Ethical Decision-making Bok's Model
Step 1: Consult your conscience First, consult your own conscience about the "rightness" of an action. How do you feel about the action or situation? Remember, ethical dilemmas usually occur when both answers are right within their own reason.
Step 2: Alternatives Seek expert advice Can you achieve the same goal another way and not raise ethical issues?
Step 3: Conduct a public discussion Conduct a discussion with those that are directly and indirectly involved. The goal is to see how others will respond to your actions. Remember to keep all parties interests involved in the discussion - not just your own.
The dilemma Link to the article in question: E.Newspapers/Mobile.aspx?articleid=449874 The parent email:
Mr. Burton Below is a copy of what was printed in the Davis Dart as well as a copy of the Districts policy on Harassment/Hazing/and Bullying. The article is "New craze TARGETS gingers" HARASSMENT/HAZING/BULLYING Students may be suspended, transferred to an alternative placement, expelled, referred for police investigation, and/or prosecuted for engaging in any physical or verbal aggression, intimidation, initiation, or discrimination of any school employee or student at school or school- related activity regardless of location or circumstance, including but not limited to bullying, hazing, or sexual, racial, ethnic, religious, or disability-related harassment. Davis High policy may be found at or a copy may be obtained in the school office. My daughter is a student that has red hair. Over the years that she has been in school, some students have harassed her over the color of her hair. I have always taught her to turn the other cheek, concider the source and walk away. I am shocked and appauled over the BOLD and open statements in the School News Paper. Statements like "gingers have no soul" and Nessie has been sighted but beautiful gingers have not. Listing that superstition in medieval history labeled red heads as witches. Doing a poll asking who would date a ginger. Having an official "Kick a ginger" day. This article makes it ok to Harass and Bully students because of the color of their hair. Are the teenage years not hard enough on students today without making it ok to tease them over the color of their hair. Are we next doing an article on African Americans. Should we ask how many students would not date a Mexican. Should we have a "Kick a Jew day" next. Why can we call redheads "gingers". Is this not just another word like the "N" word. Are we using it as a way of Harassment. Can we now us "Nappy Head" to talk about African Americans. I am requesting that the article immediately me removed. I am also requesting that an appology be placed in its place. The so called journalist who wrote this article has alot to learn about reporting what is news and what is out right discrimination based on ones color of skin and hair color. The administrator that oversees the school paper should also be retrained on allowing Harassment being printed in the school paper. If my child is harassed in any way based on this article, I will be contacting my attorney and The American Civil Liberties Union.
Discuss, evaluate and resolve Use Bok's Method Discuss, evaluate and resolve
Step 1: Consult your conscience First, consult your own conscience about the "rightness" of an action. How do you feel about the action or situation? Remember, ethical dilemmas usually occur when both answers are right within their own reason. Let's discuss...
Step 2: Alternatives Seek expert advice Can you achieve the same goal another way and not raise ethical issues? Let's discuss...
Step 3: Conduct a public discussion Conduct a discussion with those that are directly and indirectly involved. The goal is to see how others will respond to your actions. Remember to keep all parties interests involved in the discussion - not just your own. What would the conversation sound/look like?