Department of Civil Engineering, I.T.U Reservoirs Tarkan Erdik, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, I.T.U
Primary function is to store A reservoirs has two categories: 1- Storage (conservation) [i.e., Atatürk dam] 2- Distribution (service) [for emergencies & fire fighting] Physical Characteristics of Reservoirs Primary function is to store Most important characteristic:“storage capacity”
Reservoir: Collects water behind a dam or barrier Reservoirs are constructed for: Drinking water, Irrigation, Hydropower, Flood mitigation During a specified time interval; S (supply) < D (demand) Need for “water storage”
Reservoir Spillway crest Upstream Spillway Dam body Downstream
Spillways are structures constructed to provide safe release of flood waters from a dam to a downstream area.
Elevation-Area-Volume Curves Area-elevation curve: is obtained by measuring the area enclosed within each contour in the reservoir site using a planimeter. Usually a 1/5000 scaled topographic map Elevation-storage curve: is the integration of an area-elevation curve. The storage between any two elevations can be obtained by the product of average surface area at two elevations multiplied by the difference in elevation.
Elevation-Area-Volume Curves A planimeter is a device used to calculate the area of an arbitrary two-dimensional shape.
h (m) A (Km2 ) 0.00 1.00 1.62 2.00 2.16 3.00 2.64 4.00 3.09 5.00 3.51 6.00 3.90 7.00
The Q stands for volume. The exact answer is16.08 whereas the approximate value is 15.96
Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü., İnş.Müh.Böl.
Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü., İnş.Müh.Böl.
Recep YURTAL Ç.Ü., İnş.Müh.Böl.
Elevation-Area-Volume Curves In the selection of a suitable reservoir site, storage ability of the topography must be searched carefully. An ideal reservoir site must have sufficiently impervous and sound formations both at the bed and sides to store huge quantities of water without excessive seepage and slope stability problems. Deep and narrow reservoirs are usually preferable to shallow and wide reservoirs due to less evaporation and lower costs of expropriation. To determine reservoir volume with given location & dam height Zero Pool Minimum Operating Level Spillway Crest Max. Operating Level VOLUME (106 m3) ELEVATION ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (m) Area Volume Typical reservoir elevation-area-volume curves
Total reservoir storage components: Normal pool level Minimum pool level Active storage Dead storage Flood control storage Surcharge storage
Storage zones in a reservoir Dead storage Sluiceway Spillway crest Active storage or Useful storage Minimum pool level Normal pool level Flow Flood control storage Maximum pool level Surcharge storage Retarding pool level Sediment accumulation
Normal pool level is the maximum elevation to which the reservoir surface will rise for ordinary reservoir operations. Minimum pool level is the lowest allowable elevation to which the reservoir surface level can fall. Dead storage is located below minimum pool level. The top elevation is dictated by amount of sediment accumulation at the end of the life time of reservoir. Surcharge storage: This is required as a reserve between Full Reservoir Level and the Maximum Water level to contain the peaks of floods that might occur when there is insufficient storage capacity for them below Full Reservoir Level.
Therefore, the elevation of the lowest sluiceway must be located at least at minimum pool level. Water stored below this level is not available for any use. The storage between minimum and normal pool levels is named as useful or active storage. The flood control storage occupies between the retarding and normal pool levels. The surcharge storage stays between retarding and maximum pool level.
General guidelines for a reservoir location: Cost of the dam Cost of real estate (expropriation costs). Topographic conditions to store water Possibility of deep reservoir Quality of stored water Reliable hill-slopes
Reservoir Yield Yield: Amount of water that reservoir can deliver in a prescribed interval of time. The yield is based on inflow capacity Firm (safe) yield: Amount of water that can be supplied during a critical period. Can be never determined by certainty
Target yield: specified for a reservoir based on the estimated demands in most cases. Secondary yield: Water available in excess of safe yield during high flow periods
Selection of Capacity of a Storage Reservoir Designing the capacity of a storage reservoir involves with determination of the critical period during Inflow < Demand
There are 4 approaches to determine the capacity Mass curve (Ripple diagram) method; Sequent-peak algorithm; Operation study; Optimization analysis
For the determination of reservoir capacity, the critical period must be determined first. A long period of observed flow is required. When short period of observed flows or no observations area available stochastic methods are used to generate synthetic flows that has the same statistical properties such as mean, variance, correlations etc.
