OSGi alapú alkalmazások hatékony fejlesztése Maven+Eclipse eszközökkel Zsoldos Balázs
Eredeti motiváció Internet time 10 minutes Deployment time 2 minutes
Coding time Deployment time Facebook time “What was I doing?” time
Reduce deployment time v3
“mvn package” + copy file Iteration is faster, but not fast enough (compile + copy)
drop JAR OR Drop project process “target/classes”
up-to-date “target/classes” Eclipse + maven-bundle-plugin = up-to-date “target/classes”
Test Code Deploy / Run tests Production code
Test Code Deploy / Run tests Production code
up-to-date “target/classes” Eclipse + maven-bundle-plugin = up-to-date “target/classes”
How does the plugin work?
Dependencies on the workspace
Graceful shutdown
Maven plugin works from different class space than the Eclipse plugin