Electroweak and Top cross-sections JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 2
Electroweak 1 Electromagnetic and Weak probes in hadron-hadron collisions Clean signature with lepton/photon/ETmiss 2 Benchmark of SM validation at high energy Large mass of W/Z assures hard scale involved 3 Measurements at extreme kinematic topologies allow tuning of MC tools (N)NLO calculations, MC event generators 4 Crucial in searches for Beyond-SM physics Signal typically involves W/Z/… JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 4
INCLUSIVE W/Z Special data with low pile-up arXiv:1402.0923 JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 5
W+JETS Important background for many processes, it needs to be properly modeled. Comparison with different generators : NLO BLACKHAT+Sherpa does a good job for most of the distributions Discrepancy observed for ET sum of all jets (ST in ATLAS, HT in CMS) ATLAS-CONF-2014-035 arXiv:1406.7533 JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 6
W+JETS Discrepancy also seen in : dijet mass, Δφ(jet1,μ) Data are crucial input for tuning MC generators ATLAS-CONF-2014-035 arXiv:1406.7533 JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 7
W+bb Largest background for top-quark pair production Well separated 2 b-jets ⟶ less theoretical uncertainty arXiv:1312.6608 PLB735 (2014) 204 Theory : Conclusion? similarly ATLAS W+b : JHEP06 (2013) 084 JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 8
WW Parallel session talk ATLAS-CONF-2014-033 LHC measurements showed an enhancement of data compared to theory in the di-boson x-section. Latest measurement made it more evident : Parallel session talk Check conf Possible issues : → Experimental systematics? → Higher-order corrections beyond NLO QCD? → Theoretical uncertainty for calculation of jet veto (NNLL resummation)? JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 9
WW SCATTERING final states : W±W± jj→l±ν l±ν jj (l=e, μ) ATLAS : arXiv:1405.6241 final states : W±W± jj→l±ν l±ν jj (l=e, μ) Very rare SM process and can be used as test for BSM, first evidence the VVVV vertex Challenging analysis due to dominant WW production (QCD) EWK-VBS First evidence for vector boson scattering Check CMS note ATLAS : 3.6σ/2.8σ(observed/expected) CMS: 2.0σ/3.1σ (observed/expected) JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 10
Theoretical Predictions TOP PRODUCTION AT LHC At the peak of instantaneous luminosity during 2012 the top production was : Around 15M quark tops were produced during 2011 and 2012! ~ 2 top pairs/s ~ 1 single top/s LHC Theoretical Predictions table with values?? references!!! s-channel1 t-channel2 Wt-channel3 top pairs4 7 TeV 8 TeV 1 Phys. Rev. D 81, 054028 (2010) 2 Phys. Rev. D 83, 091503(R) (2011) 3 Phys. Rev. D 82, 054018 (2010) 4 NNLO+NNLL (Top++2.0) JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 12
WHAT MAKES TOP QUARK INTERESTING? 1 Heaviest fundamental particle in the Standard Model Larger mass ➙ Larger coupling to SM Higgs + mtop is a fundamental parameter in SM Allows for Self-Consistency Checks of SM Post Higgs Discovery 2 Short Lifetime(~10-25 s) Decays before hadronization – Unique among the quarks! Access to Polarization and Spin Correlations 3 Processes including top are backgrounds for new physics + Exotics and SUSY Good Understanding ➙ Improvements in Searches 4 Hints of new BSM/physics? Exotic Particles Could Decay Preferentially to Top Quarks JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 13
TOP QUARK PRODUCTION Decay Modes single top : production via EW interaction top pair production Decay Modes JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 15
TOP QUARK PRODUCTION Most Common Experimental signatures Backgrounds top pairs : depending on the decay channel t-channel : 1 isolated leptons (e / μ), one b-tagged jet, 1 forward jet, missing ET Wt channel : 2 isolated leptons (e / μ), one b-tagged jet, missing ET s-channel : 1 isolated lepton (e / μ), two b-tagged jets, missing ET Backgrounds JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 16
INCLUSIVE TT CROSS-SECTION All channels measured ➞ no new physics Parallel session talk JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 17
INCLUSIVE TT CROSS-SECTION arXiv:1406.5375 arXiv:1312.7582 Selection : 2 opposite sign and flavor leptons, at least two jets and at least one b-tagged Simultaneous measurement of cross- section an b-jet efficiency Selection : 2 opposite sign leptons, at least two jets and at least one b-tagged. ETmiss > 40 GeV and Z mass veto. Cut and count to extract cross section Add somewhere that it is 8 TeV 4.3% 5.5% 5.7% JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 18
INCLUSIVE TT CROSS-SECTION Errors : ±5.7% (theo) vs ±3.5% (eμ) ➞ experiments challenge theory JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 19
TOP POLE MASS With cross-section tt+1jet : ATLAS-CONF-2014-053 With cross-section tt+1jet : arXiv:1406.5375 Check notes some alternative measurements (also showed in parallel sessions) Most precise measurement are not pole mass but MC mass… JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 20
