Baltic TRAM: Project Facts Full name: Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion Project period: 2016-2019 14 partners, 4 associated organisations Active in all 8 EU countries of the Baltic Sea Region Co-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Builds on the findings of Science Link
Objectives Strengthen the relationship between analytical research institutions and business Link expertise to concrete industrial needs Boost innovation and encourage entrepreneurship Secure the implementation of smart specialization strategies
Activities Industrial Research Centers Calls for businesses to get consultations and test solutions Addressing Open Data access Benchmarking analysis on national roadmaps for research infrastructures and smart specialisation strategies Policy recommendations: ”Smart Cooperation strategy”
Are you searching for scientific advice tailored to your company’s specific business needs? Do you want to get free measurements of your materials at the best analytical research facilities and research institutes in the Baltic Sea Region?
Open Call for companies in short Baltic TRAM offers companies free access to state-of-the-art analytical research facilities across the Baltic Sea Region provides technical and scientific expertise to help solve challenges associated with developing new products or services
What does Baltic TRAM offer? Free consultations with experts in analytical research facilities and research institutes Free measurements of material samples on micro- , nano- or molecular scale These services will take your knowledge of your materials’ properties to a completely new level and help improve your product portfolio or in- house manufacturing processes.
How to apply Companies based in EU member states are eligible to apply Contact your national or local Industrial Research Center (IReC) for consultations IReC = business-support unit that can help you throughout the entire application process Contact information to all IReCs is available at www.baltic-tram.eu
Timeline 1. Introduce your local IReC representative to your challenge and submit your proposal online on www.baltic-tram.eu. 2. After your proposal has been approved (within 2 weeks), you sign a service contract and the analytical research facility executes measurements after you have delivered samples. 3. The facility prepares a summary of measurements and analyses with you the relevance to your challenge.
APPLY NOW! www.baltic-tram.eu
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