1) Mass curve (Ripple diagram) method, developed by Ripple in 1883 Features of Mass Curve Cumulative plotting of net reservoir inflow. Slope of mass curve gives the value of inflow (S) at that time. Slope of demand curve gives the demand rate (D) or yield.
Mass curve (Ripple diagram) method The difference between the lines (a+b) tangent to the demand line (∑D) drawn at the highest and lowest points (A and B, respectively) of mass curve (∑S) gives the rate of withdrawal from reservoir during that critical period. The maximum cumulative value between tangents is the required storage capacity (active storage).
Mass curve method (Chin, 2013) B A critical period always begins at the end of a preceding high-flow period that leaves the reservoir full. A critical period ends when the reservoir has refilled after the drought period. E The critical drawdown period begins when the reservoir is full and ends when the reservoir is empty. Assumptions: 1-The Ripple method is applicable when the release is constant. 2-The total release over the time interval of analysis does not exceed the total reservoir inflows.
Points B and C define the beginning of low-flow periods and The point E define the end of the low-flow periods. A line representing the constant reservoir release is placed tangent to the beginning of each low-flow period, i.e., B and C. Then the vertical distance is the required active storage.
Example:Monthly Water Flows in the Little Weiser River Near Indian Valley, Idaho, 1966-1970 Year Month Flow (AF) ∑ Flow (AF) 1 1965 10 742 31 4 6720 129105 2 11 1060 1802 32 5 13,290 142395 3 12 1000 2802 33 6 9290 151685 1966 1500 3302 34 7 1540 153225 1080 4382 35 8 915 154140 6460 10,842 36 9 506 154646 10,000 20,842 37 886 155532 13,080 33,922 38 3040 158572 4910 38,832 39 2990 161562 981 39,813 40 1969 8170 169732 283 40,096 41 2800 172532 322 40,398 42 4590 177122 13 404 40,822 43 21,960 199082 14 787 41,609 44 30,790 229872 15 2100 43,709 45 14,320 244192 16 1967 4410 48,119 46 2370 246562 17 2750 50,869 47 709 247271 18 3370 54,239 48 528 247799 19 5170 59,409 49 859 248658 20 19,680 79,089 50 779 249437 21 19,630 98,719 51 * 12 1250 250687 22 3590 102,309 52 1970 11,750 262437 23 710 103,019 53 5410 267847 24 518 103,537 54 5560 273407 25 924 104,461 55 5610 279017 26 1020 105,481 56 24,330 303347 27 874 106,355 57 32,870 336217 28 1968 107,375 58 7280 343497 29 8640 116,015 59 1150 344647 30 6370 122,385 60 916 345563
A reservoir should be designed for the constant reservoir release of 2000 ac-ft per month Points A1, A2, A3, and A4 define the beginning of low-flow periods whereas points B1, B2, B3, and B4 define the end of the low-flow periods.
A line representing 2000 ac-ft per month is placed tangent to the beginning of each low-flow period, i.e., A1 , A2, A3, and A4. Then the locations in each low-flow period with the largest vertical distance between the mass curve at points B1 , B2, B3, and B4 are identified. The largest of the four vertical distances B1 is 7200 ac-ft, which is the required active storage.
2) Sequent-Peak Analysis (SPA) The mass curve approach is easy to use when short periods of data are to be analyzed. SPA is a modification of the Mass Curve analysis for lengthy time series and particularly suited to computer coding.
The steps of sequent-peak analysis are as follows: Plot ∑ (Inflow-Withdrawal) : in symbolized fashion ∑(S-D) Locate the initial peak and the next peak Compute the storage required which is the difference between the initial peak and the lowest trough in the interval, Repeat the process for all sequent peaks, Determine the largest value of storages as “STORAGE CAPACITY
Illustration of the sequent –peak algorithm
Example by Erkek and Ağıralioğlu, 1995. 2.Sequent-peak 1.Sequent-peak Maximum storage Time ∑(S-D) Illustration of the sequent –peak algorithm 2
Illustration of the sequent –peak algorithm 3 Maximum storage Illustration of the sequent –peak algorithm 3
Example (http://www. slideserve 2.Sequent-peak 1.Sequent-peak Maximum storage Illustration of the sequent –peak algorithm 4
Analytical solution to SPA is good for computer coding Equations below are used: Vt = Dt – St + Vt-1 if positive Vt = 0 otherwise Vt :required storage capacity at the end of period t Vt-1 : required storage capacity at the end of previous period t Dt : release during period t St : inflow during period t
3) OPERATION STUDY It is presumed that the reservoir is adequate if the reservoir can supply all types of demands under possible losses such as seepage and evaporation. The operation study is based on the solution of the continuity equation. Where dV is differential storage during time dt I and Q are the instantaneous total inflow outflow, respectively.
