Flagship on Livestock Livelihoods and Agri-food Systems


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Presentation transcript:

Flagship on Livestock Livelihoods and Agri-food Systems S. Staal, K.M. Rich, N. de Haan, P. Dominguez-Salas, I. Baltenweck Livestock CRP ISC Meeting Dec 12-14 2017

We do this through an integrated approach to Flagship logic The objective of this Flagship is to ensure that the CRP has it’s intended impact on the key sub-IDOs related to livelihoods and gender – in short ensuring that the technologies and strategies developed through the CRP translate into positive impacts on the welfare of the resource poor We do this through an integrated approach to Policy environment and strategic investment Enhancing gender, youth and equity impacts Improved human nutrition through livestock Improved livestock value chain performance and impacts

Key product lines per Cluster of Activity Policies, foresight and systems analysis (K. Rich) Gender and social equity (N. De Haan) Food and nutrition security through livestock (P. Dominguez-Salas) Integrated technologies, practices and institutions for improved livestock systems (I. Baltenweck) Macro level analyses of livestock markets and systems at global and regional scale Fit-for-purpose national and meso-level strategies for livestock investment and policy Packages of gender-responsive institutional and technical innovations Gender-transformative approaches Menu of approaches for nutrition-sensitive livestock-related interventions to improve availability, affordability, access and utilization of animal-source foods Suite of technologies and management strategies for enhanced livelihoods and resilience Menu of organizational and business models for improved livestock value chain performance

All Livestock CRP – sub-IDOs Flagship Theory of Change Cluster 1: Policies, foresight and systems analysis Improved livestock systems modelling tools and datasets; Empirical estimates of the levels and structure of supply and demand for animal-source foods; Impact assessment of various scenarios; Guidance on livestock policy and investment priorities and strategies ; Evidence to inform policies to enhance livestock contribution to livelihoods Cluster 2: Gender and Social Equity Gender-responsive institutional and technical innovations; Gender-transformative approaches developed and their effectiveness assessed; Gender-sensitive indicators and methodologies developed for assessing progress on gender strategic change Cluster 3: Food and nutrition security through Livestock Characterization of diets and related decision making and novel evidence on the role of animal-source foods in enhancing nutrition produced; Impact pathways from production of, and access to, animal-source foods, to improved nutrition; Innovative evidence-based options on cost-effective nutrition-sensitive interventions Cluster 4: Integrated technologies, practices and institutions for improved livestock systems Best bet technologies and management strategies to enhance resilience and resilience; Inclusive and scalable institutional arrangements for enhanced VC performance; Ex-ante and ex-post impact assessment of technologies, practices and institutional arrangements National and international research partners and policymakers use analyses of livestock-sector dynamics, investment and ex-ante impact assessments to guide priority setting, investment and policy development for the livestock sector in priority countries Gender equitable control of assets and resources Improved capacity of women and youth to participate in decision-making Increased access to diverse nutrient rich foods Increased livelihood opportunities Conducive Policy Environment Policy- or decision-makers in priority countries use the evidence on the benefits of including gender equity considerations National and international development partners, government agencies and the private sector invest in and use the most successful approaches to enhancing livestock-mediated nutritional impact, including institutional arrangements and behavioral approaches, in priority countries Livestock communities across priority countries apply tested technologies, management strategies and institutional arrangements, taking the multiple functions of livestock into account Development partners, private sector and government agencies across priority countries apply innovative institutional arrangements to enhance competitiveness and inclusiveness All Livestock CRP – sub-IDOs E1,2,3 E2 E2,3 E1 A1 A2,3 1,4 4 1,2 3 All assumptions A6,8 A4,5,6 A1,7,8 A5,7,8,10 E1 1 Livestock CRP researches use analyses of livestock-sector dynamics, investment and ex-ante impact assessments to guide their priority setting A7,8,9,10,11 Reduced market barriers Research outputs Research & (near) development outcomes Sub-IDOs (Sphere of control) (Sphere of influence) (Sphere of influence →→interest)

