Process of Science Bridgette kicks off the day talking about process of science…
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
The Process of Science Diagram a flowchart of the process of science, labeling all major steps in the process. Part 1: 9;35-9:55: Teachers, in pairs/small groups, diagram the process of science as they see it. Label all parts and connections.
Which best matches your model? Give couple minutes for groups to compare their process to two options. As whole group, discuss which process is best representative of science and why. Source:
Science is an iterative process at all stages Visit website, review interactive graphic if possible. Can have printouts if needed (or good to have for participants to take away?) Points to stress: The real process of science is complex, iterative, and can take many different paths. The process of science involves observation, exploration, testing, communication, and application. Source:
Penguin Foraging Simulations & Graphing Kristin leads teachers in Penguin Foraging simulation…
Lunch? What do you like to eat for lunch? How far did you have to travel to get your lunch?
Penguins Lunch? What do penguins eat for lunch? How far do penguins have to travel to get their lunch?
If you want to discuss the Antarctic food web.
Adélie Penguin Simulation Only one goes at a time, other stays back to care for/protect chick. Objective = to collect as many krill (beads) as possible for chick. Two rounds total. Each round = 1 minute long. Plastic bag = stomach to fill. Collect krill using hand not holding plastic bag (your beak). Collect one krill from a bucket at a time. Need to change buckets before collecting next krill. But following krill can be from original bucket. Can stand and lean over bucket (no kneeling or sitting). Cannot pick krill off of floor.
Adélie Penguin Simulation Data Round/Partner Convergence Zone Color Beads (Pink/Red) Other Color Beads (White) Round 1 Raw Data Round 1 Averaged Data Round 2 Raw Data Round 2 Averaged Data
Adélie Penguin Simulation Data
Adélie Penguin Simulation Results Which color of beads was there more of in each round? Did the difference between red and white beads change across the rounds (over time)? Which colors did you pick up more of during the game? Why?
Daily Questions What influences where Adélie penguins forage for food?
Process of Science Reflection: Simulations & Graphing Bridgette leads discussion/reflection…
The Process of Science How does the penguin activity mimic the scientific process? Part 2: 10:15-10:35: How penguin simulation and graphing activity maps on process of science Have pairs/groups discuss, then whole group discussion. Points to stress (thoughts right now) made observations, came up with ideas, discussed and evaluated them against new evidence, analyzed and interpreted data
The Process of Science How do we help students recognize how the activity mimics the process of science? Have pairs/groups discuss, then whole group discussion. Points to stress:
Process of Science Reflection: Authentic Data Kristin facilitates discussion and leads activity…
Interpreting data very important part of the process of science.
Understanding data visualizations Some 63% Americans correctly say that the findings from a scatterplot chart show the average number of decayed teeth per person in different countries, plotted along with average sugar consumption per person, per day.10 And there is a 34-point gap between these groups in correctly interpreting a scatterplot chart from among a list of four options. Half (50%) of those with a high school diploma or less answer this question correctly, compared with 84% among those who completed a postgraduate degree.
Then project the Penguin Habitat Use map for the students to look at on the screen (Adelie_Pen_Pal_Kern_141001.gif) through your internet browser or other software you would prefer. Let the file play through once without saying anything. Have the students watch the data and think to themselves about what they are seeing. **NEED to orient them to the data **
Nonsense Data Activity Debrief What aspects did you find surprising? What implications could this have on how you teach with data to your students? What helps us make sense of data?
N N Palmer Station Palmer Station And if we continue to zoom in closer, we can see the area around Palmer Station. This is the area we will be looking at data about penguins from. Palmer Station
Satellite Tags
Why work with data? Take ~2 minutes to reflect on and write down your ideas to one or both of these prompts: What is the pedagogical value of having students work with real data? How can working with data help achieve science learning objectives?
Data Literacy Data Literacy = ability to ask and answer meaningful questions by collecting, analyzing, and making sense of data encountered in our everyday lives
Data visualization reading Students often do not know: where to start looking, how to make sense of what they see, how to relate it to other concepts being discussed in class.
Three Levels of Engagement with Data Visualizations
data table and/or visualization OR model output... Once you have data in a data table and/or visualization OR model output...
