Maestro Archie Dennis 1st Chair Carlos Padilla 4.5 Upgrade Concerto Maestro Archie Dennis 1st Chair Carlos Padilla
Facts Temple Health Large Metropolitan Medical Center Cancer Center Community Hospital Mental Health Hospital Outpatient Clinic
Interesting Facts FC and Jeanes Sorian > Sunquest > Copath Temple Main, EPH , Northeast TDS > Meditech > Meditech Pathology Future state Temple Main, EPH and NE will be assimilated
Prelude Contracted Soft June 2013 expected go-live 2nd Q 15 Single Database 4.5 version Soft Lab / Mic / BB / SoftGene (SoftPathDx, SoftFlow) / SoftAR /SoftID
Orchestra Assemble individuals with particular talents in their respective sections. Gather them for primary rehearsals to match the talent with the implementation. Spread the Sound – Don’t have to much brass balance them with strings. Involve all sites. This makes the sound true and vibrant. Micro – QC – db – interface
Prelude Things to think about from 4.0 to 4.5 This may be a good time to clean up your databases and restructure your workflow. Rethink the naming of setup ID’s: Doctors-15 Wards-15 Some other database files will have to be rebuilt, because of different or added functionality.
Introduction 8 Character Default Process Container Processing Cont. Multiple Cont. Sizes
Introduction Storage Requirements
Introduction No More Barcode Extension !!!
Introduction 11 Characters Ordering Location Collection Center No More Depot !!! 11 Characters Ordering Location Collection Center Force by Terminal
Introduction- Settings and Definitions
Introduction- Settings and Definitions
Introduction- Settings and Definitions
Introduction- Settings and Definitions
Introduction- Settings and Definitions
Introduction- Settings and Definitions
First Movement Standardization Standardize tests, codes. If “Upgrade” client make spreadsheet conform with Soft criterias.
First movement continue Workflow Workflow & Standardization – have them started – as part of implementation – while in the process of going to training. Visio-Chart workflows
Second movement Instruments Dashboard Catalog all instruments
Third Movement Decision Making Tracker Keep a record of critical items that need special attention
Fourth Movement Peripherals > Printers, PC’s,< Catalog all peripherals: Laser printers, labels and terminals
Fifth Movement Interfaces Interfaces- mapping and finding out if any of the other interfaces will be upgraded with newer versions
Tempo Keep the Pace smooth and Even Use milestone spreadsheets- key activities outline
Overture Multisite Table Multiple sources – tracking test build.
Crescendo Lots of Tequila !!!
Final Movement TBD
Thank You Team Members Alison Calpas Maryanne Carroll-Tapley Kunle Adewetan (Special K) Steve Friedman All Team leads