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 1, Product line 1: Macro level analyses of livestock markets and systems at global and regional scale Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Improved global and regional livestock modeling framework for targeted analysis of key livestock demand and supply scenarios Key activities and outputs   1) Revision and expansion of IMPACT and VPM models, development of improved datasets and model structure Discovery 2) Development of scenarios of interest and testing them in models under development Delivery 3) Application and analysis using the improved models in target CRP countries in systems of interest 4) Application and uptake of tools by research and policy partners and the scientific community, and refinement for future applications Scaling Milestones A) Cluster research partners agree final modeling platforms, in consultation with client users X B) Scenarios agreed, models refined, topics and systems of interest agreed X  C) Model results generated and disseminated in research- and policy-oriented venues D) National and international research partners and policymakers recognize the potential value of new modeling platforms E) National and international development agencies and policymakers use analyses of livestock-sector dynamics, investment and ex-ante impact assessments to guide priority setting Main outputs: Improved livestock system models for foresight analysis Model results to guide development agencies, policies, and public and private sector investment Who is involved: Lead scientists: Karl M. Rich, Sirak Bahta, Abdrahmane Wane, Nadhem Mtimet, Emily Ouma, Dolapo Enahoro CRP partners: ICARDA, Aymen Frija Collaborators: Univ of Florida, IFPRI, CSIRO, CIRAD, IPSARD (Viet Nam) To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects: LSIL – targeted countries in SSA, Asia W1/2 activities: Model development and analyses Other CRPs: Joint model development with PIM

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 1, Product line 2: Fit-for-purpose national and meso-level strategies for livestock investment and policy Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Improved national level livestock investment and policy modeling platforms for strategic analysis Key activities and outputs   1) Adaption of Excel-based LSIPT tools to system dynamics platform, validated with earlier LMP data Discovery 2) Development of system dynamics (SD) protocols for meso-level value chain assessments in targeted livestock value chains, including use of participatory tools 3) Implementation of LMP protocols, data collection, and stakeholder engagement 4) Finalized LMPs discussed and vetted with stakeholders Delivery 5) Documentation of SD and LSIPT approaches in manuals and journal articles 6) Capacity building among national and international partners to use SD and LSIPT tools in LMPs or other national level planning contexts Scaling Milestones A) Validated new version of LSIPT and SD meso-level tools X B) LMPs developed for initial target set of countries C) Model and LMP results generated and disseminated in research- and policy-oriented venues  X D) National and international partners trained in new LSIPT platform and use in SD meso-level tools E) LMPs used to form basis of livestock sector planning in initial target countries F) LMPs implemented and mainstreamed more widely in other livestock planning contexts G) Mainstreaming of LSIPT and SD approaches to guide national level livestock sector planning and sector/meso value chain analyses X  Main outputs: Improved tools for national and meso-level livestock planning Strategies developed to guide development agencies and ministries, policies and investment Who is involved: Lead scientists: Barry Shapiro, Karl M. Rich, Sirak Bahta, Abdrahmane Wane, Dolapo Enahoro Collaborators: CIRAD To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects LMPs (BMGF, World Bank): targeted countries in SSA, Asia MINI (Gates) – poultry/vegetable value chains in Bihar, Bangladesh, Ethiopia USAID (FtF) – cattle marketing in Mali MFAT (NZ) – value chain development in Myanmar W1/2 activities: Model development and analyses Other CRPs

Value Proposition for CoA1 Product Lines Macro- and meso-level livestock analyses at global and regional scale What is it: Models and analyses that project global, regional, and value chain trends and trajectories to guide future planning and investment scenarios Clients: Donors, private sector, national governments, researchers Utility: (1) Informed understanding of direction of livestock trends and where policy and investment can influence; (2) Guidance on effects and returns to investments and policies in specific value chains Strategies for national level livestock policies What is it: Models and policy advice to guide national-level policy formulation and investment priorities Clients: Ministries of Livestock/Agriculture, donors, private sector Utility: Specific guidance on returns to different national-level livestock investments

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 2, Product line 1: Packages of gender and youth responsive institutional and technical innovations Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Gender responsive institutional and technical innovations Key activities and outputs   1) Set up framework to analyse relationship between gender relations and norms, and livestock innovations including a protocol for the identification and testing of investable options for women in livestock Discovery 2) Development of a livestock youth strategy and identification of entry points for stronger and profitable youth involvement in livestock value chains and systems 3) Development of gender entry points (packages) for the 4 priority countries and testing & evaluation of investable options for women in livestock development- including in feed, animal health, genetics, environment, policy and institutional models. Delivery  4) Synthesize of the evidence from testing and evaluation of gender responsive institutional and technical innovations Delivery Scaling 5) Preparation and dissemination of the synthesis of the various studies Milestones A) Benchmark publication on gender and livestock to identify frontiers in research and development  X B) Gender strategy X C) Youth strategy D) Selected publications on gender research in feed, animal health, genetics, environment, policy and institutional models E) National and international development agencies and policymakers use evidence of on how to shape institutional and technical innovations for gender responsiveness to guide priority setting Main outputs: How gender relations and norms guide design and implementation of institutional and technical innovations? To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects: Within the Genetics FG, ACGG Within Safepork, SFFF Cambodia W1/2 activities: development of the framework and protocol for cross- topic, cross- sites and cross- species analysis; synthesis and dissemination Other CRPs: Gender platform, CCAFS, A4NH Who is involved: Lead scientists: Nicoline de Haan, Alessandra Galie, Annet Mulema, Wole Kinati, Birhanu Lenjiso, Juliet Kariuki CRP partners: ILRI, ICARDA, CIAT Collaborators: KIT, Emory

