Knowledge Organiser for Unit 1 – The Short Story (Terms 1 and 2 of Yr 7) These are the terms you will need to learn and use throughout this term Creating feelings... The building blocks of a story… Atmosphere the feeling, emotion, or mood a writer conveys to a reader through the description of setting and objects. Foreboding When a writer gives clues that something bad is going to happen through setting or circumstances. Intrigue When a writer invokes curiosity in the reader. Suspense The intense feeling that an reader goes through while waiting for the outcome, wondering what will happen next. Tension When the writer evokes emotions such as worry, anxiety, fear and stress on the part of both the reader and the characters. It is anticipation of conflict Tone Is the attitude/feeling created in the story – e.g sad, sarcastic, optimistic… Climax The most exciting or high point of the story, usually at or near the end. Dialogue A conversation between two or more people in a story. First person Writing using the pronouns ‘I’ or ‘we.’ Narrator The person telling the story. Repetition When a writer uses the same significant word, phrase or word pattern more than once. Setting The place and conditions where the story happens – including the time, the place, the furniture, the weather conditions etc. Structure The organisation of the story: how the story begins, changes focus, and ends, including the effect this has on the reader. The effect of punctuation and sentence types. Forms of writing... The nitty gritty of language and techniques… Blog a regularly updated web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style. Classic Literature that is widely acknowledged as having outstanding or enduring qualities. Contemporary Literature that is set after World War II (post-modern literature) Tabloid a newspaper having pages half the size of those of the average broadsheet, typically popular in style and dominated by sensational stories. Foreshadowing When a writer gives hints of what is about to happen. Hyperbole Exaggeration for effect Metaphor A direct comparison to something with the same characteristics – e.g The children were angels, or the classroom was a hive of activity. Semantic field A set of words related in meaning. For example, words from the semantic field of school may include the following: lesson, learn, teach, corridor, class, set, etc Sensationalist language Language designed to produce shock in the reader. Very over-the-top language. Simile A comparison using as or like – e.g her eyes glistened like starlight. Academic writing… Connotation What is implied or suggested by something other than what it explicitly means – e.g the connotations of red are love, danger, blood etc Evidence Taking words or phrases (quotations) directly from the story to use in essays to make your points clear. Explanation In Point, evidence, explanation paragraphs, explanation means discussion of what is suggested by the writer in the evidence you’ve chosen. It can also mean explaining what you think the writer intended for the reader to feel about particular words.
Knowledge Organiser for Unit 1 – The Short Story (Terms 1 and 2 of Yr 7) Key Terms Atmosphere Blog Classic Climax Connotation Contemporary Dialogue Evidence Explanation First person Foreboding Foreshadowing Hyperbole Inference Irony Intrigue Metaphor Narrator Repetition Semantic field Sensationalised language Setting Simile Structure Tabloid Tension Tone