A Day in the Life… Curriculum Night Mrs. Bunch, Mrs. Proper Ms. Kennon, Mrs. Young Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Bacharach and Mrs. Nunn
Morning Procedures Morning Work Morning Meeting (Read Aloud)
Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work (Mimio) Work on Writing
Mathematics Saxon Math Curriculum Common Core Objectives Interactive Notebook Hands-on inquiry manipulatives, games, exploration of materials, journaling
Lunch! Zero Waste Lunch Every Wednesday
Activity Time A time during the day where the students use: And other Brain breaks
Science Unit 1: Matter Unit 2: Concepts of Sound Unit 3: Weather Unit 4: Animal Life Cycles Unit 5: Genetics Science Fair
Social Studies Unit 1: Civics and Government Unit 2: History and Culture Unit 3: Economics and Financial Literacy Unit 4: Geography and Environmental Literacy
Extras Scrapbooking International Sister Country - Germany Data Binders & Thursday Folders Study Island XtraMath
Assessments (Daily) Class Work Quizzes Tests Group Work Projects Participation
Assessments (Yearlong) Running Records (quarterly) State standard by end of the year: 24 CIS Goals: B.O.Y.: 18 E.O.Y.: 28/30 Beginning, Middle, and End of Year: Writing Prompts MAP Testing (Reading, Language Arts, Math)
Grading 4 = 95% and higher 3 = 75-94% 2 = 60-74% 1 = 59% and below Rubric grading on projects
Quarterly Themes Creating Global Citizens Making Connections Around the World Exploring Systems in the World Caring for the Planet and It’s People