CO-LABORERS IN THE LORD FULFILLING THE GREAT COMMISSION! MISSIONARY POLICY CO-LABORERS IN THE LORD FULFILLING THE GREAT COMMISSION! And while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted & prayed & laid their hands on them, they sent them away. — Acts 13:2-3 CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH P.O. Box 91 2530 State Route 28 Wevertown, NY 12886 Church: (518) 251-3304 Home: (518) 251-2323 – 1 –
OUR CHURCH PURPOSE DEAR MISSIONARY REACHING UP: Helping people establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ REACHING IN: Helping people to grow In their walk with Jesus Christ through discipleship REACHING OUT: Helping people utilize their talents, passions, and gifts to reach out to others in ministry and service for God DEAR MISSIONARY Calvary Bible Church has been entrusted to reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We also believe in partnering with others to reach different parts of the world with the Gospel. This brochure presents our heartbeat and commitment to partnering with those who hold to the same biblical doctrines and worldview. We value your ministry and desire to maintain a great relationship with you! The policies in this brochure help us most effectively and efficiently join with you in ministry. You are a vital part of our fulfilling the Great Commission. We want to be an important help to you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at: (518) 251-3304 [church], or (518) 251-2323 [home], or [email] May God bless your ministry efforts! Sincerely, Pastor Jonathan R. Rayder – 2 –
OUR MISSIONARY POLICIES Agreement with Our Doctrinal Position In order for any missionary organization or missionary to be considered for support, they MUST be in complete agreement with Calvary Bible Church’s doctrinal position. Re-evaluation We evaluate our missionaries on a yearly basis. Re-evaluation could result in increase, decrease, or termination of your support. Calvary Bible Church reserves the right to evaluate each missionary on a case-by-case basis. This is not a critical evaluation, but simply a check to ensure you still have a need of support and that the mission is blessed by the Lord. Furlough We will reevaluate supporting a missionary on furlough for longer than 12 months. We may withhold the missionaries’ support and continue again when you are back on the field. We support a missionary for one furlough every four years or equivalent. In other words, for every four years on the field, we expect the missionary will be on furlough for one of those years in the United States. – 3 –
OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU If God led the church to add you to our Missions Family, you can expect the following things from us: Prayer Support You can expect that our congregation will be praying for you, your family, and your ministry each week. Every Wednesday we highlight one of our Missionary Families. We also print and e-mail prayer requests and update letters for viewing. Communication Someone from Calvary Bible Church will write every missionary at some point during the year. You can expect other correspondence from our Pastor. We believe that it is important to stay in close communication with our missionaries. We want to be an encouragement to you! Regular Financial Support Our goal is to sustain each missionary with financial blessings on a consistent basis. If you feel at any time that you may have been overlooked in this matter, we ask you to please bring this to the Pastor’s attention, so that we can be a help to you. Consideration of Special Needs We will seriously consider helping with any needs that arise while you are on the field. Please let us know! Encouragement Whether it be an extra love gift or some other small item through the mail, we will seek to encourage you, particularly when the going gets tough. 6. Visits Our church may send one of our church members or Pastor to visit and encourage you, or we may bring a group to see your field and help your ministry. Again, we look at you as part of our family, and want to help you succeed in the calling God has on your life. 7. Lodging Accommodations Any time you are with us for meetings we will have you stay in a nice home or our local motel. – 4 –
OUR EXPECTATIONS OF YOU Since we will financially support your mission along with hours of prayer, and many letters, if you become part of our Missionary Family, we have a few expectations of you. Communication We cannot effectively fulfill our responsibilities of encouragement, prayer support, and help if you do not stay in close communication with us. Therefore, we expect every missionary we support to write at least once every 3 months. Steadfast Commitment To Your Convictions We view our Missionary Family as an extension of our Church. Based on this principle, if you compromise on the field, we would be just as guilty in that we support you. Therefore, if at any time you shift one of your stated positions on doctrine, current issues, standards, or if you fail morally, we expect you of your own initiative to notify us of any changes. Reports When you are making plans to come home on furlough, we would like for you to schedule a personal meeting with us or a video through the internet to update our church on how God is using you on the field. Returning Contact the Pastor directly if you plan to return to the states for any reason. Prayer Cards Your prayer cards are essential. Please send us a handful (approx. 75) of your latest prayer cards along with a family picture. Contact Information Field information such as addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses are subject to constant change. Please update us promptly about such changes so we can maintain efficient records. Please notify us of any changes regarding your sending church and/or mission board as this will result in re-evaluation of your support. Pastoral Leadership and Local Church Ethics While we want to encourage communication between you and our membership, we ask that you bring up concerns only with the pastor, or one of the deacons if the pastor is not available. They are: – 5 –