Canyon Vista World Class School Expectations
Students will…… Be prompt Be ready to learn when class begins. Be prepared Have materials and know due dates. Be a polite and positive participant Speak in a normal tone of voice, and listen attentively. Be productive Turn in work on time, and always do their best. Be a problem solver Correct problems quickly and peacefully before they escalate.
Show respect to everyone Value yourself. Be honest, ethical, and practice strong moral values. Treat all members of the school community and all visitors with politeness and respect. Honor the ideas and opinions of others. Offer to help. Be responsible with property and belongings.
What does that look like? #1 Follow the directive given by all employees in the building. EXAMPLE: An adult tells you to pick up a piece of paper. Just do it. Do not attempt to explain why it is not your problem. EXAMPLE: You are asked to move seats. Move. Do not try to negotiate! “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #2 When spoken to, you may respond with “Yes Sir/Ma’am.” EXAMPLE: You are NOT to respond with “What?”, “Oh Man” or any other comment or gesture that shows disrespect. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #3 Only appropriate language is to be used, both spoken and written. Even if you do not like it, do it anyway. You may NOT answer back, challenge, try to explain or attempt to negotiate. EXAMPLE: ‘Look alikes’, blanks, (s**t) etc. are not acceptable. This includes gestures, spoken, drawn, signed, mouthed or communicated in a foreign language. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #4 Teasing, threatening or making fun of others will not be tolerated. EXAMPLE: If you insult or degrade anyone there will be serious consequences. “I was just kidding” is not an acceptable excuse. Speak out against jokes and slurs that target people or groups. Silence sends a message that you are in agreement. It is not enough to refuse to laugh. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #5 Do not touch other people’s possessions without their permission. EXAMPLE: If you find something that does not belong to you, turn it in immediately to an adult. Otherwise, you could be accused of stealing. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #6 Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. EXAMPLE: Do not talk anyone else into breaking rules or rush to the scene of a disturbance. “I didn’t think he would do it” is NOT an acceptable excuse. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #7 The following actions will result in consequences including Saturday school, in school suspension, out of school suspension, placement at the Round Rock Opportunity Center or Expulsion. Some violations also include Criminal Charges: Fighting or hitting Horseplay Name calling Harassment Bullying Cyberbullying Taking someone’s things without their permission Possession of alcohol, drugs, weapons, lighters, matches, cigarettes Disrespect to staff or students Tardies Defacing property belonging to the school or another person Profanity in any form Dress code violations including IDs Non compliance “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #8 REMINDERS Failing any course in a six week period will result in losing the privilege to participate in or attend extracurricular activities or dances during the following three week period. No gum anywhere, anytime, in the school building during normal school hours. Electronic Devices: Students may bring cell phones to school, but they must remain in their lockers and turned off at all times and may not be used inside the building. Staff will confiscate any electronic device in a student’s possession in the school building during the school day. Parents are called to pick up the device for a $15.00 fee You must use your ID card in the cafeteria, library and at school dances Backpacks are to be kept in lockers during the school day. Hats remain in lockers during the school day. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
What does that look like? #9 Skateboards, scooters, roller blades, and roller shoes are prohibited on campus. Students in possession of these items will have them confiscated. Buses: Students who wish to ride a bus other than their own must obtain a Bus Rider Permit from the office by presenting written permission from their parent by noon on the day they wish to ride or the day before if the request is for a morning route. Disciplinary action is taken if students fail to observe all bus rules. Buses depart school promptly at 3:38 PM. Lockers/Locks: Students will be allowed to use their own lock, or a school- issued lock may be used. To replace a lost school-issued lock, you will have to pay a $5 lock fee Students are expected to make up all school work in a timely fashion according to district policy and team procedures. Check the Teacher Web for each of your classes regularly on the CVMS website. After School: Parents and students are expected to make appropriate arrangements for each student to leave campus by 3:45 PM daily, unless students are under the direct supervision of faculty or staff. Dress Code: no short skirts or shorts. It makes no difference if you wear tights or leggings, they must still be the correct length. Please check the link to review the dresscode in full. “Canyon Vista is a place where good manners and respect are expected.”
Promote Lifelong Learning You can develop lifelong learning traits: By showing curiosity about human nature and how the world works. By seeking and valuing diversity. By persisting in seeking out new solutions. By using your unique talents and intelligence to promote positive change. By learning and applying technology tools to solve problems.
Our Pledge to Students We will trust you until you give us reason to do otherwise. We will respect you and work with you to solve problems. We will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. We will work with you to meet learning goals.