WWI USA tips balance Military race Imperialism Nationalism Treaty of Versailles
World War I Summary British controlled sea approaches to Europe French draw soldiers, laborers, raw materials, loans, and donations from colonial possessions ===>>> critical in win (versus Germany)
Outcomes… The war opened door for western educated Africans and Indians when…authority and power they gained during war could not be withdrawn => Egypt, India, Vietnam and other colonial societies begin to decolonize (p. 671)
The Coming of the Great War Major issues/conflicts prior to WWI “Empire Building” => nationalism ^ France wanted provinces of Alsace and Lorraine that it lost in 1870 (p. 660) Wilhelm II (German Kaiser) aggressive governance => threatned europe Britain losing naval edge to Germany and becoming economically inferior Economic hardship caused labor unrest in Europe
Imperialism and the complicated Alliance System pushed powers into ARMS RACE (p. 662)
The War Begins In what could have been a regional conflict…the Assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife…becomes a global conflict…World War I had been started on June 28, 1914
The World at War Germany had hoped for a quick victory over France Belgium resistance and British help halts Germany => the trench war begins => stalemate well into 1918 Millions died and millions were wounded
War in Eastern Europe and Italy (p. 665) Eastern Front…Russia badly beaten (by Germany) and poorly trained => contributed to Russia’s revolution of 1917 Austrian-Hungary Front…Russia is able to keep A-H in check…but could not protect Serbia Austria-Hungary at Italian Front…Italy had changed alliances (now on Triple Entente side) in hopes of gaining territory…but front nearly collapses if not for British and French help => Italian failure plunges it into social and political turmoil
Home Fronts in Europe and U.S. Disconnected leaders “insensitive civilians Some industries were state run Propaganda intensifies Labor protests ^ => in Russia it contributed to revolution Participation of women in workforce ^ => sparks broader liberation
The war spreads… All major powers (except Austria-Hungary) had colonies outside of Europe As the war dragged on more colonies were drawn into the conflict… …what would this accomplish?
Imperial Powers could use people and resources By 1915 fighting spread into the Middle East, Africa, on the seas, China and the Pacific By 1917 the United States enters the war
Britain’s Impact Britain’s participation in the war made it a truly global war… Cut off Germany from Africa, China and the Pacific Effective blockade (p.666) Controlled cable links Controlled seas by 1916 British Dominions-Canada, Australia, New Zealand were vital in the Middle East particularly defense of Suez Canal Nonsettler colonies (from Africa, India and southeast Asia also provide help
Germany in the meantime… Support from German East Africa and Ottoman Empire (see map on p. 661) Turks (Ottoman Empire) remained a threat in Suez Canal Zone Armenian genocide (pogrom-an organized massacre of helpless people; specifically : such a massacre of Jews)-p. 668
Things get worse… The United States shifts gears => they go from war observer to participant due to Germany’s “clumsiness” (p. 668) US declares war on Germany-spring 1917 US help decisively shifts in favor of Triple Entente => Germany decides to launch massive strike before US full power is felt
Armistice November 11, 1918 Brutality and destruction was a theme for nearly the entire war…victory seemed to shift back and forth many times…even as late as April 1918 the Central Powers held the edge However fatigue, new weapons, brake down of Austrian Fronts and US entry (more soldiers) shifted the edge for the last time to the Triple Entente
Fearing collapse of armies and rebellion at home (Germans were stunned by the loss) Germany surrenders Germans blame socialist and Jewish politicians for loss => birth of Nazi facist Germany (Adolf Hitler)
What is accomplished? What is the legacy? Why did we fight? How do we move forward? What would you do differently?
“Negotiating Peace” France wants Germany to pay for virtually everything Self determination goes out the window Peace treaty in Paris = diktat (Germans have no input) German territory shrunk Colonies and nations ignored or abandoned politically (p. 671) => “Flawed” peace process fostered deep turmoil and resentment by Germany, other Central Powers and European colonies
The Nationalist Assault on European Colonial Order (Start of breakdown of European colonies) The war itself inadvertently (per ) shows ___________ _________ the it’s good to be in charge.
The Nationalist Assault on European Colonial Order (Start of breakdown of European colonies) The war itself inadvertently (per Europe) shows colonial officials the it’s good to be in charge.
India Western-educated elites lead the way Use of nonviolent tactics Strong foundation from Indian National Congress formed in _____ British vs _______ => Favoritism => poverty was widespread => Indians wanted to movilize…
India Western-educated elites lead the way Use of nonviolent tactics Strong foundation from Indian National Congress formed in 1885 British vs Indians => Favoritism => poverty was widespread => Indians wanted to movilize…
…Movement hindered due to clash of Hindu and Muslim ideas ______ took lead => prison The threat of _____________ => Morley-Minto reforms of 1909
…Movement hindered due to clash of Hindu and Muslim ideas Tilak took lead => prison The threat of Communism => Morley-Minto reforms of 1909
Gandhi (p. 675) As struggle continues in India politicians were able to push for more reforms => Montagu-Chelmsford of 1919 versus Rowlatt Act of 1919
Localized protest help Gandhi mobilize people Combined knowledge of British and Indians => many followers Nonviolent protest tactics (satyagraha)
Egypt Nationalism had been around before the British occupation 1882 failed uprising Masses unhappy about conditions Nationalist parties form in 1890s without a mass base => harsh British relaliation => provokes for anger and resentment
Can you predict what happens next?
Who’s shocked? …Hostility towards British culminates in Dinshawi Incident of 1906 => British impose harsher containment methods => national sentiment ^ By 1913 India has a constitution and an indirectly elected parliament (p. 677)
Six years later After the war unrest continues Mass demonstration erupt after being refused to speak at Versailles The Wafd Party (Sa’d Zaghul became the glue that held Egypt togeter (p. 681)
Africa (p. 681) During war most Western-educated Africans were loyal to foreign occupiers Africans enjoyed the power they gained during war And expected reforms to continue after the war => Britain does not keep promises
Garvey, Du Bois Pan-African organizations => anticolonial sentiment Negritude literary movement => attempts to combat racial stereotyping