Donald E. Eastlake 3rd +1-508-786-7554 TSIG SHA etc. Donald E. Eastlake 3rd +1-508-786-7554 March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
TSIG SHA Draft “HMAC SHA TSIG Algorithm Identifiers” draft-ietf-dnsext-tsig-sha-01.txt formerly: draft-eastlake-tsig-sha-*.txt Donald E. Eastlake 3rd In Last Call March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
TSIG Algorithms Current TSIG Proposed Standard [RFC 2845] defines only “HMAC-MD5.SIG-ALG.REG.INT”. Weaknesses in MD5/SHA-1 do not apply to HMAC so it may be OK but: Some people want to use government approved algorithms, i.e., at least SHA-1. Various SHA-224+ algorithms are believed to be stronger than MD5/SHA-1. Some people want to truncate their MACs. March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
Changes Specified by 00 Draft Draft standardized added HMAC algorithm FQDN syntax “TLDs” for all SHAs as follows: SHA1., SHA224., SHA256., SHA384., and SHA512. Defined how to specify truncation with a short MAC size TSIG field. Recommended implementation of SHA1 and 96 bit truncated SHA1, other new algorithms optional, HMAC-MD5 remained the only mandatory algorithm. March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
Changes 00->01 Draft Make implementation of HMAC-SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-256 MANDATORY in addition to HMAC-MD5. March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
Changes to be made 01->02 Draft Based on comments on list and implementer feedback: Specify error code for “signature too weak” to be the same as missing signature. Specify that truncated signature value in request is used in calculating signature for reply. State that policies SHOULD accept longer signatures than they require and SHOULD reply with a signature at least as long as that in the corresponding query. Say a little more about recent hash function breaks. March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
ECC Key Draft “Elliptic Curve KEYs in the DNS” draft-ietf-dnsext-ecc-key-06.txt formerly draft-schroeppel-dnsind-ecc-*.txt Richard C. Schroeppel Donald E. Eastlake 3rd March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
Elliptic Curve Crypto A Public Key system. Keys, signatures, etc., much more compact than RSA. [RFC 3766] A standard format is needed for interoperability. There are numerous patents and claims related to implementations, etc. This draft now defines both a key format and a signature format using Algorithm #4 previously reserved for this purpose. March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
ECC Draft Problems/Questions Need feedback on draft, ideally from implementers. Is format too general? March 2005 IETF DNSEXT
Other Signature Drafts Being updated and expected to be Last Called: draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc2536bis-dsa-04.txt draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc2539bis-dhk-04.txt March 2005 IETF DNSEXT