Orientation - What is there on the page? Things that students are doing to answer the question Example Determining what kind of graph it is I am looking at a line graph... Determining what the axes are / what the variables are …of average air temperature (°C) and time (year). Understanding the context of the data (metadata/data provenance, sort of) I need to know what temperature and time are and how the data on temperature and time were collected.
Interpretation - What does the data on the page show? Things that students are doing to answer the question Example Using pattern recognition to determine what is going on in the data in relation to the axes and other points. I see an increasing pattern. Determining if there are outliers. There are no obvious outliers, but there are some data points missing from the dataset. Determining the variation/range of the data. There is a lot of inter-annual variation. The average air temperature data ranges from a little over 10°C to around 14°C overall. But in the beginning of the time series it ranges from around 10°C to 13°C and at the end of the time series it ranges from around 12°C to 14°C. Deciding what the pattern in the data is showing with respect to the variables. Therefore the air temperature has been increasing over the time period of the data.
Things that students are doing to answer the question Synthesis - What does that allow me to explain (with/about what is not on the page)? Things that students are doing to answer the question Example Articulating what that means with respect to things off of the page. The overall trend of increasing average air temperature means that organisms that live in New York City have experienced a 2°C increase in air temperature over the last 130 years. Articulating why that could be. There may be another factor, not graphed in this data figure, that is influencing air temperature during the time series. Relating the findings to prior knowledge of broader science concepts. Climate change has resulted in increased air temperatures in some areas since around the 1850s. These data are of air temperature from the 1880s to 2010s and the overall pattern is increasing. Therefore, these data indicate that climate change could be resulting in an increased average air temperature in New York City.
REMEMBER - all three of levels are critical to truly understand and make sense of data!
Plankton to Penguins – Modeling Bridgette leads…
Scientific Models What are scientific models? Why are they useful? Scientists build models to explain how aspects of the real world work. Models are a mentally visual way of linking theory with experiment, and they guide research by being simplified representations of an imagined reality that enable predictions to be developed and tested by experiment. A scientific model consists of ideas and concepts, and includes some kind of mechanism. Many models are built and investigated using mathematics, and computers allow very complex mathematical models. Often, there are competing models for the same phenomenon.
Scientific Models What are scientific models? Why are they useful? Let’s use an example to demonstrate how to elevate a food web game into a demonstration for your students of how scientists make and refine models. Scientists build models to explain how aspects of the real world work. Models are a mentally visual way of linking theory with experiment, and they guide research by being simplified representations of an imagined reality that enable predictions to be developed and tested by experiment. A scientific model consists of ideas and concepts, and includes some kind of mechanism. Many models are built and investigated using mathematics, and computers allow very complex mathematical models. Often, there are competing models for the same phenomenon.
Antarctic Food Web 5 minutes explaining set up and game. Play one (maybe two?) round of activity with teachers.
Krill in Antarctic Food Webs The food web in Antarctica is a relatively simple food web in comparison to other locations in other oceans and supports a large variety of large predators (whales, seals, penguins). Antarctic krill, specifically Euphausia superba, are a key species in Antarctic food webs. They feed on phytoplankton (mainly large diatoms), microzooplankton, and copepods and are the major food source for many top predators including baleen whales, sea birds including penguins, and seals. Many life stages of krill need the ice to survive over the winter as the winter ice contains lots of algae to feed on. Phytoplankton
Krill Swarms Antarctic krill can grow up to 6cm in length and live up to 7 years. They typically swim together in large groups called swarms, which can contain up to 60,000 individuals per cubic meter of seawater. Phytoplankton
Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) The WAP is the location where the ACC is closest to the continent The Antarctic continent is surrounded by a circumpolar current, called the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, or ACC. The ACC is the world’s largest ocean current, and this current is fed by warmer waters from the north. Thus the ACC is Antarctica’s warmest water. Its temperature ranges between 0 and 5 degrees, but for Antarctica, this is considered warm water. The WAP is the location where the ACC is closest to the continent. The location of the ACC in proximity to the WAP is also the reason this location is warming much more quickly than other parts of Antarctica, which I will show you next.
