The 5 W’s of Consultant Teacher/Resource Room Leah Levine BOCES Consultant Teacher
To provide specific insight and information on support services Purpose: To provide specific insight and information on support services Essential Questions What are the 5 W’s of Consultant Teaching and Resource Room? How can Consultant Teaching/Resource Room benefit you and your students?
What is this service? Resource Room Where the Special Education teacher works to the specific needs of students to maximize their learning potential in all academic areas, the Resource Room (RR) teacher works closely with the student’s Gen. Ed teacher(s) and the parents to ensure support is indeed helping the student to reach their full potential. The RR teacher follows and supplements the general education instruction by attempting to fill in any gaps the student may have. We also work to build skills and strategies to meet the IEP goals.
What is this service? Consultant Teaching This can be provided directly or indirectly to a student. Direct consult means supporting a student in benefiting from the General Ed. Program with push in services or small groups. Indirect refers to consultation to assist a teacher/staff members in adjusting to the learning environment OR keeping the Gen. Ed. Teacher aware of areas of weakness and providing supports/check ins to ensure the individual needs of a student in the Gen. Ed classes are being met.
Consultant Teaching Indirect Direct CT Meeting with teachers 1-on-1 or as a team Weekly check-in emails Follow up on suggested strategies/plans Ensuring extended time is available (when, proctoring, getting test back to teacher completed) Communicating with parents CT pushes into classroom CT offers assistance when needed to IEP student and others when appropriate CT watches students- helps keep them on task CT takes notes and learns along with students to support review for test during RR time
Who provides this type of service? A Special Education Teacher There are certifications, experiences and professional development that each teacher/tutor is required to have.
Who receives this service? Any student with an IEP. Individualized Educational Plan! This is NOT the same as a student with a 504 or Academic Service Plan Students with IEP’s have been determined by the Committee of Special Education to receive additional supports to help them reach their full learning potential IN ADDITION to the General Education setting Students with 504’s require less support within the Gen Ed settings. This can often be provided WITHIN the General Education setting
When are these services provided? Resource Room services will not affect your class routine. Typically students are pulled out to attend Resource Room. Consultant teaching- Most likely will include a Special Educator coming into your classroom. However this is the key! General Education teachers are the expert in the subject! Special Education teachers have a working knowledge of the curriculum! Gen Ed. teachers are the CONTENT specialist Special Ed. teachers the STRATEGY specialist
When are these services provided? Continued Services are provided as stated by the IEP. This is unique to each student. It can be daily, every other day or all day. **Testing accommodations are not required to be provided by the Special Educator ***
Where are these services provided? The Resource Room or specific location within a building Consultant Teaching push in will typically take place in the General Education classroom.
Why are these services provided? To help a student with a disability reach their full potential and achieve success in the general education program Just because the handful of students serviced are considered “learning disabled” does not mean they are UNABLE to achieve success in your classes. Each and everyone of these students will surprise you with their abilities. While they may need some advocating for and/or moderate support with the curriculum from our services they are here because they want to be and they want to have your acceptance and understanding of their disability.
What does this support look like? An unequal Triangle: Composed of three parts! The Student, The General Education Teacher and the Special Education teacher! The student puts forth the ability and effort. The General Education teacher provides the content and tools to achieve success and the Special Education teacher provides the strategies and supports to help the student achieve mastery. WE MUST WORK TOGETHER TO FILL THIS TRIANGLE!
How can we share strategies? Continuum of Interaction We can Collaborate! We can meet individually or as a group. We can discuss one student’s specific needs or general strategies with in the classroom and share ideas/experiences! We can Consult! We can ask EACH OTHER about specific needs/practices or feedback and share advice regarding solutions and resources. We can Coach! We can find the expert to ask insightful questions and reflect on decisions that will affect student learning.
Common modifications/accommodations Modification: Things that are changed/different to meet the needs of the learner in the Gen Ed setting Accommodations: Specific to student’s disability and needs, to be used consistently by the student in all areas of academics Extended time 1.5x-2 Tests Administered in Location with minimal distractions Test Administered in Separate location Copy of class notes Access to Computer/word process Check for Understanding Preferential Seating
Common Disabilities that require IEP services Other Health Impaired ADD ADHD Writing delays/deficits in language skills Learning Disabilities Weak comprehension skills Weak writing skills Processing delays