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 2, Product line 2: Gender transformative approaches Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Gender transformative approaches Key activities and outputs   1) Identification of entry points and implications of using livestock for empowerment/transformation and development of a framework based on species to be used as a means to influence livestock development Discovery Delivery 2) Finalisation of the WELI methodology and paper Delivery  3) Testing and evaluation of framework, in at least 2 priority countries Scaling 4) Synthesis and dissemination Milestones A) WELI paper and tool published  X B) Framework published X  C) Selected publications on gender transformative approaches X D) National and international development agencies and policymakers use evidence on GTA to guide their priority setting and investments To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects: GAAP2, More Milk ACGG BMGF Livestock Masterplans W1/2 activities: cross- sites and cross- species analysis; synthesis and dissemination WELI testing with CIAT Other CRPs: PIM- gender platform Main outputs: Women Empowerment in Livestock Index (WELI) tool developed and used to learn on empowerment pathways through livestock interventions How uptake of these innovations affect and transform gender relations and norms Who is involved: Lead scientists: Alessandra Galie, Nicoline de Haan, Annet Mulema CRP partners: ILRI, ICARDA, CIAT Collaborators: IFPRI, Worldfish

Value Proposition for CoA 2 Product Lines Packages of gender & youth responsive institutional and technical innovations What is it: Framework and analyses on how to take into account women and youth needs, capabilities and interest when designing and implementing institutional and technical livestock innovations, and how these innovations impact back on gender and social norms Clients: Donors, private sector, national governments, researchers Utility: (1) Guidance on gender and youth- responsive technologies and institutional solutions and (2) impact of these technologies and institutional solutions on gender and social equity Gender-transformative approaches developed and entry points developed What is it: Tool and approaches to maximise livestock potential to support women empowerment Clients: Ministries of Livestock/Agriculture and gender, CRP, donors, private sector Utility: Guidance on what approaches to promote for greater women empowerment through livestock

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 3, Product line 1: Menu of approaches for nutrition-sensitive livestock-related interventions Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Improved understanding of impact of nutrition-sensitive livestock-related interventions to guide decision making towards enhanced availability, affordability, access and utilization of ASFs Key activities and outputs   1) Set of articles documenting the key impact pathways from livestock keeping to nutrition and identifying most relevant determinants and entry points in selected priority countries Discovery Delivery 2) Set of toolkits and articles on the impact of nutrition-sensitive livestock interventions on nutrition security Delivery  3) Dissemination of consolidated evidence on the livestock to nutrition pathways framework Scaling 4) Refinement of interventions and dissemination of the evidence on interventions that work and how they work Milestones A) Body of evidence on impact pathways between livestock keeping and improved nutrition disseminated X  X B) Body of evidence on nutrition- sensitive interventions at market and community levels disseminated X  C) National and international development agencies and policymakers use analyses of nutrition-sensitive livestock interventions to guide priority setting Main outputs: Analysis of the relationship between different livestock species and nutrition, in different countries Testing of interventions at market level and/or community level to maximise benefits of livestock on nutrition To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects: MoreMilk- SBCC component Drivers of ASF choice and consumption Enhancing milk quality for improved nutrition, Rwanda LSIL W1/2 activities: Cross country comparison Other CRPs: A4NH Who is involved: Lead scientists: Paula Dominguez- Salas; Isabelle Baltenweck; James Rao, Emily Ouma, Alessandra Galie CRP partners: ILRI Collaborators: LSHTM, Emory University, SUA (Tanzania), Makerere University (Uganda)

