Science Fair Project: Basic Outline Mrs. McGowan’s Class 1
What is the Science Fair? The Science fair is each 6th, 7th, and 8th grade student’s chance to conduct a full experiment, compile a research summary, construct a display board, and convey a presentation. The best overall projects will be invited to the school fair where judges will select the 4 top projects for the Network fair.
Time frame of the SFP All projects must be completed by the end of first quarter. The school fair will be held on November 10th. The Network fair is held near the end of January. The City fair is held at the end of March.
4 Parts of the SFP Project Research Summary Display Board Presentation
Scientific Question Develop a question that you can answer with a project and research.
Purpose Statement Turn your scientific question into a statement Explain why you chose the project & why it is important. Make it meaningful. Control Group The group in which the independent variable is not changing, the group you’re comparing to Experimental variables Independent variable (IV) : 1 thing that you are changing in your experiment Dependent variable (DV): What you are measuring; what is changing because of the IV Constants Make a list of four or more constants (what is staying the same).
Purpose Statement At least 6 sentences The purpose of this project is …… I selected this project because…. It is important because…. The IV is… and the DV is … The constants are… My control group is…..
Hypothesis A direct answer to your scientific question Explain your reasoning using scientific concepts that you have researched. At least 3-4 sentences
Materials Do NOT # the materials. Pictures may be included. All materials must be listed. Do NOT # the materials. Pictures may be included. Materials list may be adjusted throughout the experiment
Title Create a high level of interest in an observer. Title may not contain more than 45 characters and spaces.
Procedure A step by step list that explains exactly how you will conduct your experiment. Your design should directly test the hypothesis. Measurements must be metric (cm, mL, g) NO inches, ounces, etc. Must written clearly and should be repeatable by another scientist. Safety guidelines carefully followed. No pronouns (I, you, me)!!! No transition words such as First, next, then, etc. Must be numbered.
Safety Sheet Describe ALL safety precautions necessary. Outline for safety sheet will be provided Everyone must have one! A copy must be on your board (size may be reduced to 50%) If no safety precautions are necessary, you must write one sentence stating that on the safety sheet.
Endorsements If your project involves other humans or animals, you must have an endorsement- SEE ME If you aren’t using humans or animals, you don’t need an endorsement.
Review of Literature & Reference List You MUST include a copy of your review of literature and reference list (that you write in LA class) in your research summary. Ms. Ryan will NOT give me a copy, it is your responsibility.
Results- Data Chart Quantitative results (numerical) Data can be qualitative or quantitative (or both) and must include a control group (to compare) Results must be presented in a well organized data table . Quantitative results (numerical) Data are reliable, numerical and metric showing at least ten trials. (20 + for Network Fair) Qualitative results (not numerical) Record at least three observations that directly relate to the experiment.
Results- Graph Take the data on your data chart and present in a graph that displays your results. Line graph is preferred. IV on X-axis, DV on Y-axis
Results- Explanation Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph summarizing what your data show. Identify Experimental Error Add a sentence or two explaining where errors could have occurred in your data. Measurement errors may come from the person doing the measuring, from variables, or from unidentifiable random error.
Abstract Consists of three paragraphs. (purpose & hypothesis, procedure, conclusion) A summary in 200 words or less. Abstract must be typed on the abstract form which can be found at A copy must be on your board (size may be reduced to 50%)
Table of Contents Starts with Acknowledgements- List the title of the page on the left and the starting page number on the right. Must be in the correct order Example- Acknowledgments…………………………1 Purpose & Hypothesis..…………………..2
Conclusion Should include 4 paragraphs that explain your entire project. You can use pronouns. Paragraph 1- Tell whether your hypothesis was supported or disproved and restate your hypothesis. Use specific data to explain the above. Why do you think this happened? Use research! Paragraph 2- Answer what you were trying to find out (purpose). Use specific data to help you answer it. What did you learn from your research? Give at least 3 pieces of information learned.
Conclusion Cont. Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4- Assess the experiment. What worked well? What difficulties did you have? (Any variables hard to control? Materials hard to get? Materials didn’t behave? Etc…) Any unexpected data? Anything else you want to explain or share? Paragraph 4- What would you do differently to improve the experiment if you were to do it again? Last sentence should state a new question you would like to test that pertains to this experiment.
Acknowledgements Recognize and thank anyone that assisted you with your project. Identify who helped you and how they helped.
Research Summary- In this order!!! Abstract Safety Sheet Endorsements if necessary Title Page Table of Contents Acknowledgements Purpose Hypothesis Review of Literature Materials Procedure Results Conclusion Reference List
Board: Construct a Display Board 76 cm. deep; 122 cm. wide; 122 cm. high Use photos you take yourself whenever possible. Do not have too much empty space. Think about the artistic quality of your board. (color, shape, size, etc.)
Presentation: for the class and/or judges Clear presentation Concisely summarize your project Info is relevant and pertinent Speak fluently with good eye contact Polite, dynamic, interested in SFP