Date of download: 12/22/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Ventilation of Lifting Bodies: Review of the Physics and Discussion of Scaling Effects Appl. Mech. Rev. 2017;69(1):010801-010801-38. doi:10.1115/1.4035360 Figure Legend: Depiction of a surface-piercing hydrofoil prior to the inception of a ventilated cavity. The suction side may be covered in a vaporous cavity or may experience wetted separation at the leading or trailing edges. Initial air ingress (inception) occurs through any of the paths indicated by (red) arrows pointing downward from the free surface and pointing toward the foil leading edge from the ventilated tip vortex, including upstream disturbances, artificially introduced perturbations, wave-breaking, Taylor-type instabilities, the tip vortex, or secondary interactions between the free-surface and vaporous cavity shedding. Figure composited by the authors from sketches found in Refs. [7,13,32,47,55].