Geodesy & Crustal Deformation Geology 6690/7690 Geodesy & Crustal Deformation 27 Sep 2017 GPS Reference Frames • GPS Reference Frame relates Earth-fixed to satellite motion; reference frame effects are part of position error • Must somehow account for (secular) plate motions, (secular) deformation, (approximately secular) glacial isostatic adjustment, and any/all transients including deformation due to water/ice mass changes... Read for Fri 29 Sep: Wahr §3.1-3.2 (67-75) © A.R. Lowry 2017
Read for Monday, Oct 2: Herring et al. (2016) Plate Boundary Observatory and related networks: GPS data analysis methods and geodetic products, Reviews of Geophysics, 54(4), 759-808
Left out sites based on <100 km distance from a Bird (2003) plate Altamimi et al. JGR 2012 Left out sites based on <100 km distance from a Bird (2003) plate boundary (red); glacial isostatic adjustment from a model (blue); large velocity residuals (black, > 3s or 3 mm).
GRACE geoid rate (Detlef & Ivins, J. Geodynamics, 2008) GPS vertical velocities show some general correspondence to the GRACE measurements… Difficult to see given differences in projections here, but there is a sampling issue with GPS. Sella et al. (GRL, 2004) used both campaign and continuous GPS data; get better spatial sampling than Calais et al….
But the effects of glacial isostatic adjustment on horizontal velocity (especially that which could be interpreted as plate motion) is MUCH more widespread than the vertical perturbation. Latychev et al, GRL, 2005
Residuals of their plate model (at sites included in the model)… Mostly sub-mm/yr (but island sites are problematic!)
Left side is the difference between the ITRF2008 (GPS) reference frame and the NNR version of NUVEL-1A (derived from geological and earthquake data)... Right side is the difference between the ITRF2008 (GPS) Altamimi et al. [2012]. The most current International Terrestrial Reference Frame is ITRF2014 (published Jan 2016). Previous GPS RFs were WGS84, ITRF89, 90, … 94, 96, 97, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2014.
Another thing to consider in comparing GPS-derived and other (geologically-defined) plate models… Sella et al. (2002)
Geological evidence for past changes suggests collisions… ~30 Ma ~15 Ma Geological evidence for past changes suggests collisions… Knesel et al., Nature, 2008
For Nazca/SoAm/ Nubia, maybe slab flattening? Pérez-Gussinyé et al., G3, 2008