INTRODUCTION College of Business RTP Process California State University Board of Trustees Policies on Evaluation Criteria CSU, Sacramento University ARTP Policy Presidential Memorandum 02-11 Area RTP Policy Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Unit 3 Faculty College of Business RTP Policy
RTP Flow Process Primary Level Review: Area Committee 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th year retention 4th, 6th year retention, tenure, promotion Dean: Reviews and Recommends Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost) Faculty Member Primary Level Review: Area Committee Secondary Level Review: CBA Committee [Promotion to Full RTP occurs beginning of fifth year after last promotion]
RTP Flow Process First Year Performance Review Primary Level Review Dean: Reviews and Recommends
Personnel Action File (PAF) CUSTODIAN The Associate Dean, as the Dean’s designee, is the custodian of the PAFs. FILE LOCATION Tahoe 2130 Requests for copies must be submitted in writing
The PAF The Personnel Action File (PAF) contains the permanent record of the RTP process for each faculty member. Section 1 - Current year’s RTP Review Letters Section 2 - Previous years’ RTP Review Letters Section 3 - Student Evaluations Section 4 - Other PAF Insertions Section 5 - Index Section 6 - Curriculum Vitae (CV) Section 7 - Initial appointment letter
The WPAF The Working Personnel Action File (WPAF) contains materials transferred from the PAF plus material prepared by the faculty member each evaluation period. The WPAF is the binder that is reviewed by each level of review. The WPAF is disassembled when the current period’s evaluation cycle is complete.
Who Provides What? Access Log (AD) Verification of WPAF contents (AD) CV/resume (current CV/resume (FM) Original appointment CV/resume (AD) Current ARTP Evaluations (AD) Past ARTP Evaluations (AD) RTP Narratives/Summaries/Reflective Statements (Teaching effectiveness, Scholarly & Creative Activities, Service) (FM) Index of items in following section of binder (A-E) (FM) A. Evidence of teaching effectiveness (student evaluations, syllabi, other evidence of teaching effectiveness) B. Evidence for Scholarly and creative activities C. Evidence of Institutional Service D. Evidence for community service E. Other materials (FM) Letters of appointment per college ARTP policy not included elsewhere (AD)
Timeframe for Submitted Materials Retention through Tenure: Materials submitted/received since date of initial appointment through the current evaluation period’s file closure date. First Promotion: Subsequent Promotions: Materials submitted/received since the date the files closed immediately prior to the evaluation which resulted in the last promotion.
WPAF Index PREPARATION OF THE WPAF INDEX Please make note of the following: Materials that are placed in the file by you for the current period’s evaluation have an asterisk placed next to it. Activities that are simply listed in the index for the record do not have an asterisk placed next to it; you are not limited to include only the examples shown on the WPAF index given to you. For example, you may include a statement of teaching and/or research philosophy, or you may include a statement that discusses your student evaluations. The criteria and relative values approved by the College faculty are shown after the WPAF index. Materials from non-state supported teaching or from outside institutions are not part of your teaching performance evaluated through this process. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO College of Business Administration WORKING PERSONNEL ACTION FILE (WPAF) INDEX (Relevant review time period placed here) Original Appointment Date – File Closure Date NAME: _____________________________________________________________ FACULTY RANK: ____________________________________________________ This Index is a record of activities and materials submitted for use in my periodic evaluation and performance review. The asterisk indicates those materials, which are to accompany my WPAF as it advances through the evaluation levels. All other materials available upon request. SIGNATURE: ________________________________
RTP Classification Determines Closure Date Determines Levels of Review May request change in writing and before Closure Date (applies to Early Tenure & Promotion, Early Promotion, Promotion, Promotion to Full)
RTP CLASSIFICATION OF FACULTY MEMBERS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 2015-2016 Review Cycle First Year – Spring Performance Review October 30, 2015 Regular faculty members serving in the first full-time year of employment to be considered for Periodic Evaluation Tota Panggabean Retention – Performance Review September 11, 2015 P-2 Regular faculty members serving in the second full-time year of employment to be considered for reappointment. Jesse Catlin P-3 Regular faculty members serving in the third full-time year of employment to be considered for reappointment. Brian Baldus Yang Li Taylor Wells P-5 Regular faculty members serving in the fifth full-time year of employment to be considered for reappointment. Feng “Oliver” Liu David Moore Kim Staking+ Stephen Wheeler+ Tenure and Promotion Appointees – Performance Review October 09, 2015 P-6 Regular faculty members serving in the sixth full-time year of employment to be considered for tenure and promotion. Nuriddin Ikromov# Ping “Tyra” Shao Early Promotion to Full – Performance Review Jessica Bagger Promotion to Full – Performance Review Anna Vygodina Maureen Lojo Hakan Ozcelik + 2 years credit towards tenure awarded #1 1/2 years credit towards tenure awarded
