How did life change due to the resalt of the world 1 ? Apart from the obvious fact that most families lost a member in the fighting of the war it changed peoples lives in a number of different ways . Because so many men were taken out of there workplaces to fight in the war, many of the jobs previously done by men had to be done by women.
If the men savvied the war and found there family it was most likely that the men would have died of a sickness because The conditions of the trenches in world war 1 were very poor. Whenever it rained, the water would flud the trenches. all of the soldiers had to step in all that water everyday until it dried up which took a very long time.
How did world war 1 start A Serbian called Gavrilo Princip killed the Hungarian Duke Franz, in response Hungary threatened Serbia to give Princip up or else, but the Serbians didn't know who had killed Franz so they couldn't do anything, Russia threatened Hungary not to invade, in turn the German Empire (who had an alliance with Hungary) threatened Russia, Britain and France threatened Germany as Britain and France had an alliance with Russia, Japan also helped Britain under the 1905 the Japanese alliance. That was how it became a World War, the countries fell like a line of dominoes, that is what alliances can do.
What happened in Gallipoli The Battle of Gallipoli took place on the Turkish peninsula of Gallipoli from April 1915 to January 1916 during the First World War. A combined British Empire and French operation was mounted in order to eventually capture the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul). The attempt failed, and an estimated 11,000 ANZACS died at the battle of Gallipoli
Australia sent more than 330, 000 soldiers overseas to fight alongside Britain and its allies. Australian troops fought in new guinea, France and the middle east, and in turkey at Gallipoli. Many Australian women who were trained as nurses also served overseas during the war. Australian nurses served in Egypt, France, Greece and India. Around 18, 000 solders were injured at Gallipoli. The Austrians and all the allied troops were ultimately forced to withdraw from Gallipoli. The bravery of the solders who fought there create the tradition of Anzacs and strengthened Australia's national identity.
How bad these wars are
Quiz When did the battle of Gallipoli take place ? April 1915 How many Anzacs died at the battle of Gallipoli ? 11,000 ANZACS How bad was the Afghanistan war ? 4.5 How many solders were injured ? 18, 000 solders
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