The Heart Cry of Infertility Turned into the Song of Hope
Introduction The first Christmas began in a time of despair… The first two people in the Christmas story had their own private season of despair…
Introduction But God spoke a message of hope into the despair A message that erupted in the Song of Hope!
Faithful but BARREN A Truly Righteous Couple A Truly Hopeless Situation Still Faithful in Their Duties
TROUBLING Visit, OVERWHELMING News Angel Gabriel Shows Up! Great news! Prayers have been heard! You Will Have a Son! An Extraordinary Son!
TROUBLING Visit, OVERWHELMING News Angel Gabriel Shows Up! Great news! But Zechariah Doubts… How can I be sure of this?
Doubts Quickly SILENCED Gabriel Speaks… The Sign—Struck Dumb! Silently Addresses the Crowd He went to his home…
MIRACULOUS Conception and Birth Elizabeth Conceived! She Kept Herself Hidden Joyful, Wondrous Birth
Birth FORETELLS the Coming MESSIAH! God’s Silence Ended God Remembers He Will Send the Deliverer! John Will Be His Forerunner
Conclusion In Spite of Dismay In the Face of Hopelessness God Hears God Is Working!