RTP 2015-16 Cycle Closure Dates (These Dates Are Not Subject to Modification) Retention September 11 Early Tenure, Tenure, October 09 Early Promotion, Promotion Promotion to Full October 09 1 Year Performance Review October 30
Key RTP Dates Academic Year 2015-2016 (All subject to modification, excluding the File Closure Date) Academic Year 2015-2016 Consideration Retention Tenure, Early Tenure, Early Promotion, Promotion to Full File Closure Date September 11 October 09 Primary Level Committee (PLC) Committee Action Tenure & Promotion Considerations PLC retention recommendation due to faculty under review September 29 November 13 Faculty rebuttal to PLC retention recommendation due to the AD Faculty Office November 23 Secondary Level Committee (SLC), Dean & Provost Committee Action Retention Tenure & Promotion Considerations SLC retention recommendation due to faculty under review (Retention: (P-4) & (Tenure & Promo Consideration: P6, ET, EP, PF) October 30 February 08 Faculty rebuttal to SLC retention recommendation due to AD Office (Retention: (P-4) & (Tenure & Promo Consideration: P6, ET, EP, PF) November 10 February 18 SLC retention recommendation due to faculty under review (P-2, P-3, & P-5) November 13 __ Faculty rebuttal to SLC retention recommendation due to AD Office (P-2, P-3, & P-5) November 23
(Subject to Modification) Key RTP Dates – cont’d (Subject to Modification) Dean’s retention recommendation due to faculty (P-4) December 10 __ Faculty rebuttal to Dean’s retention recommendation due to AD Office (P-4) December 21 Transfer of Retention candidate files to Provost (P-4) January 08 Dean’s retention recommendation to faculty (P-2, P-3, & P-5) February 05 Provost letter to Retention candidates (P-4) February 12 Faculty rebuttal to Dean’s retention recommendation due to AD Office (P-2, P-3, & P-5) February 15 Dean’s recommendation to Tenure & Promo Consideration: P6, ET, EP, PF candidates March 04 Faculty rebuttal to Dean’s Tenure & Promo Consideration: P6, ET, EP, PF recommendation March 14 Transfer of Tenure & Promo Consideration: P6, ET, EP, PF to Provost April 01 Provost letter to Tenure & Promo Consideration: P6, ET, EP, PF candidates May 20
(Subject to Modification) Tenure & Promotion Considerations Key RTP Dates – cont’d (Subject to Modification) First Year - Spring Performance Review (P1) Committee Action Retention Tenure & Promotion Considerations File Closure Date October 30 __ PLC retention recommendation due to faculty under review November 20 Faculty rebuttal to PLC retention recommendation due to the AD Office November 30 Dean’s retention recommendation due to faculty (1st Yr Performance Evaluations) February 12 Faculty rebuttal to Dean's retention recommendation due to the AD Office (1st Yr Performance Evaluations) February 22
Preparation of the WPAF Index (An electronic copy is available at: w:faculty/ARTP documents and also online at the MyCBA/For Faculty website) Materials that are physically included in the file by faculty for the current period’s evaluation have an asterisk (*) placed next to them on the index. (items not included may be referenced and provided upon request) WORKING PERSONNEL ACTION FILE (WPAF) INDEX 1. Access log (AD) 2. Verification of WPAF contents (AD) 3. CV/resume {current CV/resume and CV/resume from either the original appointment (for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor) or from the last time the faculty member was promoted (for promotion to Full Professor)} (FM) 4. Current RTP Evaluations (AD) 5. Past RTP Evaluations (AD) 6. RTP narratives/summaries/reflective statements/personal action plan/faculty Development plan (as appropriate for each College) addressing: A. Teaching effectiveness (FM) B. Scholarly and creative activities (FM) C. Service (contributions to the community and to the institution) (FM)
WORKING PERSONNEL ACTION FILE (WPAF) INDEX Continued… 7. Index of items in following section of binder (A-E) A. Evidence for teaching effectiveness 1. Student evaluations (AD) 2. Syllabi (at least one for each course taught) (FM) 3. Other evidence of teaching effectiveness (FM) B. Evidence for scholarly and creative activities (FM) C. Evidence for institutional service (FM) D. Evidence for community service (FM) E. Other materials (FM) 8. Letters of appointment per college ARTP policy not included elsewhere (AD) *Supporting materials are returned to the faculty member following the completion of the review cycle.