Using the WAP as zone to study how rapid warming can alter food webs 50-year changes in winter air temperature Martinson et al. 2008 Qslope (x109 J m-2) Seawater heat content Heat content (x109 J m-2) The West Antarctic Peninsula, or WAP, has undergone profound warming in the past decades; thus it is an appropriate location to study how rapid warming can alter food webs Mid-winter surface atmospheric temperatures have increased by 6°C (>5x the global average) in the past 50 years. This is shown in the left figure with the waters near the WAP in red showing a +0.2 degrees C per year increase over the last 50 years. Warming air temperatures are also associated with the increase in the heat content of seawater near the WAP, shown as an increasing trend since 1992 in the figure on the right. Additionally, sea ice is declining. 87% of the WAP glaciers are in retreat, the ice season has shortened by nearly 90 days, and perennial sea ice is no longer a feature of this environment. These changes are accelerating. °C Fastest winter warming location on Earth Increase of 6°C in the past 50 years Increase in ocean heat content
Food Web Game Instructions Each person a predator (icefish, whale, seal, penguin, petral) that feeds on zooplankton. Predator card says what and how much food needed per round (season). Set up Round 1 board: krill (red/pink/orange beads) go beneath ice sheet, salps (white/black/grey beads) go in the open water. Objective = to collect enough food to survive the season. Two rounds total. Each round = 1 turn each. Collect enough food/beads (krill or salps) so you have energy to last to the next round (season). Not enough food = not enough energy = tired, but safe. Record in the Antarctic Food Web Data Table how much food each consumed in the round (season). Play Round 2. Two rounds not enough energy = leave ecosystem.
Post-Game Discussion How did the Food Web game mimic a scientific model? How could the game be used to refine a scientific model? In what other ways can you use activities to demonstrate this important process of science (building and refining models to test ideas)
Pulling it All Together Kristin leads discussion
The Process of Science What aspects of the process of science do we want to get across to our students? What are we trying to help them accomplish in terms of their understanding of the process of science? Think, pair, share (10 minutes)
The Process of Science How do we help students recognize how an activity mimics the process of science? What else can we add into our teaching/classes to highlight and illuminate the process of science? Have pairs discuss, then whole group discussion. Try to come up with list of action items/steps to take to incorporate process of science more into teaching.
How to Share Your Expertise with Scientists Bridgette leads discussion…
Expert to Novice What do you do to translate science for your students (novice learners)? How do you anticipate giving feedback to the scientists to help them translate their science? Kristin capturing these ideas on board as teachers come pu with them
Key Principles of “Experts” vs “Novices” Notice features & meaningful patterns not noticed by novices Often focus on surface attributes. Knowledge organized around “big ideas” that guide thinking. Problems approached with focus on concepts & rationale for why they apply. Don’t “chunk information.” Knowledge is memorized in lists of facts & laws, & so problem solving requires searching for correct formulas, equations, & rules to plug & manipulate. Flexibly & selectively retrieve important & relevant aspects of their knowledge. They are less likely to know the conditions under which specific knowledge is applied. Here is a summary of three key points to take away from that chapter that distinguishes Experts from Novices (or non-experts). So how could you use this information to design activities or experiences to support learning? Reference: Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L., & Cocking, R.R. (2000) How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. (Expanded Edition). Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Experts have principles and theories and experiences to guide observations Novices don’t necessarily know what to focus on. What’s relevant? What’s not? They will often go down a list in their minds of what they have learned and look for rules that they think might have something to do with the investigation. Plug and play Experts are more likely to try to understand problems rather than simply attempt to plug numbers into formulas. The same stimulus is perceived and understood differently, depending on the knowledge that a person brings to the situation. Expertise in a domain helps people develop a sensitivity to patterns of meaningful information that are not available to novices. - they can chunk information into familiar patterns. Experts knowledge is not simply a list of facts and formulas that are relevant to their domain, instead their knowledge is organized around core concepts or “big ideas” that guide their thinking about their domains. Incline planes vs conservation of energy Does the problem make sense vs what formula do I use If they know the chapter then know how to answer the question So think about your observations and how you were making explanations. What kinds of things did you pay attention to and why – what principles were you drawing on? QUESTION: how might expert vs novice information be of use to you when communicating science? Small group discussion, then whole group share out. Slide developed by Catherine Halverson (UC-Berkeley)
