Internal environment Includes these factors within boundaries that affect performance: Management Mission Resources Organizational Structure
Mission Statement An organization’s purpose or reason for being. Crossfit Prime CrossFit Prime offers a distinct style of fitness training, pulling from multiple schools of training philosophies. The purpose of our training is to provide the greatest, healthiest, and most efficient results possible. However, our fitness training provides much more than speed, endurance, strength, muscle growth, and fat loss. The training will be extremely challenging, unique, and creative in ways that sparks inspiration for our students. When the students are finished each session, they will learn something about themselves and feel invigorated, seeing how much they can truly accomplish when driven. The training at CrossFit Prime will develop strength physically & mentally for each student. We believe that strengthening one’s body & mind allows a person to reach their fullest potential in all aspects of life.
Stakeholders Stakeholders include: Employees Alumni Fans Shareholders Customers Suppliers The Government
Internal Factors Management Resources Mission Systems Process Organizational Structure
Organizational Resources Human Financial Physical Informational Resources
Systems Process Method used to transform inputs into outputs Inputs Transformation Outputs Feedback
Structure Structure may be organized into departments: Finance Marketing Production Personnel
Structure Each department affects the organization as a whole,and each department affects every other department.
Quality Customers assess the quality of an organization’s outputs by comparing what they require (or want) from the product or service to their actual use of, or experience with, it.
Customer Value Benefit(s) customers obtain when they buy a product or service.
Value and Quality Expectations An event vs. a game Philadelphia Phillies compared to the Clearwater Threshers An event vs. a game
External Environment Factors outside organizational boundaries that affect performance
External Environment Factors Competition Suppliers Workforce Customers Shareholders Society Technology Economy Governments
Reactive Managers Make changes only when forced to by external factors.
Responsive Managers Prepare for the changes that they predict.
Interactive Managers Believe they can create a significant part of their future and control how it will affect the organization.
International Business If you expand to the European Union (EU) by setting up operations in one of those 15 countries, you have 350 million more potential customers, for a total of around 725 million.
Multinational Corporation (MNC) You may never start your own global business, but you may become an international manager.
Global Sourcing The difference between domestic managers and global managers lies in where they look for the best deal on inputs and where they can be most advantageously transformed into outputs.