Supporting Observations TPX – dust Polarized Sources 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 WMAP PLANCK- T, P CMBPOL Satellite CBI – T, SZ, P BICEP – P WMPOL–P CAPMAP – P QUIET – P Ground - ongoing ACBAR – T, SZ APEX–T, SZ PolarBear–P Ground - Funded Bolocam – SZ SuZIE – SZ QUAD – P DASI – T, P SZA – SZ PIPE – P Ground - Proposed Compass – P MBI – P ACT–T, SZ ACT-pol SPT–T, SZ SPT-pol Balloon - Funded Boomerang – P PAPPA – P Balloon - Proposed Maxipol – P EBEX – P KUPID BLAST – dust Supporting Observations TPX – dust Polarized Sources 8 PSB’s TRL1 TRL9 Antenna Coupled Bolometers 5 Large Arrays 5 Alternate Pol. Methods – Inteferometers, rotating wave plates SQUIDs 6 Technology Time vs. Freq. Based MUX’s 6 MIMIC’s 6 KID’s 5 100 mK Cooler for Space 6 Data Analysis, On-Board Compression Theory
CMBPOL Polarization Sensitivity Polarization Systematic Limit 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Polarization Sensitivity 100mK-s½ 10mK-s½ 1mK-s½ Satellite Polarization Systematic Limit 100mK-s½ 10mK-s½ 1mK-s½ Polarization Map Sensitivity 1 x 1 degree 10mK 1mK 0.1mK Ground - ongoing Maps of Temperature Maps of E-Mode Maps of B-Mode Ground - Funded Ground - Proposed WMAP PLANCK Balloon - Funded Foregrounds Synchrotron MIMICS Balloon - Proposed Ground-Based HEMT CBI, DASI, CAPMAP Ground-Based HEMT Produce a Polarization MAP down to the fundamental astrophysical foreground limits Cryogenic Techniques 10 Element Arrays Observing Strategies 100 Element Arrays Data Analysis/ Comp. 1000 Element Arrays CMBPOL Ground-Based Bolometer BICEP, MBI, QUAD, MBI ACT, SPT Polarization Sensitive Bolometers SQUID Multiplexing Antenna- Coupled Bolometers Multiplexing Readout Technology Alternate Polarization Methods 10 times more Sensitive than PLANCK >10 times more sensitive than PLANCK Balloon - Bolometer Boomerang, Maxipol Balloon – Bolometer PAPPA, BLAST Foregrounds DUST Polarized Sources Kinetic Inductance Detectors
Where is Money Going? Detector Development ($100M over 5 years) Continued support for fabrication infrastructure at Magnet Locations – Bolometers (JPL, GSFC, NIST, Berkeley) Continued support for fabrication infrastructure at Magnet Locations – HEMTS (JPL, NRAO?) Increased support for University-based detector development Ground-based Observations ($200M over 7 years) (initial polarization science, prove detector technology, develop techniques to address systematic effects) Large arrays of bolometers on large dishes Large arrays of bolometers with small apertures Large arrays of HEMTS on large dishes Suborbital Observations ($15M over 7 years) CMB polarization instruments (initial polarization science, prove detector technology, develop techniques to address systematic effects) Dust polarization instruments (characterize dust as large and small angular scales at multiple frequencies) Ground-based Foreground Measurements ($5M over 5 years) 20-60 GHz to characterize synchrotron and spinning dust 5-50 GHz on large dishes to characterize point source contamination Cryogenic Techniques ($10M over 7 years) 100 mK cryocoolers (>50 micro-W) 20 K high capacity coolers (>40 Watts) Satellite Systems Planning ($5M over 7 years)