SINGLE TOP : T-CHANNEL Total cross-section measured with good precision. Additionally, fiducial cross-section measurement, within detector acceptance (ATLAS), is done which allow to have reduced uncertainties. Extraction of Vtb (σα |Vtb|2) and cross-section ratio (top/anti-top) sensitive to PDFs arXiv:1403.7366 ATLAS-CONF-2014-007 Results for 7 TeV : arXiv:1406.7844 (ATLAS) and arXiv:1209.4533 (CMS) JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 22
SINGLE TOP : WT PRODUCTION ATLAS-CONF-2013-100 arXiv:1401.2942 A Likelihood Fit performed on the Boosted Decision Tree output (BDT) over the eμ channel and one jet (one tag) and 2 jets (at least one tag) A Likelihood Fit performed on the BDT output over three channels (ee, μμ, eμ) and three jet selection configurations Sistemáticos? Significance = 4.2σ (observed) Significance = 6.1σ (observed) JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 23
SINGLE TOP : S-CHANNEL @ 8 TeV s-channel is the most difficult to detect in LHC due to the small cross-section, needs an annihilation quark (q) – antiquark (q’). BDT is used to improve discrimination signal to background: A binned maximum-likelihood fit is performed on the output of the BDT to extract the signal content Upper limit to the cross-section @ 95% CL : Significance = 1. 3σ (observed) Significance = 2.1σ (observed) arXiv:1410.0647 CMS-TOP-13-009 sistemáticos, información sobre el fondo. JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 24
TT+V (W/Z) SM : ATLAS-CONF-2012-126 arXiv:1406.7830 3 signatures : Same sign leptons (ttW), dilepton (ttW, ttZ), trilepton (ttW,ttZ). Multivariate analysis. Simultaneous maximum likelihood fit. 3 signatures : Same sign leptons (ttW), trilepton (ttZ), four-lepton (ttW,ttZ). Cut based analysis. Simultaneous maximum likelihood fit. Combined significance : 4.9σ Combined significance : 3.7σ SM : JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 26
SUMMARY ~5 orders of magnitude JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 27
SUMMARY Electroweak and top measurements are achieving high precision : Experimental systematics are at the level of theory uncertainty Measurements help to constrain : MC models, QCD calculations and PDFs Good understanding is fundamental as these processes are background to BSM searches and Higgs boson measurements. Measuring multi-bosons is a step towards the exploration of EWSB sector BSM. Vector boson scattering will be one of the keys in Run-2. Many interesting results had to be left out from this presentation… JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 28
LHC Data collected by experiments : 2011 – 5 fb-1 @ 7 TeV Peak Luminosity in Run 1 : 0.75 x 1034 cm-2 s-1 For the 8 TeV data the average pileup of <μ> = 21 For comparison, future runs : Expected for Run 2/3 : 1.5 to 2x1034 300 fb-1 till 2022 HL-LHC from 2025 : 5 x 1034, 3000 fb-1 JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 30
Electroweak and Top cross-sections JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 32
DIFFERENTIAL TTBAR CROSS-SECTION Selection : Lepton + jets Measured several normalized (unfolded) differential distributions : pTt, pTtt, mtt, ytt Reduced systematics Compared to a variety of event generators, parton showering models, and PDFs Alpgen (2 ⟶ nME@LO) describes best ytt distribution HERAPDF gives the best overall description of the data Other PDFs give fairly poor agreement ATLAS : arXiv:1407.0371 Add top pT plot or comment more, check CMS measurement JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 33
Cross section ratios JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 34
S-CHANNEL @ 8 TeV : SELECTION arXiv:1410.0647 Isolated high pT lepton missing energy (ETmiss) b-jet from top decay Second b-jet, recoil against top Cuts 1 muon or electron pT > 30 GeV 2 b-tagged jets additional cuts JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 35
T-CHANNEL @ 8 TeV : SELECTION ATLAS-CONF-2014-007 “light” jet with high pseudo-rapidity (η) Isolated high pT lepton missing energy (ETmiss) b-jet central with large momentum Second b-jet with lower pT Cuts 1 muon or electron pT > 25 GeV (|η|< 2.5 ) 2 jets 1 b-tagged pT > 30 (|η|< 4.5 ) / pT > 35 GeV ( 2.75 < |η|< 3.5 ) additional cuts ETmiss > 30 GeV, mTW > 50 GeV, JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 36
WT PRODUCTION @ 8 TeV : SELECTION ATLAS-CONF-2013-100 exactly 2 opposite charge and isolated leptons missing energy (ETmiss), 2 neutrinos 1 b-jet from top decay Cuts 2 leptons eμ pair, pTl > 25 GeV 1 or 2 jets, at least one b-tag pT > 30 GeV JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 37
SINGLE TOP : T-CHANNEL Neural Network used to discriminate background. Maximum Likelihood Fit to the output of the NN to obtain the contributions from the different processes. Sistemáticos? ATLAS-CONF-2014-007 arXiv:1403.7366 JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA 38
BOOSTED DECISION TREE Recover events failing cuts in a cut based analysis. Using simulation for signal and background to compute purity. Resulting in a weight for each event. JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA NAVARRO 39