Operation study is used to a) Determine the required capacity, b) Define the optimum rules for operation, c) Select the installed capacity for powerhouses,
Operation is carried out only for an extremely low flow period and presents the required capacity to overcome the selected drought; for the entire period and presents the power production for each year.
2.8 Reservoir Sedimentation Sediments eventually fill all reservoirs determine the useful life of reservoirs important factor in planning ■ River carry some suspended sediment and move bed load (larger solids along the bed). ■ Large suspended particles + bed loads deposited at the head of the reservoir & form delta. ■ Small particles suspend in the reservoir or flow over the dam.
☻ Unfortunately, the total rate of sediment transport in Turkey > 18 times that in the whole Europe (500x106 tons/year)
Sedimentation stored behind a dam
“RESERVOIR SEDIMENTATION RATE” based on survey of existing reservoirs, containing * Specific weight of the settled sediments * % of entering sediment which is deposited “TRAP EFFICIENCY”: % of inflowing sediment retained in the reservoir, which is a function of the ratio of reservoir capacity to total inflow.
Sediment trap efficiency and capacity to inflow ratio (Brune, 1953), where S=reservoir capacity (106 m3). I=Mean annual inflow (106 m3/year).
► “Prediction of sediment accumulation” IMPORTANT NOTES: ► “Prediction of sediment accumulation” -- Difficult due to high range of variability in sediment discharge ► SOLUTION: “Continuous hydrologic simulation models” -- used for prediction purposes < But, at least, 2-3 years daily data are needed for calibration of the model. >
In practice sediment load measurements are carried out in streams and a calibration curve showing the relationship between suspended load Qs and stream discharge Q is obtained. Relationship between discharge and sediment load (Sediment rating curve)
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) recommends a sampling period of at least 5 years to cover the full range in water discharges. In the absence of suspended sediment data, the total sediment transport of a stream may be estimated from adjacent similar watersheds whose sediment rates have been recorded previously.
By examining the data of the drainage basins of 16 different dams in Turkey, Göğüş and Yalçınkaya (1992) proposed the following formula (R2=0.89). Y= mean sediment yield in m3 A= drainage area in km2
► “To control amount of entering sediment”: IMPORTANT NOTES: ► “To control amount of entering sediment”: (a) Upstream sedimentation basins, (b) Vegetative screens, (c) Soil conservation methods (i.e., terraces), (d) Implementing sluice gates at various levels. (e) Dredging of settled materials, but not economical!
Q1: Design reservoir capacity by applying S-D differences (Erkek and Ağıralioğlu, 1995) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Volume influx (106 m3) 21 20 40 45 86 15 9 7 12 27 25 Volume outflux 24 Differences
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Volume influx (106 m3) 21 20 40 45 86 15 9 7 12 27 25 Volume outflux 24 Differences -3 -4 16 62 -9 -15 -17 -12 3 1 V1=(3+4) ×106=7×106 m3 F1=(16+21+62) ×106=99×106 m3 V2=(4+9+15+17+12) ×106=57×106 m3 F2=(3+1) ×106=4×106 m3 ∑F=103×106 m3 ∑V=64×106 m3 Since ∑F>∑V max V should be selected, which is 57×106 m3. Operation study should be performed to test if reservoir volume is sufficient. The reservoir should be assumed full.
Volume in the reservoir Differences (106 m3) Volume in the reservoir Spilled water -3 54 -4 50 16 57 9 21 62 53 -9 44 -15 29 -17 12 -12 3 1 4 ∑= 92 Reservoir is sufficient enough For consecutive reasons reservoir volume might be selected as 60×106 m3 (please pay attention to the difference in January. Please pay attention to the red numbers (4-3-4=-3)). The reservoir capacity should not go below zero level.