Ground-Based Bolometer 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 WMAP PLANCK Satellite Foregrounds Synchrotron MIMICS Ground - ongoing Ground - Funded Ground-Based HEMT CBI, DASI, CAPMAP Ground-Based HEMT Ground - Proposed Balloon - Funded Cryogenic Techniques 10 Element Arrays Observing Strategies 100 Element Arrays Data Analysis/ Comp. Balloon - Proposed CMBPOL Ground-Based Bolometer BICEP, MBI, QUAD, MBI ACT, SPT Polarization Sensitive Bolometers SQUID Multiplexing Antenna- Coupled Bolometers Multiplexing Readout Technology Alternate Polarization Methods 1000 Element Arrays Balloon - Bolometer Boomerang, Maxipol Balloon – Bolometer PAPPA, BLAST Foregrounds DUST Polarized Sources Kinetic Inductance Detectors
CMBPOL WMAP PLANCK Ground-Based HEMT Ground-Based HEMT 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 WMAP PLANCK Satellite 1000<l<3000 50<l<1000 2<l<300 Ground - ongoing Ground - Funded Ground-Based HEMT CBI, DASI, CAPMAP Ground-Based HEMT Ground - Proposed Balloon - Funded Tensor to Scalar Spectral Index Tau W Balloon - Proposed CMBPOL Ground-Based Bolometer BICEP, MBI, QUAD, MBI ACT, SPT Produce a Polarization MAP down to the fundamental astrophysical foreground limits 50<l<1000 20 times more Sensitive than PLANCK >20 times more sensitive than PLANCK Balloon - Bolometer Boomerang, Maxipol Balloon – Bolometer PAPPA, BLAST Foregrounds DUST
Ground-Based Bolometer 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 WMAP PLANCK Satellite Foregrounds Synchrotron MIMICS Ground - ongoing Ground - Funded Ground-Based HEMT CBI, DASI, CAPMAP Ground-Based HEMT Ground - Proposed Balloon - Funded Cryogenic Techniques 10 Element Arrays Observing Strategies 100 Element Arrays Data Analysis/ Comp. Balloon - Proposed CMBPOL Ground-Based Bolometer BICEP, MBI, QUAD, MBI ACT, SPT Polarization Sensitive Bolometers SQUID Multiplexing Antenna- Coupled Bolometers Multiplexing Readout Technology Alternate Polarization Methods 1000 Element Arrays Balloon - Bolometer Boomerang, Maxipol Balloon – Bolometer PAPPA, BLAST Foregrounds DUST Polarized Sources Kinetic Inductance Detectors
Polarized Foregrounds 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 WMAP PLANCK- T, P CMBPOL Satellite CBI – T, SZ, P BICEP – P WMPOL–P CAPMAP – P QUIET – P Ground - ongoing ACBAR – T, SZ APEX–T, SZ PolarBear–P Ground - Funded Bolocam – SZ SuZIE – SZ QUAD – P DASI – T, P SZA – SZ PIPE – P Ground - Proposed Compass – P MBI – P ACT–T, SZ ACT-pol SPT–T, SZ SPT-pol Balloon - Funded Boomerang – P PAPPA – P Balloon - Proposed Maxipol – P EBEX – P Polarization l R 300 < 1 200-800 < 0.25 2-10 < 0.3 30-3000 < 0.1 2-2000 < 1 or 0.1 2-1000 < 0.01 Spectral Index - n σn 0.04 Optical Depth - t σt 0.04 Dark Energy - w σw 0.1 0.05 Polarized Foregrounds Dust l σTP Sources l Synchrotron l
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Satellite 2012 Ground - ongoing CBI DASI BOLO CAM T,SZ, P T,P ACBAR T,SZ 2002 WMAP T,SZ CAP MAP P 2004 BICEP P P QUAD SZ SZA P MBI T,SZ APEX 2006 PAPPA P ACT T,SZ SPT P EBEX T,SZ WM POL P P POLAR BEAR KUPID P QUIET P 2008 ACT- POL P PIPE P SPT- POL P PLANCK 2010 Satellite 2012 Ground - ongoing Ground - Funded 2014 Ground - Proposed Balloon - Funded CMBPOL 2016 Balloon - Proposed