What is E-Commerce ?
Types of E-Commerce Software as a service is a cloud based delivery model in which applications are hosted and managed in a service provider's datacenter Business-to-Consumer (B2C) In a Business-to-Consumer E-commerce environment, companies sell their online goods to consumers who are the end users of their products or services.
Types of E-Commerce Business-to-Business (B2B) In a Business-to-Business E-commerce environment, companies sell their online goods to other companies without being engaged in sales to consumers. Consumer-to-Business (C2B) In a Consumer-to-Business E-commerce environment, consumers usually post their products or services online on which companies can post their bids.
Types of E-Commerce Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) In a Consumer-to-Consumer E-commerce environment consumers sell their online goods to other consumers. A well-known example is eBay.
Famous site in E-Commerce
Famous site in E-Commerce Type of Sells Auctions Fixed Price Type of sells Sellers can edit Products Sellers can’t edit Products Give back product Not all products All products Prices Auction + Fixed Prices Fixed Prices Exchange products Available Not Available
Benefits of E-Commerce For Sellers More efficient, More profit Sellers can sell products worldwide & AnyTime AnyWhere( Availability ) Law cost Selling online is less expensive than selling offline. Communication Sellers can communicate with customers.
Benefits of E-Commerce For Buyers Less Time Less Effort Buyers can buy product using Mobile device. Free to chose Buyers can chose and compare products. Satisfied Customers Customers can return products & money .
Done by : Student # : Subject : E-Commerce Supervised By : Dr Done by : Student # : Subject : E-Commerce Supervised By : Dr. Raneem Qaddoura.