Why should your company nominate SIP Ambassadors? SIP Ambassadors engage, inspire and enthuse young people into considering careers in science.
What are the benefits to nominating SIP Ambassadors from your staff? SIP Ambassadors receive FREE training to develop their science careers knowledge Creates a pipeline of diverse talent into your company Promotes the breadth of careers available in science industries SIP Ambassadors develop knowledge, confidence and skills to enhance workforce morale and productivity SIP Ambassadors can promote your company’s career opportunities to young people to inspire your future workforce
How do they work together to support the science industries? STEM and SIP How do they work together to support the science industries? SIP Ambassadors do not need to be STEM Ambassadors as well Of course we welcome STEM Ambassadors who wish to become SIP Ambassadors as well SIP Ambassadors have additional training and resources to inspire young people towards pursuing a career in science industries They are a link to Industry to expand the talent pool for STEM employers
Ambassador Training SIP Training is 3 hours, interactive, and will assist in developing practical planning and classroom delivery skills SIP Ambassadors will need to be trained as STEM Ambassadors, a 2 hour training session, prior to SIP training Training can be arranged regionally, or on site providing there are over 10 registrants from the same company All SIP training and resources are free
Ambassador Resources Futures in Science- a flexible, interactive guide to delivering engaging presentations and activities to ages 11-18 for a variety of ability levels. This helps to structure events and reduce pre-event planning time.
Ambassador Resources Electronic Resources- 5 interactive electronic resources that supplement your industry experience to facilitate exploring careers in science
Delivery Ambassadors can deliver in school presentations, careers fairs and industry days These can be at their place of work or off site SIP Ambassadors can deliver locally or nationally within England SIP Ambassadors can deliver alone or in groups together SIP Ambassadors are encouraged to deliver at least 3 events before March 2016
Ambassadors can find out about upcoming events by checking… Attending events Ambassadors can find out about upcoming events by checking… The SIP Ambassador Newsletter Email alerts The local STEM contract holder website (http://www.stemnet.org.uk/regions/)- Many events completed as a routine part of an employees job can be counted (e.g. delivering a school tour around work premises or attending a careers fair) with only small adjustments
What do the Ambassadors think? I’m a strong advocate for helping young people make informed choices about their further education and career. I’ve found the SIP materials help me connect with students more effectively, and put a framework around something I was already passionate about. I’d highly recommend it! Rebecca Jackson, Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pfizer & SIP Ambassador
Any Questions? If you have any questions regarding the SIP Ambassador Programme, please email sharon.mathews@cogentskills.com