Chapter 10 Section 2 Islam Expands
Main Idea In spite of internal conflicts, the Muslims created a huge empire that included lands on three continents
New Leader Muhammad dies in 632 Muslims elect Abu-Bakr to be first caliph Caliph = Muslim leader, meaning successor or deputy
Leaders Spread Islam 4 “rightly guided” caliphs Guided by the Qur’an and the Sunna (Muhammad’s example) Jihad means “striving” and refers to inner struggle against evil and sometimes means armed conflict against nonbelievers Muslims will spread and conquer Syria and lower Egypt
Reasons for Success Muslim armies Tolerance Well disciplined Other empires weak from wars Tolerance Islam offers equality and hope Muslims tolerate other religions Christians and Jews received special treatment as “people of the book”
Internal Conflict Struggle for power (murders) ends elective system Wealthy family, Umayyads, take power Move capital to Damascus Sunni / Shi’a split Shia believe the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad Sunni believe the caliph should follow the Sunna The Sunna is the example of Muhammad
Trade Network Develops Trade Network develops in the Muslim World Trade by land and sea Through Europe and Asia Single currency The Saak (The check) Can get deposits from any of a network of banks
Muslim Culture While Europe entered the Dark Ages, it was the Muslim World that sustained culture and education Astronomers/Mathematicians Physicians and Medical Advances Literature Art Calligraphy Architecture