Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) January 2008
Overview Replacing paper/pencil questionnaires with computers (Ultra Mobile PCs, PDAs, etc) to conduct multi-topic household surveys Increase timeliness of data collection Increase quality through checks for consistency Some experiences with very short surveys, but less known or documented about the implications of CAPI for LSMS surveys.
Issues: Feasibility and impact on quality Equipment in the field: batteries/electricity, withstanding field work [weather], theft System to Back up data Cost Developing appropriate software (user friendly) Questionnaire design
Issues: Feasibility and impact on quality Impact on how interviewers conduct interviews (probing, prompting for consistency, etc…) Impact on how respondents respond Ergonomic aspects to the interview Training (recruitment) of field staff
CAPI experiences Tanzania: survey of 500 households (to study subjective and objective poverty measures), conducted on UMPCs. Completed Dec 2007. Vietnam: survey in field in fall 2008 Panama (maybe) Brazil (maybe)