From: Ambrose et al. 2012. How Learning Works
Which is Expert? Novice? Why? From: Ambrose et al. 2012. How Learning Works
Translating your Expertise for a Novice How do you convey the most important parts of your teaching for a non-expert audience (parents, media, town council, general public, etc.) Would you use the same strategies for a different audience? Really complex or simple topics? Giving more time for discussion of these strategies (45 minutes) Have them creating strategies that we summarize for end of talk here. If you were doing this for your uncle at the dinner table, would you use the same strategies for a different audience (family, public, etc.). What are your strategies (for teachers) for translating what you do for media, for public, for petitioning town council of things. Are they similar for different audiences, are they useful for really complex and simpler topics, strategies for identifying what’s important for your audience What’s the most important things to communicate: teachers likely to respond the curriculum keys and standards (sounds flippant, but in theory should be true). Create a Concept Map to Analyze Your Own Knowledge Organization It can be difficult for experts to recognize how they organize their own knowledge, and thus difficult for them to communicate this organization to students. One way to make your own knowledge organization apparent to yourself is to create your own concept map. Model this map for novices. Elucidate Novice Thinking: Ideas 1) Use a Sorting Task to Expose Students’ Knowledge Organizations; 2) Ask Students to Draw a Concept Map to Expose Their Knowledge Organizations Use Contrasting and Boundary Cases to Highlight Organizing Features To help students develop more sophisticated and nuanced ways of organizing knowledge, it can be useful to present contrasting cases, or two items that share many features but differ in critical ways. Although cases are often used in teaching, they tend to be most effective when presented not in isolation but rather with some compare-and-contrast analysis. Explicitly Highlight Deep Features In order to help students develop more meaningful and less superficial knowledge organizations, highlight the deep features of problems, designs, theories, and examples. One way to do this is to provide examples of problems that share deep features but differ superficially, or examples of problems that are superficially similar but operate on different structural principles. Encourage Students to Work with Multiple Organizing Structures To enable more flexible application of knowledge, students need to develop multiple knowledge organizations that they can draw on as appropriate. One way to help students develop multiple representations is to ask them to categorize a set of items according to more than one organizational schema;
Strategies for translating science Let’s discuss strategies for helping scientists translate their science to a novice audience Giving more time for discussion of these strategies (45 minutes) Have them creating strategies that we summarize for end of talk here. If you were doing this for your uncle at the dinner table, would you use the same strategies for a different audience (family, public, etc.). What are your strategies (for teachers) for translating what you do for media, for public, for petitioning town council of things. Are they similar for different audiences, are they useful for really complex and simpler topics, strategies for identifying what’s important for your audience What’s the most important things to communicate: teachers likely to respond the curriculum keys and standards (sounds flippant, but in theory should be true). Create a Concept Map to Analyze Your Own Knowledge Organization It can be difficult for experts to recognize how they organize their own knowledge, and thus difficult for them to communicate this organization to students. One way to make your own knowledge organization apparent to yourself is to create your own concept map. Model this map for novices. Elucidate Novice Thinking: Ideas 1) Use a Sorting Task to Expose Students’ Knowledge Organizations; 2) Ask Students to Draw a Concept Map to Expose Their Knowledge Organizations Use Contrasting and Boundary Cases to Highlight Organizing Features To help students develop more sophisticated and nuanced ways of organizing knowledge, it can be useful to present contrasting cases, or two items that share many features but differ in critical ways. Although cases are often used in teaching, they tend to be most effective when presented not in isolation but rather with some compare-and-contrast analysis. Explicitly Highlight Deep Features In order to help students develop more meaningful and less superficial knowledge organizations, highlight the deep features of problems, designs, theories, and examples. One way to do this is to provide examples of problems that share deep features but differ superficially, or examples of problems that are superficially similar but operate on different structural principles. Encourage Students to Work with Multiple Organizing Structures To enable more flexible application of knowledge, students need to develop multiple knowledge organizations that they can draw on as appropriate. One way to help students develop multiple representations is to ask them to categorize a set of items according to more than one organizational schema;