Henning Schulzrinne Stephen McCann Gabor Bajko Hannes Tschofenig Extensions to the Emergency Services Architecture for dealing with Unauthenticated and Unauthorized Devices Henning Schulzrinne Stephen McCann Gabor Bajko Hannes Tschofenig March 2009 (IETF 74) IETF - ECRIT
Scenario classification No access authorization (NAA) e.g., for-pay WiFi or corporate networks most challenging No VoIP provider (NVP) should work without additional standards ISP needs to provide LoST DHCP entry limited fraud without PSTN bridging Zero-balance VoIP provider (ZBP) March 2009 (IETF 74) IETF - ECRIT
NAA case ≈ provide restricted Internet connectivity Assumptions: already common for hotel and airport WiFi providers Assumptions: provide fraud-proof emergency-only communications More difficult for emergency case: LoST server unknown unless provided by ISP PSTN media addresses unknown need to provide SIP outbound proxy (with record-routing) update media firewall March 2009 (IETF 74) IETF - ECRIT
NAA cases “just stay off my lawn” Allow “external” Internet connectivity “just stay off my lawn” “leave me alone” No ECRIT infrastructure (except LIS?) engaged Provide LIS, LoST and SIP outbound proxy March 2009 (IETF 74) IETF - ECRIT
TBD Is there a need? Problem description? Adopt as WG item? Guidance to local regulators? Can we restrict the problem? E.g., corporate case may have simpler solutions since fraud is not a concern SSID for external access only Problem description? Adopt as WG item? March 2009 (IETF 74) IETF - ECRIT