Allah is Goodness and Goodness is The Sunnah Prayers
The Prophet would always pray ten Rak'ahs while he was at home and it is these regarding which Ibn 'Umar said: "I have continued to observe the performance of ten rak'ahs which I learnt from the Messenger of Allah; Two Rak'ahs before Zuhr and two Rak'ahs after it, two Rak'ahs after Maghrib and two Rak'ahs after Isha in his house and two Rak'ahs before the Fajr prayer.” - Muslim If he missed the two Rak'ahs before the Zuhr prayer, he would make up for them during the time when it is prohibited to pray after Asr. Sometimes, he used to offer four Rak'ahs before Zuhr. As for the two Rak'ahs before Maghrib, it has been authentically reported from him: "Pray two Rak'ahs before Maghrib ( and he repeated it three times); after the third time, he said: "For whomsoever wishes," because he did not want the people to think it was an obligation - Bukhari
In general, he used to offer the Sunan Prayers in his home His observation of the Sunnah of Fajr was stricter than that of all of the other voluntary prayers. He never failed to observe it and the Witr prayer regardless of whether he was at home or traveling It has not been transmitted from him that he offered any Sunnah prayer while traveling other than these two
He never abandoned the Night Prayer and if sleep or illness overcame him, he would offer twelve Rak'ahs during the day When he woke up from a nights sleep, the Prophet would say: "La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka, Allaumma Astagfhiruka Lizanbee Wa AsAluka Rahmataka, Ailithumma, Zidnee Inman Wa La Tuzigh Qalbee Ba'da Idh Hadaitanee, Wa Hab Lee Min Ladunka Rahmatan Innaka Antal-Wahhab" "None has the right to be worshipped except You, Glory be to You. Oh, Allah! I seek forgiveness from You for my sins and I ask You for Your Mercy. Oh, Allah! Increase me in knowledge and do not make my heart deviate from the truth after You have guided me and grant me Mercy from You; truly, You are the Bestower"
If he awoke from a sleep in the day he would say: "Al-Haindu Lillahil-Ladhee Ahyana Ba'da Ma Amatana Wa IlaihinNusar" "All praise and thanks be to Allah, Who has brought us to life after he had made us to die [i.e. sleep] and to Him will be the Resurrection." Then he would clean his teeth with the Miswaki and he might recite ten Verses from the end of Sarah Al- lmran, from His Words: "Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth". Then he would perform ablution and pray two light Rak'ahs and he ordered his Companions to do likewise
The Prophets prayers at night were of three types: Standing (which was the most common), sitting and reciting in a sitting position and then when only a little remained of his recitation, standing and bowing in a standing position. It has not been reported from him that he used to perform Qunat in Witr. Instead there is a hadith from Ibn Majah which states Umar used to do it. But there is nothing from the Prophet (sa) reciting it during witr.
It is also from the guidance of the Prophet to perform prayer when the sun eclipses When the sun eclipse the prophet would hurry fearfully to the Masjid and he would pray 2 rakaats reciting aloud in the first one the Fatihah a long Sarah, and then the second rakat was the same but a shorter surah than the first. It was during this prayer that he saw Paradise and the Fire; he tried to pluck a bunch of grapes from it and show,them to his Companions and he saw: A woman who was being lacerated by a cat which she had tied up until it died of hunger and thirst And he saw 'Amr Ibn Malik dragging his intestines in the Fire And he saw a person who stole from a Hajj pilgrim being punished.