The ice-cream Thief By: Patrick M.
It was a nice, hot summer day in Central park It was a nice, hot summer day in Central park. The park was located in Central City, New York. Jim was at the park to play for the day when the ice-cream man yelled, “Help it’s missing!’’
Jim ran over and asked “What happened Jim ran over and asked “What happened?’’ The ice-cream man told him what happened, he said, “A customer was buying some double chocolate ice-cream, but when I reached down there was no box of double chocolate ice-cream.” After the story, Jim announced, “This looks like a job for detective Jim Magnolia.’’
Jim asked the ice-cream man when it happened Jim asked the ice-cream man when it happened. He said it happened sometime between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. Jim started looking for clues and thought about who is usually at the park. He saw his friend Joe at the park and went to ask him if he saw anyone. “No,” Joe said. “I saw nothing at the cart. But, I just got here 10 minutes ago.’’
Jim started looking for anyone suspicious, he didn`t find anyone, but he did find something - a bandage with a piece of Wrigley`s brand gum in it. He knew Katy chews gum, but he doesn`t know what kind, so he asked her. She said, “No I chew 5 Gum.”
Jim went back to the cart and saw a coin on the ground Jim went back to the cart and saw a coin on the ground. It was a 1988 penny. He remembered that Jason collects coins and always carries a lucky penny in his pocket that he found in the Croppers Store. He found it in Lindsey F`s aisle, according to his receipt, the day he bought popcorn.
He found Jason at his house watching the TV show, “Spies How Sneaky They Are.’’ Jim asked, “Did you lose your lucky penny?’’ He replied, “As a matter of fact, I did.’’ Jason took his penny back and murmured, “Thank you.’’
Jim got outside and it was raining Jim got outside and it was raining! He found a dark blue glove outside of Jason`s house, it had the name Katy on it. He called his mom to pick him up. On the ride home he tried to add the clues together, but still got nothing.
The next day the rain went away and he went back to the scene The next day the rain went away and he went back to the scene. Jim found a special edition joker on a playing card. He knew that it belonged to his neighbor, so he left it on his porch.
That day all three of the suspects were at the park because of a birthday party! It was Jason`s birthday, and he was turning nine today. All of his little friends were there. Jim was wondering why he didn`t get invited to one of his best friend’s party, so he got suspicious. He then hid in a bush.
For dessert Jason pulled out a great big box of double chocolate ice-cream, it must’ve weighed a ton! It was labeled the same brand of ice-cream as the ice-cream missing from the cart! Jim couldn`t stand hiding so he came out and asked Jason where he got the box.
His mom approached them, Jim asked her, “Do you know where he got that ice-cream?’’ She explained, “I gave him money to go and buy the ice-cream.’’ Jim stated, “The ice-cream man had someone go sneak up to his cart and take a whole box of double chocolate ice-cream while he wasn’t looking!’’
Jason`s mom looked at him and said, “Did you go up to the ice-cream cart and take that double chocolate box of ice-cream?’’ He finally admitted that he did indeed take the box of ice-cream.
His mom had one question though, it was where the $50 went that she gave him. Jason said that the money was used to buy a humongous bag of candy that he gave to all of his friends. His mom was very disappointed about his behavior. She then let the party go on and when it was finished they went home.
Jason’s mom took him home and he was punished by being grounded for 1 month.