DEPARTMENT OF LAND AFFAIRS Presentation to Joint Monitoring Committee on Improvement of Quality of Life and Status of Women Ms Maureen Tong Chief Operations Officer 25 August 2006
Preamble: Equality, Freedom and Human Dignity CONSTITUTION Preamble: Equality, Freedom and Human Dignity Section 9: Equality clause Section 25: Right to property and State’s ability to implement land reform Reverse the legacy of land dispossession, ensure equitable access to land and security of tenure 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATION FOR LAND REFORM Preamble: ‘South Africa belongs to all who live in it, Black and White’ Section 25(1): Guarantee against deprivation of property Section 25(2):Expropriation for public purposes or public interest, subject to compensation Section 25(3):Amount of compensation, time and manner payment must be just and equitable, having regard to a list of factors Section 25 (4): Public interest includes land reform Section 25 (5): Redistribution Section 25 (6): Tenure reform Section 25 (7): Restitution Section 25 (8): Balance between protection of property rights and land, water and related reform Section 25(9):Parliament must enact legislation on tenure reform 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
VISION To be a global leader in the creation and maintenance of an equitable and sustainable land dispensation that results in social and economic development for all South Africans MISSION To provide enhanced land rights to all South Africans, with particular emphasis on black people, that would result in increased income levels and job opportunities, productive land use and well-planned human settlements. 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
STRATEGIC CONTEXT Strategic Framework of the Department Acceleration of the creation of a land system that comprehensively addresses the legacy of socio-economic deprivation and the improvement of the quality of life of black people: Contribution to Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development through Land Reform and Administration Interventions and Participation of the State in the Land Market to accelerate land redistribution Land-based Integrated and Decentralised Land Use and Development Planning and Implementation Enhanced access to and/or ownership of land by farm dwellers to improve their livelihoods and economic opportunities Development of Capacity Building Models and Programmes for Land Reform Beneficiaries, DLA employees, other Government employees and the general public 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
Core Objectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Redistribution of 30% of white-owned agricultural land by 2014 for sustainable agricultural development Provision of tenure security that creates socio-economic opportunities for people living and working on farms and in communal areas. Settlement of all outstanding land claims by 2008 and implement restitution awards Provision of land for sustainable human settlements, industrial and economic development. Provision of efficient land use and land administration services 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES continued Core Objectives Provision of efficient State Land management that supports development Provision of skills development framework for land and agrarian reform to all relevant stakeholders Development programmes for the empowerment of women, children, people with disabilities and those living with HIV/Aids and older persons within the context of the Department’s mandate 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
Supportive Objectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Supportive Objectives Development of an efficient information and knowledge management strategy supported by a unified IT architecture and appropriate IT skills. Improvement of the Monitoring and Evaluation framework Development of a pro-active, analytical and needs-based communication strategy. Repositioning of the Communications function to be an integral part of strategic decision making processes. Provision of support to municipalities to determine land demand for targeted beneficiaries 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
Contextual Objectives STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Contextual Objectives Improvement and management of inter-governmental and intra-department al relations and integration Intra-departmental integration Mobilisation of our social partners towards partnerships to accelerate land and agrarian reform Participation in land and agrarian related activities and programmes aimed at consolidation of the African agenda 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
AMOUNT OF LAND TO BE DELIVERED The total size of land in South Africa = 122 m (ha) Total farmland = 100 million ha. Total white-owned agric farmland = 82 million ha 24.6 million ha of agricultural land must have been delivered by 2014 (30% of 82 million ha). So far 3,3 million hectares have been delivered Therefore 21.2 million hectares must still be delivered On average 1.87 million ha must be delivered per year to meet target 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
LAND DELIVERED SINCE 1994 Redistribution: 1 477 956.00 ha Restitution: 1 007 247.00 ha Tenure Reform: 126 519.00 ha State land: 761 524. 00 ha Total: 3 373 246.00 ha 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
LAND DELIVERED SINCE 1994 continued Total size of land delivered since 1994 is about 3,3 million ha (3 373 246 ha) This includes land delivered through the restitution, redistribution and state land. The total number of household/individuals that have benefited from land reform is over 1.2 million The contribution per programme is as follows: 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
SIZE OF LAND DELIVERED PER PROG TO DATE 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
LAND REFORM TARGETS 30% of land reform projects must benefit women CPA Act, 1998 requires that women must be represented and be active in the decision making processes of CPA Settle all restitution claims by March 2009 Redistribute 30% of white-owned agricultural land by 2014 Complete all labour tenant claims/application by 2008? Implement CLARA Develop policy on land ownership by foreigners 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
CHALLENGES Capacity and skills: Land reform implementers do not have the required gender skills. The Gender programme being facilitated from the National office. No dedicated staff members to ensure mainstreaming at implementation level. 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
CHALLENGES Implementation on land reform not premised on a developmental perspective No gender-specific education and/or information dissemination mechanisms Customary/ Traditional laws/ Culture: Land not seen as a resource that women can own, yet they work it Women’s inability to access credit Lack of gender-sensitive grants, LRAD grant is too rigid 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
CHALLENGES Budget No percentage of the capital budget in relation to LRAD has been set aside for the development of a female commercial farmer Skills: Women lack business skills to use land productively Agricultural extension officers do not have training on how to train women Lack of conscious targeting for women: There are therefore no targeting mechanisms in place to effectively target and develop female farmers. 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
GENDER PROFILE OF LAND GRANT BENEFICIARIES The table below indicates that 60.5% of the land grant beneficiaries were male and 39.5% were female. There was a marked difference in the gender profile of the beneficiaries when the data was analyzed according to the gender of the household head. In female-headed households the land grant beneficiaries were more likely to be female (84.8%) and in male-headed households there were more male beneficiaries (79.4%) 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
GENDER PROFILE OF LAND GRANT BENEFICIARIES 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
GENDER PROFILE OF LAND GRANT BENEFICIARIES Most of the provinces had more male land grant beneficiaries than female Beneficiaries (see table 3.10). The Northern Province is the only area that had an equal number of male and female land grant beneficiaries. This can be attributed to the fact that the ratio of male-headed households (51.7%) and female-headed households (48.3%) were lower in this province. 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
GENDER PROFILE OF LAND GRANT BENEFICIARIES 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
DEPARTMENTAL GEDNER-SPECIFIC TARGETS FOR 2006/2007 Set gender-specific objectives and targets for land reform implementation Develop 1 guideline per programme for all vulnerable groups Monitoring of reporting on mainstreaming processes in land reform on an annual basis Monitoring preferential procurement for women 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
DEPARTMENTAL GENDER-SPECIFIC TARGETS FOR 2006/2007 Develop gender checklist Develop gender disaggregated data on land reform implementation Develop children’s rights framework Develop older persons’ framework 4 advocacy programmes in the Department 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
NO. OF WOMEND IN DECISION MAKING Deputy Director-Generals 2 (of 4) Chief Directors: 8 (of Director: 16 (of 50) Deputy Director: 157 (of 433) 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
DEPARTMENTAL GENDER APPROACH The Directorate: Organisational Transformation deals with Children, Older Persons, Youth, Disability and HIV-AIDS. The Gender Unit deals with gender and womens empowerment, both internally and externally We are establishing the Award: Women in Agriculture and Rural Development This week-end we are hosting the Rural Rural Women in Land Agricultural Intiative Summit Annually host the Female Farmer of the Year Award 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'
MALIBONGWE! 'A Partnership to Fast Track Land Reform: A New Trajectory Towards 2014'