Value Proposition for CoA 3 Product Lines Menu of approaches for nutrition-sensitive livestock-related interventions What is it: Analyses of existing and new data on the linkages between livestock keeping and nutrition, as well as identification, testing and evaluation of nutrition-sensitive interventions aimed at improving nutritional status through livestock, including inter alia social and behavioural communication change strategies at community level and market interventions Clients: Ministries of health and livestock, donors, development agencies/organisations, private sector, researchers Utility: (1) Stronger evidence of the impact pathways from livestock production to improved nutrition; (2) Guidance on what livestock-related interventions work best, where and how, for improved nutrition

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 4, Product line 1: Suite of technologies and management strategies for enhanced livelihoods and resilience Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Livestock technologies and management strategies Key activities and outputs   1) Protocol on identification, testing and evaluation of technologies and management strategies across species, value chains, systems and countries Discovery 2) Application of the protocol in selected value chains, systems and countries, through field testing and in close collaboration with actors and stakeholders Delivery 3) Ex ante and ex post assessment of selected technologies and management strategies Scaling 4) Compilation of evidence on technologies and management strategies for enhanced livelihoods and resilience 5) Dissemination of evidence about technologies and management strategies for enhanced livelihoods and resilience based on evidence and refinement through field testing Milestones A) Protocol published  X B) Set of articles (or 1 book) on technologies and management strategies for enhanced livelihoods and resilience published, based on field testing and impact assessment X  C) National and international development agencies and policymakers use analyses of livestock technologies and management strategies to guide priority setting X To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects: AVCD dairy and livestock, Kenya RTI dairy, Kenya Upcoming Pig Maize, Vietnam CLiP, DRC & Burundi W1/2 activities: coordination and synthesis across countries Other CRPs: ICRISAT (adoption of dual-purpose groundnut) Who is involved: Lead scientists: Barbara Rischkowsky, James Rao, Immaculate Omondi, Emily Ouma, Nils Teufel, Karl Rich, Isabelle Baltenweck, Girma Kassie CRP partners: ILRI, ICARDA, CIAT Collaborators: XXX Main outputs: What technologies and management strategies to promote where, why and how, for various species, value chains, systems and countries?

Main Outputs & Milestones CoA 4,Product line 2: Menu of organizational and business models for improved livestock value chain performance Main Activity Main Outputs & Milestones 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Organizational and business models Key activities and outputs   1) Protocol and modelling on identification, testing and evaluation of organizational and business approaches across species, value chains, systems and countries (including micro level modelling from Product line 2) Discovery 2) Application of the protocol and modelling in selected value chains, systems and countries, through field testing and in close collaboration with actors and stakeholders Delivery 3) Ex ante and ex post assessment of selected organizational and business approaches Scaling 4) Compilation of evidence on organizational and business approaches for improved livestock value chain performance 5) Dissemination of evidence about organizational and business approaches for improved livestock value chain performance based on evidence and refinement through field testing Milestones A) Protocol published  X B) Set of articles (or 1 book) on organizational and business approaches for improved livestock value chain performance, based on field testing and impact assessment X  C) National and international development agencies and policymakers use analyses of most appropriate organizational and business models to guide priority setting X Who is involved: Lead scientists: Isabelle Baltenweck, Emily Ouma, Amos Omore, Nadhem Mtimet, Karl Rich, Immaculate Omondi, James Rao, Christoph Weber, Nils Teufel CRP partners: ILRI, ICARDA, CIAT Collaborators: National and local governments, NGOS and private sector To implement it: Key W3/bilateral projects: AVCD dairy and livestock, Kenya RTI dairy, Kenya Upcoming Pig Maize, Vietnam LSIL dairy, Rwanda W1/2 activities: coordination and synthesis across countries Other CRPs: PIM (check-off systems in dairy VC Kenya) Main outputs: What organizational and business approaches to promote where, why and how, for various species, value chains, systems and countries?

Value Proposition for Key Product Lines Suite of technologies and management strategies for enhanced livelihoods and resilience What is it: Identification, testing and evaluation of technologies and management strategies, at farm and/or herd levels Clients: Livestock communities, development partners, private sector, national and local governments, researchers Utility: (1) Process to consistently evaluate technologies and identify technology packages to promote; (2) Evidence on which technology packages are economically profitable to livestock keepers, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable as well as leading to significant livelihood improvements Menu of organizational and business models for improved livestock value chain performance What is it: Identification, testing and evaluation of organizational and business approaches, at value chain level Utility:(1) Process to evaluate institutional innovations and to identify what new organizational and business approaches to promote; (2) Evidence on which organizational and business approaches are most efficient in improving livestock value chain performance (regarding inputs, services and output markets)

