Body Systems and Disorders Reproductive System Body Systems and Disorders
Functions of the Reproductive System Accomplish reproduction Creation of new life Manufacture hormones Females – estrogen and progesterone Males – testosterone
Female Reproductive System Structures
Female Reproductive System Ovaries (2) – Primary sex organs of the female. About shape & size of large almond. Fallopian tubes (2)– About 4 in. long. Not attached to the ovaries. Outer end curves over top edge of each ovary & opens into the abdominal cavity. Is possible for an ovum to accidentally slip into abdominal cavity & be fertilized there. Uterus – Hollow, thick-walled, pear-shaped, highly muscular organ. About 3 in. in length and 2 in. wide. Is approx. 1 in. thick.
Female Reproductive System Vagina – Short canal; extends from cervix of uterus to vulva. Consists of smooth muscle w/mucous membrane lining. External female genitalia – Contains external organs of reproductive area. Breasts – Accessory organs to female reproductive system.
Male Reproductive System Structures
Male Reproductive System Testes (2) and epididymis – Primary male reproductive organs. In a pouch lying outside the body called the scrotum. Each approx. size & shape of a small egg. Attached is overlying structure called epididymis.
Male Reproductive System Scrotum – External sac that contains the testes. Ductus deferens – Continuations of the epididymitis. Serves as storage site for sperm cells & the excretory duct of the testis.
Male Reproductive System Seminal vesicles – Membranous tubes. Produce secretions which help to nourish & protect sperm as it journeys up the female reproductive system. At ejaculation the seminal fluid is added to the sperms cells as they leave the ejaculatory ducts. Ejaculatory ducts – Short & narrow. Descend into the prostate gland to join with urethra, into which they discharge their contents.
Male Reproductive System Penis – External organ. Contains erectile tissue that becomes enlarged & rigid during intercourse. Prostate gland – Located in front of the rectum & just under the urinary bladder. About shape & size of a chestnut. Contraction closes off the prostatic urethra during ejaculation, preventing the passage of urine through the urethra. This contraction also aids in the expulsion of semen during an ejaculation.
Disorders – Female Reproductive System Menorrhagia – Abnormal excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding. Symptoms: Female is soaking enough sanitary products to require a change more often than every 1 – 2 hours or having a period that lasts over 7 days. Diagnosis: By pelvic exam; PAP smear; Blood tests Treatment: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; oral contraceptives, drugs to modify hormone levels. Surgery or Endometrial ablation.
Disorders – Female Reproductive System Endometriosis – Endometrial tissue (lining of the uterus) is found outside the uterus. Found around the ovaries & other organs in the abdominopelvic cavity. Symptoms: Pain before & during menstruation, during or after sexual activity, infertility, and heavy or irregular bleeding. Cause is unknown. Diagnosis: By laparoscopy. Treatment: Removal of tissue during laparoscopy; hormonal drugs to stop ovulation; over the counter non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain. Menopause generally ends the activity of mild or moderate endometriosis.
Disorders – Female Reproductive System Fibroid tumors – Usually benign growths in the uterine wall. May enlarge causing pressure on other organs or may cause excessive bleeding. Hysterectomy may be done to treat. Ovarian cancer – Leading cause of cancer death in women. Usually occurs between the ages of 40 & 65. Early diagnosis is difficult & treatment is aggressive surgery to remove all reproductive organs.
Disorders – Male Reproductive System Epididymitis – Painful swelling in the groin & scrotum due to infection of the epididymis. Treated with antibiotic therapy. Prostatitis – Infection of the prostate gland. Urinary symptoms are often the first indication there is a problem – patient will complain of dysuria. Treatment with antibiotic is effective.
Disorders – Male Reproductive System Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) – Indicates an enlarged prostate. As the prostate enlarges, the capsule around the prostate does not & causes the prostate to press up against the urethra. Symptoms: Retention of urine; frequent urination Diagnosis: By rectal exam, ultrasound, and cystoscopy. Treatment: Prostatectomy is usual treatment.
Disorders – Male Reproductive System Prostate cancer – Most common cancer in males over the age of 50. Symptoms: Frequency of urination, dysuria, urgency, nocturia, and sometimes hematuria. Diagnosis: PSA test (prostate-specific antigen blood screening test). Treatment: Watchful waiting, surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.
Specific Medical Terminology to know for the Respiratory System.
Specific Medical Terminology to know for the Respiratory System.