Reading Instruction: Key considerations Created from a presentation by Matthew Burns, Ph. D., University of Minnesota & Modified by Christina Bemboom, Ph. D, Rice Elementary
Keys to Success St. Paul Pioneer Press June 4th 2006 Reading Above All Else Emphasize reading and writing especially K-2 Beyond the Classroom After school programs and social services Continuous Assessment/Small-Group Instruction Formal and informal assessments to provide an appropriate level of challenge Effective Staff Strong leadership and cohesive staff with co-planning Structured, Disciplined Environment
Contributions to Learning – Hattie 2009 The student d = .40 The school d = .23 The teacher d = .49 The curriculum d = .45
Interventions for Children with LD Reading comprehension 1.13 Direct instruction .84 Psycholinguistic training .39 Modality instruction .15 Diet .12 Perceptual training .08 Kavale & Forness, 2000
Reading Instruction in Elementary School Two hours each day Explicit instruction Free-choice reading (w/ indiv work with tchr 1st and sharing afterwards) Word study Writing
What makes an intervention effective???? Correctly targeted Appropriate challenge Explicit instruction Opportunities to respond Immediate feedback With contingent reinforcers Burns, VanDerHeyden, & Boice (2008). Best practices in implementing individual interventions. In A. Thomas & J. Grimes (Eds.) Best practices in school psychology (5th ed.). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
1. Correctly Targeted
Can’t Do or Won’t Do
Phonemic Awareness (SOUNDS) Phonics (LETTER-SOUND REL) BIG 5: Phonemic Awareness (SOUNDS) Phonics (LETTER-SOUND REL) ...decoding Fluency (RATE, ACCURACY, PROSODY) Vocabulary (Best learned by ... READING plus explicit instruction w/content specific words) Comprehension (Typically happens if other levels in place) ...If not, need much more info to plan instruction
AQUISITON... i.e. MODELING the expected skill/behavior so that the child goes from inaccuracy with the skill to accuracy with the skill
...or PROFICIENCY i.e. Many opportunities to practice the skill to move from slow, accurate use of the skill to fast, accurate use of the skill
Most of our time will spent here…
2. Appropriate Challenge Instructional Level
Instructional Level for Drill Tasks 94%-97% Accuracy Otherwise, not benefit as much from the learning opportunities and do not stay engaged
3. Explicit Instruction
I do We do You do =Model-lead-test Direct Instruction I do We do You do =Model-lead-test
(Sort of) Irrelevant Transition Slide :)
4. Opportunities to Respond
Drill and Practice The most effective device that can be applied to learning is to increase the amount of drill or practice" (Chase & Symonds, 1992; p. 289) Teaching basic skills through drill tasks led to increased performance of more advanced skills (Dehaene & Akhavein, 1995; Jones & Christensen, 1999; Tzelgove, Porat, & Henik, 1997)
IF they can already do the skill ACCURATELY!
Guided practice (w/ error correction) 94%-97% accurate
PERFECT practice makes perfect! (and builds proficiency) For independent practice...100% accurate to be beneficial! Homework is independent practice. PERFECT practice makes perfect! (and builds proficiency)
5. Appropriate Feedback
Standard Error Correction That word is _____. What word? (Child repeats) Yes, that word is _____. Read the sentence again.
Correctly Targeted?
What skill needs to be learned?
Assess 4 NRP Areas Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Phoneme segmentation fluency (see continuum) Phonics Nonsense word fluency (assessment only) Fluency Oral reading fluency Vocabulary/Comprehension
What stage of learning needs to be targeted?
Instructional Hierarchy: Stages of Learning Acquisition Proficiency Generalization Adaption Learning Hierarchy Instructional Hierarchy Slow and inaccurate Modeling Explicit instruction Immediate corrective feedback Accurate but slow Novel practice opportunities Independent practice Timings Immediate feedback Can apply to novel setting Discrimination training Differentiation training Can use information to solve problems Problem solving Simulations Haring, N. G., & Eaton, M. D. (1978). Systematic instructional procedures: An instructional hierarchy. In N. G. Haring, T. C. Lovitt, M. D. Eaton, & C. L. Hansen (Eds.) The fourth R: Research in the classroom (pp. 23-40). Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill.
Skill x Stage of Learning Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Acquisition Proficiency Generalization Adaptation
Intervention – Bullseye!
How do we know? Refer to the assessment decision-making tree
MRC Interventions as Examples Phonemic awareness Acquisition & Proficiency – Phoneme Blending and Phoneme Segmenting Phonics Acquisition – Letter Sound Correspondence Proficiency – Word Blending Fluency Acquisition – Newscaster Reading & Duet Reading Proficiency – Repeated Reading & Pencil Tap Comprehension Repeated Reading with Comprehension Great Leaps
Duet Reading for Fluency Acquisition Example: 2nd Grade Groups Reading with goal of summarizing (ex. PALS: build proficiency in fluency/comp) Duet Reading for Fluency Acquisition Word Blending for Phonics Proficiency Letter Sounds For Phonics Acquisition
Students with disabilities: 1 Students with disabilities: 1. Need to access their bullseye intervention, which is provided to all students at that age, and, 2. May receive additional support if needed to make progress.
After we know what the student needs to improve… Then there are many options for addressing those needs (strategies and purchased curricula). The remaining handouts note various approaches by targeted need and by grade level where skills are often addressed. We can always to Part 2 of “Reading Research Application” to practice some of these specific strategies…