Fractions, Decimals, Percents
Why are Fractions hard for kids? Pg. 206 in Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Pg. 341 in book
Fraction Models Area Models Length/ Number Lines Sets Table 15.1 on pg. 342
Area Models Playground Fractions on pg. 343
Length Models Fraction Strips
Set Models
Fraction Size is Relative See Pg 347
Illustrate the following fractions 5 brownies shared with 2 kids 10 brownies shared with 4 kids 4 brownies shared with 8 kids 2 brownies shared with 4 kids 5 brownies shared with 3 kids 2 brownies shared with 3 kids What does your illustration look like for each? How can this help kids understand fractions as equal shares?
Problem-Based Approach to Operations of Fractions Use contextual tasks Explore Estimate Address common misconceptions Pg 373
Solve the following problem using models and explaining your answer What Makes 1/5? Jenn subtracted 2 fractions with different denominators and came up with a difference of 1/5. What could the 2 fractions have been? Explain your work using pictures, numbers, and/or words.
Solve the following problem using models and explaining your answer Servings of food: How many servings of ½ in 3 containers? How many servings of ¼ in 5 containers? How many servings of 1/5 in 8 containers? How many servings of 1/8 in 3¾ containers?
Decimals Base Ten Blocks Modeling Estimating
Sample Problems Pg 417