C. Summary of progress and plans

Update on 2017 deliverables Policies, foresight and systems analysis (K. Rich) Gender and social equity (N. De Haan) Food and nutrition security through livestock (P. Dominguez-Salas) Integrated technologies, practices and institutions for improved livestock systems (I. Baltenweck) 7 1 4 1 2 5 18 7 Dairy hubs widely promoted as a mechanism to improve farmers’ access to input and output markets Most development partners consider sale to processors as ‘best’ option, yet no difference at farm level between hubs that sell to processors and those that don’t Moreover, producer organization’s efficiency level does not translate to more productive farmers Need for development and private partners to work both at hub and farm levels Livestock master plans have been completed or are in progress in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uzbekistan and Bihar, conducted in close consultation and participation by national ministries. In Ethiopia the LMP informed private investment of more than USD100 million in value addition processing, including a USD75 million investment by a meat export company Learnings from CRP L&F: Previous clusters 4 and 5 on farm-level and institutional innovation respectively were combined due to inseperability

Cluster of Activities/Cross-cutting activity Plan of Work and Budget for 2018 Cluster of Activities/Cross-cutting activity Deliverables 2018 Budget 1. Policies, foresight and systems analysis Revision, updating of global and national models and data, and new scenario development LMPs in target countries W1/2 $590k W3/B $1.65M 2. Gender and social equity Analytical framework for gender norms Youth strategy Women Empowerment in Livestock Index (WELI) tool finalized W1/2 $280k W3/B $32k 3. Food and nutrition security through livestock Framework developed and employed documenting the key impact pathways from livestock keeping to nutrition W1/2 $112k W3/B $280k 4. Integrated technologies, practices and institutions for improved livestock systems Protocol on evaluation of technologies/strategies across species, value chains, systems and countries Application of protocol in target sites W1/2 $660k W3/B $6.3M

D. Cross-cutting themes Gender is embedded in each cluster as well as having a home in cluster 2, not just for this FP but for the CRP overall. This is also the CRP home for addressing Youth across the systems and countries in the CRP, in support of all FPs Capacity development will build on the strong legacy of the L&F CRP. The four clusters will engage in capacity needs assessment and intervention strategies to identify gaps between existing and required competencies of both research and development partners.

Livestock CRP priority countries E. Our contribution to Livestock CRP priority countries CoA1: Projections and investment analysis globally, and in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Burkina, India CoA2: Gender analysis in Vietnam, Tanzania, Ethiopia, India, Nicaragua CoA3: Nutrition analysis in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda CoA4: Analysis of technology uptake and institutional innovation in Kenya, Uganda, India, Tanzania, Vietnam, Ethiopia

Our Targets to 2022 Gender equity relative to their level of effort (i.e. labour) at household level in the use of, and control of income generated by, livestock related productive assets and resources, impacting 288,000 women across four countries. Improved capacity of 1 million women and young people to participate in livestock related decision-making in five countries. Three million poor people (men and women), in four countries, with an increase in access to more affordable, safe, and nutrient rich animal-source foods. Innovative institutional options that improve resilience that are tested and adopted by national and international research & development partners, increasing the resilience of 356,000 rural livestock-keeping households (1.7 million individuals) in three countries. A 15% Increase, on average in total household income from livestock-related activities, including a 25% increase, on average, in the proportion controlled by women, for 449,000 households (& 2.2 million individuals) in eight countries. 454,000 livestock keeping households (representing 2.2 million individuals, including women) increase their supply of livestock to the market by 15%, on average, in seven countries. Policies and investment within and across four countries at local, country and regional level explicitly include pro-poor livestock mediated development, reaching 2 million livestock keepers & other value-chain actors.

G. Managing the Flagship Flagship leader: Steven Staal (ILRI) 20% W1/2, with 20% administrative support. Cluster 1: Karl Rich (ILRI) Cluster 2: Nicoline de Haan (ILRI) Cluster 3, Paula Dominguez-Salas (ILRI/LSHTM) Cluster 4: Isabelle Baltenweck (ILRI) With the CLs, the FL will lead guide FP priority setting, allocation of W1/2 resources and strategic exploration of new research areas Guide development of bilateral projects to ensure alignment to the FP their ability to contribute to strategic synthesis funded by W1/2 Coordinate all reporting Support cross-FP initiatives Cluster leaders will guide research design in their clusters and monitor science quality of outputs, and will also contribute to reporting.