Learning Outcome Understand how ICT has effected the location of organisations Understand the impact ICT has had on the skills required to work within an organisation Understand the effects ICT has had on both employees and employers
Main Impacts Location of work Patterns of work Skills needed to work Impact on social aspects Balance of responsibility Leisure time
Location and Patterns of Work Home working, Cheaper location, Increase in laptop use, Can work on trains, service stations, WIFI access points are becoming popular, More flexible hours, Bridging the gender gap, Globalisation of work force, Increase in robot use means less staff required within the manufacturing sector.
Skills Needed Few jobs today that don’t require ICT, Simple typing / data entry required for most, More technical ICT skills, support, analysis, design, implementation New jobs created Administrators, Programmers, Web Master, More jobs in service sector rather than traditional jobs in manufacturing and agriculture, Need to retrain – government initiatives + “Tony wanted us all online”.
Impact on Social Aspects Some home workers may suffer from lack of motivation due to no drive from supervisors, Sharing of ideas and good practice not as frequently practiced, Employees have more time with families as “travel to work time” is cut to zero, Fear of job losses, Temporary short term contracts rather than permanent jobs, Employers expected to retrain those whose jobs are been “phased out” and to keep employee involved to maintain relations.
Balance of Responsibilities Employers not always in control over home workers therefore have to take measures to ensure job is done, Performance related pay Fixed price contracts Employees become responsible for completing the work themselves otherwise wont get paid! Who is responsible for keeping data on an employees home computer safe?
Leisure Time Should have more leisure time but may spend time working from home rather than leaving it at the office, Expectation from employers to be more productive, More flexible leisure time, Afternoons off and work early evening, Stay in bed till midday and work till 10 Extra days off if thought is given – can take advantage of midweek offers at leisure activities (cheap beer!).
Example of how Teleworking is being used in the USA state of Virginia Teleworking Implications for Employees
Activity Complete the topics reading Download and complete Impact of ICT on Working Patterns Exercise from either my website or Google Classroom Upload your completed work for assessment