400,000 Answer
Potpourri 400 Write the number in scientific notation 0.0000867 Answer
Potpourri 500 State whether the number is divisible by 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 975 Answer
Multiplying & Dividing Monomials 100 Find the product (b5)(b2) Answer
Multiplying & Dividing Monomials 200 Find the quotient (-2)6 (-2)5 Answer
Multiplying & Dividing Monomials 300 Find the product (5x3)(4x5) Answer
Multiplying & Dividing Monomials 400 Find the quotient k3m2 ÷ km Answer
Multiplying & Dividing Monomials 500 Find the product 15n8q2 ÷ 5nq2 Answer
What is the definition of a monomial? Final Jeopardy! What is the definition of a monomial? Answer
*Answer* Final Jeopardy! An integer, a variable, or a product of integers or variables.
*Answer* Exponents - 100 n5 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Exponents - 200 (-f)(-f)(-f) Back to the Game!
*Answer* Exponents - 300 (x + 1)(x + 1) Back to the Game!
*Answer* Exponents - 400 -78 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Exponents - 500 2434 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Fractions - 100 5/8 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Fractions - 200 1/4 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Fractions - 300 4/5 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Fractions - 400 10x/17y Back to the Game!
*Answer* Fractions - 500 10p/13q Back to the Game!
*Answer* Prime Factorization - 100 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Prime Factorization - 200 composite Back to the Game!
*Answer* Prime Factorization - 300 3, 3, 7 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Prime Factorization - 400 2, 5, 11 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Prime Factorization - 500 2, 3, 7, x, y, y Back to the Game!
*Answer* GCF- 100 8 Back to the Game!
*Answer* GCF- 200 2 Back to the Game!
*Answer* GCF- 300 1 Back to the Game!
*Answer* GCF- 400 8x Back to the Game!
*Answer* GCF- 500 6a Back to the Game!
*Answer* Potpourri- 100 Integer & Rational # Back to the Game!
*Answer* Potpourri - 200 Rational # Back to the Game!
*Answer* Potpourri- 300 5.4 x 106 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Potpourri- 400 8.67 x 10-5 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Potpourri- 500 3, 5 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Mult. & Div. Monomials- 100 b7 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Mult. & Div. Monomials- 200 -2 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Mult. & Div. Monomials- 300 20x8 Back to the Game!
*Answer* Mult. & Div. Monomials- 400 k2m Back to the Game!
*Answer* Mult. & Div. Monomials- 500 Back to the Game!