RTP Narratives summaries/reflective statements/personal action plan/faculty development plan that addresses the following: Teaching effectiveness Scholarly and creative activities Service (contributions to the community and to the institution)
Evidence For Teaching Effectiveness Student evaluations from PAF Syllabi (at least one for each course taught) Other evidence of teaching effectiveness
Evidence For Scholarly & Creative Activities Accomplishments in research and/or creative projects. Publication of articles, books, reviews, or research papers. Unpublished manuscripts. Membership and appropriate participation in activities of professional organizations. Presentation of professional lectures.
Evidence For Community Service Office or directorship on a volunteer basis (national, state, local). Volunteer or paid consultant. Participation on committees of agencies or organizations (national, state, local). Participation in the mass media. Community honors and awards. Other.
Evidence of Institutional Service Contributions to faculty member’s area. Contributions to College of Business Administration. Contributions to the University.
Criteria & Relative Values Assigned Weights for Faculty Evaluation Approved by the College Faculty RETENTION TENURE PROMOTION Competent Teaching Performance .53 .52 .51 Scholarly or Creative Achievement .30 .31 .32 Contribution to the Institution .10 Contribution to the Community .07 TOTAL 1.00 (Weights valid for five years) Fall 2014-Spring 2019
WPAF Verification Form (Final Closure Step) VERIFICATION OF WORKING PERSONNEL ACTION FILE CONTENTS Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 Review Cycle CANDIDATE NAME: __________________________________________________ (Type of Print) By signing below, I certify satisfactorily completed and is ready to be released to the review committees for evaluation and appropriate recommendations. I also certify that my Working Personnel Action File has been that references made in my current Index are supported by documentation and that those documents which did not accompany the Index are readily available in my faculty office should the material be called for at any review level. ************************************************************* SIGNATURE: ________________________________ DATE:___________________________ Access log (AD) Verification of WPAF contents (AD) CV/resume {current CV/resume and CV/resume from either the original appointment (for tenure and promotion to Associate Professor) or from the last time the faculty member was promoted (for promotion to Full Professor)} (FM/AD) Current RTP Evaluations (AD) Past RTP Evaluations (AD) RTP narratives/summaries/reflective statements/personal action plan/faculty Development plan (as appropriate for each College) addressing: Teaching effectiveness (FM) Scholarly and creative activities (FM) Service (contributions to the community and to the institution) (FM) Index of items in following section of binder (A-E) Evidence for teaching effectiveness Student evaluations (AD) Syllabi (at least one for each course taught) (FM) Other evidence of teaching effectiveness (FM) B. Evidence for scholarly and creative activities (FM) C. Evidence for institutional service (FM) D. Evidence for community service (FM) E. Other materials (FM) 8. Letters of appointment per college ARTP policy not included elsewhere (AD)
WPAF Appointment Check List Please refer to the RTP manual for specifics re: forms, dates and timelines. Please request binders, tabs, labels and any other items needed to be prepared your WPAF binder, prior to your file closure appointment. The AD for Faculty will meet with you by appointment to review your file and provide content suggestions prior to closure appointment. Tamara Dunn will meet with you by appointment to review your file and provide organizational suggestion prior to closure appointment. Bring an updated copy of your curriculum vitae with the current date printed in the header or footer. Make sure the correct appointment date and file closure date is on your WPAF index. Please come prepared to your file closure appointment, with the WPAF materials organized and inserted in the binder.