Q2 Design reservoir capacity by applying S-D differences (Erkek and Ağıralioğlu, 1995) F1=200×106 m3 V1=50×106 m3 F2=75×106 m3 V2=90×106 m3 F3=30×106 m3 V3=60×106 m3 F4=75×106 m3 V4=80×106 m3 ∑F=380×106 m3 ∑V=280×106 m3 Since ∑F>∑V max V should be selected, which is 90×106 m3. Operation study should be performed to test if reservoir volume is sufficient.
90×106 m3 is not sufficient enough because reservoir ends with -35 90×106 m3 is not sufficient enough because reservoir ends with -35. New reservoir capacity is, therefore, 90+35=125 ×106 m3.
Question 3 Design reservoir capacity by using SPA (Erkek and Ağıralioğlu,1995) Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Volume influx (S) 21 20 40 45 86 15 9 7 12 27 25 Volume outflux (D) 24 Differences (S-D) -3 -4 16 62 -9 -15 -17 -12 3 1
(92-35)=57×106 m3 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Volume influx (S) 21 20 40 45 86 15 9 7 12 27 25 Volume outflux (D) 24 Differences (S-D) -3 -4 16 62 -9 -15 -17 -12 3 1 ∑(S-D) -7 30 92 88 79 64 47 35 38 39 (92-35)=57×106 m3
Question 4 Design reservoir capacity by using S-D differences, SPA, Ripple diagram, SPA computational approach t D S 1 40 35 2 50 3 60 4 5 25 6 30 7 20 8 13 9 27 10 55 11 76 12 14 15 16 17 18 19
V1=-5×106 m3 F1=30×106 m3 V2=-90×106 m3 F2=66×106 m3 ∑F=126×106 m3 T (Months) Dt (106 m3) St St-Dt ∑(S-D) 1 40 35 -5 2 50 10 5 3 60 20 25 4 -15 6 30 -10 7 -20 -25 8 13 -27 -52 9 27 -13 -65 55 15 -50 11 76 36 -14 12 14 -9 -24 16 -44 17 -49 18 -39 19 -19 V1=-5×106 m3 F1=30×106 m3 V2=-90×106 m3 F2=66×106 m3 V3=-50×106 m3 F3=30×106 m3 ∑F=126×106 m3 ∑V=145×106 m3 Since ∑V>∑F max F should be selected, which is 66×106 m3. Operation study should be performed to test if reservoir volume is sufficient.
For operation study T (Months) Dt (106 m3) St St-Dt ∑(S-D) 1 40 35 -5 2 50 10 5 3 60 20 25 4 -15 6 30 -10 7 -20 -25 8 13 -27 -52 9 27 -13 -65 55 15 -50 11 76 36 -14 12 14 -9 -24 16 -44 17 -49 18 -39 19 -19 Volume in reservoir (106 m3) Spilled water 61 66 5 20 46 36 16 -11 -24 -9 27 42 32 17 -3 -8 2 22
66×106 m3 is not sufficient enough because maximum deficient capacity reaches to -24 ×106. New reservoir capacity should be 66+24=90 ×106 m3.
