Presentations of the groups
Topics of the Czech Economy Nature (protection) facts Industry Education Unemployment Tourism
Topics of the French Location Population Religion Industry Facts Energy Tourism Agriculture
Topics of the German Facts History Sights Industry Problems Education Economy Location
Similarities Czech France Czech Germany France Germany Wind power Industry Agriculture industry recycling Nature Commuting
Differences La Roche sur Yon Most Wildeshausen Economic situation Religion Population history History School system Language language Coal mining Has got bigger companies Living at the coast Oil industry wealthier Less conscious about environmental topics Agricultural products Use of renewable energies Little immigration High % of Atheists Fishery (seafood)
Questions Czech Republic What would happen, if the coal mining would stop, because of the bigger use of renewable energies? 80% of your population works there. Government set a 20 year limit for finding a new location. We hope they find a good solution Is there a lot of industry besides coal mining in Most? Have you got a solution with new sustainable energies? What agricultural products have you got? Have you got some tourism in Most?
Questions France Do you have lots of minerals in your region? Just a little. We just have water. Do have a big problem with unemployment rates? Yes, we have. But we hope it will fall again. What is the strongest political party? Is there coal mining? Are there big companies, which offer lots of jobs?
Questions Germany Where do you do winter sports? In the alps or at the Brocken (Harz South of lower saxony) Why do you often go by bike? Most of the Germans feel responisble for our next generations, who has to live on this planet. We want to save the environment and lower pollution. What is the most important energy used in Wildeshausen? What do you produce in agriculture? What is your strongest political party? Why do you welcome so many refugees? Have you had coal mining in your region?