LO: to understand meaning and imagery in Dulce Decorum Est
Died for freedom and honour – do you agree? The Soldier’s Penny – sent to the next of kin of soldiers who died in battle.
Wilfred Owen Here are some statements made by Wilfred Owen at the start of the war. .” “I hate washy pacifists." “I do now most intensely want to fight” “The people of England needn’t hope. They must agitate.“ Think, pair, share What do these statements tell us about Owen’s feelings regarding the war? Would you regard Owen as an Anti-war or Pro War poet?
Anthem for Doomed Youth These are all titles of poems that Owen wrote after he was injured during the war. What do these titles suggest about Owen’s feelings towards the war at that stage? How has his opinion of War changed? Why do you think this is? Mental Cases Disabled Futility The Unreturning Exposure Anthem for Doomed Youth
What are the after effects of war? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ztNxESmsQ
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori= It is sweet and fitting to die for ones country BIG QUESTION: what images of war does owen present and what is he hoping to achieve? target: Can understand the events in the poem and explain how the character feels about what has happened Can explore the poet’s attitude to war and how he presents it. Complete storyboard and identify quotations. Comment upon events and some of the soldier’s feelings. Explain the tone in the poem. Explain how the poet’s choice of imagery gets his message across.
Tasks Complete your storyboard of Dulce et decorum est Tasks Complete your storyboard of Dulce et decorum est. Place a quote under each image Challenge: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori = it is sweet and fitting to die for ones country. What does Owen think about this? Use your images to explain your answer. Challenge 2: What tone do you think he is using at the end when he says ‘my friend’?
Gas, gas, quick boys
Pair up – explain what you think is the most important image in the poem.
Reflection: 1. What do you think the soldier dreams every night? 2. How is this poem presenting war’s reality? 3. What is the poet’s message? 4. TOUGH. Who is the enemy in the poem?
Homework Who was Jessie Pope? Find out who she was and her importance to Dulce et Decorum est for next lesson.