By using SPA 90×106 m3
By using Ripple diagram
By using SPA computational approach Dt St St-Dt ∑(S-D) Dt-St Vbegining Vend (Months) (106 m3) 1 40 35 -5 5 2 50 10 -10 3 60 20 25 -20 4 -15 15 6 30 7 -25 8 13 -27 -52 27 77 9 -13 -65 90 55 -50 75 11 76 36 -14 -36 39 12 24 14 -9 34 -24 49 16 -44 69 17 -49 74 18 -39 64 19 -19 44
Question 5 by Design reservoir capacity by using SPA (Chin, D. A Month Cumulative inflow (×1010 m3) Cumulative demand (×1010 m3) Cumulative inflow -demand (×1010 m3) 1 0.39 0.43 2 0.81 0.84 3 1.32 4 1.73 1.81 5 2.21 2.35 6 2.69 2.87 7 3.09 3.4 8 3.5 3.94 9 4.05 4.43 10 4.64 4.91 11 5.15 5.36 12 5.64 5.78 13 6.05 6.21 14 6.39 6.62 15 6.83 7.11 16 7.32 7.6 17 7.84 8.13 18 8.33 8.65 19 8.79 9.19 20 9.28 9.72 21 9.78 10.22 22 10.27 10.7 23 10.75 11.14 24 11.2 11.57
Cumulative inflow (×1010 m3) Cumulative demand (×1010 m3) Month Cumulative inflow (×1010 m3) Cumulative demand (×1010 m3) Cumulative inflow -demand (×1010 m3) 1 0.39 0.43 -0.04 2 0.81 0.84 -0.03 3 1.32 4 1.73 1.81 -0.08 5 2.21 2.35 -0.14 6 2.69 2.87 -0.18 7 3.09 3.4 -0.32 8 3.5 3.94 -0.44 9 4.05 4.43 -0.38 10 4.64 4.91 -0.27 11 5.15 5.36 -0.2 12 5.64 5.78 -0.15 13 6.05 6.21 -0.16 14 6.39 6.62 -0.23 15 6.83 7.11 16 7.32 7.6 -0.28 17 7.84 8.13 -0.29 18 8.33 8.65 19 8.79 9.19 -0.4 20 9.28 9.72 21 9.78 10.22 22 10.27 10.7 -0.42 23 10.75 11.14 -0.39 24 11.2 11.57 -0.37
0.44×1010 m3
Question 6 by (Chin, D. A., 2013) Outflow (ac-ft) Inflow (ac-ft) Precipitation (ac-ft) Evaporation (ac-ft) Volume at the begining of the month (ac-ft) Volume at the end of the month (ac-ft) Inflow Precipitation Evaporation Volume at the end of the month (ac-ft) 1 2000 742 3 270 31 6720 100 2 1060 5 275 32 13,290 150 1000 280 33 9290 70 4 1500 10 350 34 1540 1080 30 470 35 915 6 6460 50 450 36 506 7 10000 400 37 886 8 13080 38 3040 9 4910 370 39 2990 981 330 40 8170 11 283 300 41 2800 12 322 290 42 4590 13 404 43 21960 14 787 44 15 2100 45 14,320 16 4410 46 2370 17 2750 47 709 18 3370 48 528 19 5170 49 859 20 19,680 779 21 19,630 51 1250 22 3590 52 11,750 23 710 53 5410 24 518 54 5560 25 924 55 5610 26 1020 56 24,330 27 874 57 32,870 28 58 7280 29 8640 59 1150 6370 460 60 916
We assume empty reservoir at the begining Vt=(2000+270)-(742+3)+0=1525 Vt=(2000+400)-(10000+100)+2150=-5550 so it is 0. Outflow (ac-ft) Inflow (ac-ft) Precipitation (ac-ft) Evaporation (ac-ft) Volume at the begining of the month (ac-ft) Volume at the end of the month (ac-ft) Inflow Precipitation Evaporation Volume at the end of the month (ac-ft) 1 2000 742 3 270 1525 31 6720 100 400 2 1060 5 275 2735 32 13,290 150 350 1000 280 4010 33 9290 70 370 4 1500 10 4850 34 1540 330 780 1080 30 470 6210 35 915 300 2163 6 6460 50 450 2150 36 506 290 3944 7 10000 37 886 5325 8 13080 38 3040 4555 9 4910 39 2990 3840 981 1339 40 8170 11 283 3354 41 2800 12 322 5319 42 4590 13 404 7182 43 21960 14 787 8665 44 15 2100 8840 45 14,320 16 4410 6770 46 2370 17 2750 47 709 1589 18 3370 5490 48 528 3348 19 5170 2620 49 859 4756 20 19,680 779 6247 21 19,630 51 1250 7272 22 3590 52 11,750 23 710 1588 53 5410 24 518 3357 54 5560 25 924 4700 55 5610 26 1020 5950 56 24,330 27 874 7351 57 32,870 28 8671 58 7280 29 8640 2471 59 1150 1148 6370 460 60 916 2519
Referances Brune, Gunnar M. "Trap efficiency of reservoirs." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 34.3 (1953): 407-418. Chin, David A., Asis Mazumdar, and Pankaj Kumar Roy. Water-resources engineering. Vol. 12. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 2000. Erkek, C., N. Ağıralioğlu, and İ. T. Ü. Su Kaynakları Problemleri. "Yayınları, 1995." KODU/ADI 1702409. Mays, Larry W. Water resources engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Yanmaz, A. Melih. Applied water resources engineering. Metu Press, 2006.