Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Women 15 March 2016 assessment of how the Public Service (including the DPSA) is performing with regards to women in SENIOR MANAGEMENT SERVICE (SMS) Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Women 15 March 2016
Representation of women at SMS as at 30 September 2015 There were 9976 filled SMS positions of which 4056 (40.6%) were filled by women and 5907 (59.4%) were filled by men. There are 13 people categorised as unknown at SMS level Women constitute 28% 0f level 16 and men 72%; this representation has remained persistently low over the years. Women with disabilities at SMS are 39 and men were 83 from a total of 119. Youth (below 35) at SMS constitute 5% of the total; young women at this level are more than men at 51% and men at 49%.
Representation of women versus men at SMS in the Public SERVICE SEPTEMBER 2015 Unknown Gender Province Female Male Total % Rank Gauteng 1 358 441 800 44.7 KZN-Natal 253 349 603 41.9 2 National Departments 9 2374 3330 5713 41.5 3 Eastern Cape 281 409 691 40.6 4 Western Cape 150 237 387 38.7 5 Limpopo 188 319 507 37.0 6 North West 116 205 321 36.1 7 Mpumalanga 118 208 327 36.0 8 Northern Cape 93 167 260 35.7 Free State 125 242 367 34.0 10 TOTAL 13 4056 5907 9976
Compliance with the 50% representation of women at SMS per province as at 30 September 2015 TRENDS EC FS GP KZN LMP MPU NAT NW NC WC TOTAL Number of departments that met the 50% target 2 1 3 6 21 Number of departments between 40-49% 12 4 24 59 Number of departments between 30-39% 13 7 5 53 Number of departments below 30% 23
Departments that have met the 50% target Province Department Eastern Cape Office of the Premier(50.6%) Human Settlements (51.9%) Free State Social Development (50%) Gauteng Social Development (61.5%) KwaZulu Natal Human Settlements (50%) Transport (52.7%) Limpopo Social Development (58.3%) Sport, Arts and Culture (50%) Mpumalanga Social Development (55.5%) North West Economic Development, Environment, Conversation and Tourism (58.3%) Northern Cape Social Development (52%) Western Cape Health (54.6%) Social Development (56.5% National departments Arts and Culture (50.9%) Economic Development (56.7%) National School of Government (51.2%) Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation (52.3%) The Presidency (50%) Women (56.6%)
CHALLENGES AND SUCCESSES The representation of women at SMS is more at levels 13 and 14, but very low at levels 15 and 16. Not all departments are submitting plans and reports on the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategic Framework (GESF) JobAccess Strategic Framework for the Recruitment, Appointment and Retention of People with Disabilities (JA)(see slide 6), although the submission rate has improved from 78 in 2014/15 to 101 in 2015/16. Attendance of support workshops is by junior officials and they have no authority to implement some of the strategies provided at these workshops, more especially remedial plans to close equity gaps (see slide 6). Gauteng is the one outstanding province that has improved year on year since the support workshops started. Representation of women at SMS as at 30 September 2015 was 40.6%, an improvement from 38% when support workshops started in 2012.
CHALLENGES AND SUCCESSES Staffing of units and job descriptions of Gender Focal Points is not uniform in departments. In the Eastern Cape, the Northern Cape and the Free State most units are either located in the office of the HOD or the MEC, but this location does not translate into better resourcing and performance. The performance of departments on the Diversity Management standard in MPAT is one of the lowest, but it has improved from 1.2% in 2013 to 1.7% in 2014. Even for departments that are complying with submission of implementation plans for the GESF, their performance is affected by the failure to meet the 50% target.
Compliance with annual reporting requirements 2014/15 Province Submission of Plans and Reports on GESF and JA Submission of PSWMW Reports Submission of Sexual Harassment reports Attendance of support workshops No attended No of SMS Eastern Cape 9/13 10/13 6/13 55 14 Free State 6/12 7/12 10/12 32 3 Gauteng 9/14 8/14 6/14 46 10 KwaZulu Natal 10/14 7/14 5/14 34 Limpopo 0/12 56 Mpumalanga 5/12 2/12 39 North West 8/12 11/12 40 8 Northern Cape 27 2 Western Cape 13/13 30 6 National Departments 23/45 22/45 15/45 84 Total 101 96 70 443 83
Gender mainstreaming in the DPSA The department has an Approved Gender Policy; Gender Equality Strategic Framework and annual implementation plan There are Various diversity fora for designated groups: Women Management Forum; Departmental Women’s forum; Men’s Forum ; Disability Management forum; Youth Forum The department has an Employment Equity Plan to manage representation target and barriers (incl. affirmative action measures) Concept on leadership development programme targeted at women empowerment
DPSA representation AS at 29 Feb 2016 YEARS Total SMS Total Females % 2015/16 96 41 42.7% 2014/15 2013/14 113 43 38.1% 2012/13 98 38 38.8% Total Staff PWD 459 11 2.4% 433 8 1.85% 494 1.6% 457 9 2.0% Total SMS Total Females % 2015/16 91 39 42.9% 2014/15 106 43 40.6% 2013/14 113 38.1% 2012/13 98 38 38.8% Total PWD 443 8 1.8% 458 1.7% 494 1.6% 457 9 2.0%
DPSA: PWD Representation (3yr cycle)
Gender Focal Point in the Department (dpsa) The Director: Transformation and Employee Health and Wellness is assigned the Role of a Gender Focal Point (SMS member) Located in the Corporate Services Branch –reporting to Chief Director: HR and Security Management. The Director has the assistance of a Deputy Director who coordinates the implementation of GESF plan and Diversity Management interventions. Key Responsibilities: Gender Mainstreaming; Employment Equity; Disability Management, Youth Development; Employee Health and Wellness; Service Delivery Improvement Programme Batho Pele coordination and Coordination of the Management of Performance Assessment Tool.