First Grade News August 29, 2016 – September 2, 2016 Coming Up: *We had a great first week of school! I love spending each day with your child! Thank you for helping make it such a smooth week for your child! *Next Monday, the 5th, is Labor Day and there will be no school. *As soon as our beginning of year testing is over, I will be sending home reading folders with your child. They will have a reading assignment every night. What We’re Learning… *Reading- setting up Reader’s Workshop and literacy stations, practicing “turn and talk” to your neighbor about our book *Writing- setting up Writer’s Workshop and our Writer’s Notebook *Math- Numbers 0-20 *Science- What is a scientist? What tools does a scientist use? Reminders: *We are still working on routines and classroom management in our classroom. It is so important to start out strong in the beginning. Thanks for your help! *If your child does not have head phones at school, please send them this week. Please make sure your child has appropriate shoes each day for PE. *Please do not allow your child to bring toys to school. September Birthday: Sydney 9/15